This thread is for me and Derick!

corn pizza...

man, working at donatos use to kick so much ass. I used to come up with my own bad ass ideas, like the time i thought that the meat lovers pizza was not meat lovers enough, so i decided to put every single peice of meat in the store on a pizza, including the salami from the salads / subs, smoked turkey, and even chicken wings. The pizza was then named "The Noah's Arch Pizza" as it had 2 of every animal on it.
My next goal is a mango pizza.. but.. but..... I just have no idea where to go from there?!? GRILLING the mango is probably a step in there, but, wtf goes with mangos

nahhhh, like something else not fruit related. I just googled and saw the words "bacon and mango pizza" which tickles my fancy!

however my weakness is what to use for sauces. I'm really not fond of traditional tomato pizza sauce, so the only things I ever use are BBQ sauce or olive oil, sometimes a pesto sauce (preferably basil).

A mango and bacon pizza with some kind of white creamy sauce? hmmmmm

OH! zomg - cilantro will be involved