Those missionary girls were released. Thoughts?


kickass elizabethan style
May 2, 2001
Maryland, U.S.
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We've talked before about those two American girls who were being held in Afghanistan, and the general consensus was that we didn't feel too badly for them.

My mom actually called me she was so happy to tell me that they'd been released. Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!

She was horrified when I didn't sound particularly happy. Not that I wanted them to be killed exactly, but I wouldn't have cared if they had been. I think what they were doing is disgraceful. My mom then said, "Well, at least be happy for their parents!" What?! It's their fault for raising them that way! My mom told me to get some therapy. :lol:
I am with you all the way Lina for lack of a better phrase missionary’s suck. I really didn't care if they were released or not. Anyone who volunteers to brainwash doesn't have my respect.
Although I don't condone brainwashing of any kind, particularly when it involves other cultures/creeds (and especially children), I was somewhat pleased to hear they were returned safely. I wasn't jumping for joy, but it was definitely a positive feeling that I got from hearing about it.

I was pleased just because I have a basic love and respect for human life and compassion for the psychological pain of others, particularly when such people are completely innocent. I'm not saying this because I think it sounds nice, I'm saying it because I'm not afraid to be honest about such things.

I'd have much less sympathy if I felt that they were doing something wrong over there by preaching their nonsense, but by their own ideas, I don't think they were at all. They meant well and they so believe in what they are saying that they are willing to risk their own lives to "save" a few "souls", laughable as this is. How could I think badly about another human who would do that, no matter how misguided? I could not.

I'm not saying I respect them, not saying I like what they were doing, not saying they are particularly bright. I think they are just brainwashed and so aren't thinking entirely clearly, the holy light has blinded them. If they actually understood they are just trapped by an ancient myth, then there's no way they would've went over there in the first place. They are just tools for the religion.

In short, I feel they are victims of the religion which has pervaded their minds and therefore their only shortcoming is their lack of personal insight and inability to free themselves of the web of lies in which they have become entangled. Therefore, since they are clearly very warm and loving (although misguided), I find joy and comfort in their release and I am happy for them and their families.

Wow lina, if someone didn't know any better, they would think that you were really cold and evil :lol:

I'm actually sort of glad they didn't die, because everyone would have made them out to be such martyrs. I almost threw up from all of the canonization that went on with the Columbine kids that were killed. Yeah they were real saintly: "They died so that others could make fun of dorks." What a bunch of hypocritical self serving garbage.

I saw the headline earlier today and just though;
"So, more people are down there trying to do
some brainwashing? Will they never learn?"
I felt no joy over them being released...
Acutally they sort of deserve it. No, they didn't go
down there to become hostages, but their reason
for going is one of the worst.
I have no respect for people like that.
I would have acted the same way to my parents. Maybe worse.

Two girls where released from Afghanistan? This has about as much meaning to me as a SI model dying from an untimely death. Untimely...why do they say that? Is it WRITTEN somewhere how long each person has to LIVE?! And if you die before that time, it's considered untimely. Is it still considered untimely if everyone hated the same person? Or does untimely only apply to people that we all HATE TO SEE GO so much more than anyone else? w/e

I'm sure those girls’ parents and family are thrilled. They must feel really good. I know I would if it were MY sister or (god forbid) child only because I'd have a closer connection to them emotionally.

I think this is reason why news doesn't appeal to me.

----------------deleted rant---------------- :bah:

OK, I won't say that much. Let's just leave it at that.

"In the name of desperation..."
I don't get this. Just cuz they are misguided idiots is no reason not to be happy for them.

I don't respect them either, but that doesn't mean I don't care about them. Blackspirit, do you have to respect someone before you give a crap if they live or die? What if you saw a dog hanging by its leash, being choked to death.. do you have to like and respect the dog to rescue it? What would you do if it was a dog you never saw before? What if it was a dog that had snapped at you in the past?

Perhaps I'm assuming that everyone *should* have compassion for others and share in their pain/joy just as I do. I realize this is just my perception and nothing more, therefore, I don't expect anyone here to empathize or relate to what I'm saying. I feel most people generally don't like others very much, it's just a reality of our modern world.

I guess I just care too much about others to be indifferent to their problems.

I'm happy for them, but I also feel a lot of pity for them, I feel sorry for them for being so deluded and stupid for going there in the first place, but they meant well, doesn't that mean anything to anyone here? The intent is everything, and their intentions were honourable, as fucked as they were.

In any case however, I appreciate the display of honesty that is displayed in this thread. I honestly feel that a general lack of compassion for others is what makes this world such a shitty place, and I feel good knowing that at least I am not personally adding to this low-key hatred and disregard for others... but then, compassion comes easily for the selfless so it's not something I had to put effort in to, it just comes natually to me and always has. I also realize and accept that not everyone is designed to be loving toward everyone else, we are the product of our genetics and our experiences, therefore, this is the kind of variety I would expect to see and I have no problems with any of it.

Originally posted by Satori
I don't respect them either, but that doesn't mean I don't care about them. Blackspirit, do you have to respect someone before you give a crap if they live or die? What if you saw a dog hanging by its leash, being choked to death.. do you have to like and respect the dog to rescue it? What would you do if it was a dog you never saw before? What if it was a dog that had snapped at you in the past?

I'm happy for them, but I also feel a lot of pity for them, I feel sorry for them for being so deluded and stupid for going there in the first place, but they meant well, doesn't that mean anything to anyone here? The intent is everything, and their intentions were honourable, as fucked as they were.

Noup, don't have to respect someone to help them.
It's not like that. The thing is, what can I do with these two girls?
What can I say to prevent them from doing the same mistake again?
I see these things over and over. We had a man here in Norway who
was held a hostage twice, and his belief still keeps him going down
to the same place... I can't remember the country he went to,
but the law actually says he is not allowed to be a christian missionare there!
Still he does what he feels is best... I don't know what to do to help
people like this. They are blinded by their faith in God, and then so be it.
I don't have to know anyone to help them, as long as I see how to help I will...

Pluss, as Opet said, this is only in the's not personal enough for me...
I see this every day, and they are not dogs, they are people who can
think and make good judgements. They should have known....
Of course what they have been through is horrible, but I can't put myself in their situation...
Because I KNOW I wouldn't have done such a thing. I'm different.
Originally posted by Blackspirit
Pluss, as Opet said, this is only in the's not personal enough for me...

I guess just being a member of the same species isn't enough.

I see this every day, and they are not dogs, they are people who can think and make good judgements. They should have known....

This is where we disagree. I don't think that they can think or make good judgements, they are religious missionaries, they are complete idiots. I think their actions were like that of a child who sticks his hand in the toaster even though he's been told a million times not to.

I get what you are saying however, and I can relate to some extent. I just can't get past the fact that they are well-intentioned (though perhaps self-serving) and because of this I feel the same way about them as I do about everything and everyone in existence.

I guess I'm a bit of a freak, hehe.

What if you saw a dog hanging by its leash, being choked to death.. do you have to like and respect the dog to rescue it? What would you do if it was a dog you never saw before? What if it was a dog that had snapped at you in the past?

Hold it RIGHT THERE mister. You're going to compare a PERSON to a DOG to make a point about compassion??? Come on now. A dog isn't going to understand that if he does this and then that he's going to choke himself. You know that. Those girls must have known WHERE they were going. Sure, just like the dog, they didn't understand, I'm sure, what the outcome could be...but, this..this comparison? Yes. I understand. Your compassion for life in all forms far surpasses my own, but there's something in there...that humans can think before they do. We know what can happen and we have the imagination to ponder the worst possible outcomes. I don't know.

What you said up there just didn't sound right to me. I know they had good intentions, but I think they could have put more thought for their personal safety into it. Is that selfish? Well, then look what happened because they weren't selfish. It happens though. People try to help others and for whatever reason they don't want it. Instead they strike out at you. It's not the first time it's ever happened. I think as humans with brains stronger than dogs ;) they should have understood and considered it.

Enough already.

"I am so cold."
Originally posted by Satori

This is where we disagree. I don't think that they can think or make good judgements, they are religious missionaries, they are complete idiots. I think their actions were like that of a child who sticks his hand in the toaster even though he's been told a million times not to.

I get what you are saying however, and I can relate to some extent. I just can't get past the fact that they are well-intentioned (though perhaps self-serving) and because of this I feel the same way about them as I do about everything and everyone in existence.

I guess I'm a bit of a freak, hehe.


A smart freak indeed >:eek:)

Nice to see your view on this... made me think :eek:)
I still stand by what I posted earlier... If I had met
them and got to know them I woul've cared, because
then I would know if they were stupid or not >:eek:P

And your view on people is what makes it so easy
to discuss things with you.

By the way; how is their act well-intentioned?
It's their job as christians to get more people to
believe in God. This will get them to heaven...
Hum... I guess I just can't put myself in their situation
and see how they can REALLY think this is a good thing,
that they are doing these people good...
You're right Satori, they are total IDIOTS!!!
Originally posted by Blackspirit
By the way; how is their act well-intentioned?
It's their job as christians to get more people to
believe in God. This will get them to heaven...

I think it was meant to be well-intentioned on their part, I mean, they meant well, they weren't trying to hurt anyone by doing what they were doing and ultimately they felt they were doing something constructive (even though we know they weren't). I realize there was also a selfish side to their actions too (getting into heaven), but aside from this, I'm sure that they thought they were actually helping and I can't help but admire this quality in others, even if they happen to be intellectually incapacitated by mythology.

I can understand that it means nothing to you because you don't know them personally, and I feel the same way to an extent so I can totally relate. I was speaking in a more general context, not just a completely personal one.

I'd like to clarify that I had no desire to kill these girls with my own hands. If given a choice between letting them live or die, I'd obviously let them live. I don't think they're evil -- just stupid.

I realize this thread came off sounding quite callous. My bigger point though was just how annoyed I am at how the media (and therefore, every American) has been following their plight as if they're soliders carrying out some honorable mission over there, like they're fighting on the front lines. The fact that they've been released is now only going to make their faith stronger, make Americans think God is rewarding them. Which will make more people do missionary work. The whole thing makes me barf. They were just two dumb girls. Who cares.

Actually, there were four Australians and 2 Belgians (is that right? I'm not sure). Can any of you Aussies tell me if your country has been following their plight?
those whores graduated from my university.
i hope this event teaches self righteous
fucks to watch what they say
and where they say it. :heh:

the situation freed them and it wont be
the same during a second time.
I am happy that lives were spared. But i have no sympathy for them, for they are just as bad as the taliban and muslim cultures over there.

I have no sympathy for anyone that is killed or hurt because of their own beleif.

You die at your own hand, you choose your own fate.

If they were not so blind as to have followed the religion that their parent's had hammered into them, they would not have been over there in the first place.

I don't care if someone has an alternate beleif to me, i just don't want them in my face.

Preach and die.
it just shows the intolerance that people have for others. those missionaries didn't like the afghans beleifs and tried to change them with their own. just leave them the fuck alone! that's like a homosexual waliking into my house and telling me that i have to become one too (i've got nothing against homosexuals, i just don't have a desire to be one). i mean come on, these missionaries were being idiots. walking into a country where they despise christians and tried to make another little crusade. that's great theat their alive, la di frickin da, but i don't have to jump for joy because they were stupid enough to do that in the first place. i'm happy they didn't die, but pissed that they went on a suicide mission because they think that they're divine and they have a duty to god to tell the heathens they're wrong. maybe they'll think twice before being so intolerant as to walk into someones backyard and condemn them.
Originally posted by Satori

I guess just being a member of the same species isn't enough.

This is where we disagree. I don't think that they can think or make good judgements, they are religious missionaries, they are complete idiots. I think their actions were like that of a child who sticks his hand in the toaster even though he's been told a million times not to.

I get what you are saying however, and I can relate to some extent. I just can't get past the fact that they are well-intentioned (though perhaps self-serving) and because of this I feel the same way about them as I do about everything and everyone in existence.

I guess I'm a bit of a freak, hehe.


Huummmm. I thought you didn't judge people. Oh, you know these people and you know they are idiots? Wow, for an instant I thought you were being kind of a jerk.
But in other news, they said they were treated very well.
My thoughts on the release of these 2 women:

They did not deserve to die, or be held captive for their beliefs - so I'm glad their ordeal is over. And this has nothing to do with my feelings for what they do - I only answer from the human perspective of life.
Originally posted by Tribal
Huummmm. I thought you didn't judge people. Oh, you know these people and you know they are idiots? Wow, for an instant I thought you were being kind of a jerk.
But in other news, they said they were treated very well.

You thought I didn't judge people? Where would you get that idea? Anyone who claims that they don't judge others is a LIAR.

Yes, according to my definition of "idiot", they are idiots.
