Originally posted by Opet
Guess just being a member of the same species isn't enough. -Satori
OYeah? Well...this is where I disagree. Just because were the same species youd think Id love each and everyone? That may sound perfectly reasonable to you and everyone else, but to me its like saying something as absurd as, Why dont you have caring feelings for the sex offender? Hes human too.
Just for the record, I do have caring feelings for a sex offender, the same caring feelings I have for every living creature, even ones that repulse me like insects. So while I may think this sex offender is an idiot (in a sense) and should be locked up for life, I can realize that this person simply lacks either the will or abilty to control his actions, not unlike a dog who flips out one day and mauls a child - dogs just flip out every so often, and so do people.
I can think like this because I view people in the exact same context as I view animals (people are just animals after all, I don't make a distinction between the two). Some animals are completely nuts, some are amazingly kind and loyale. They are just the product of their genes and experiences and they can't really help what they are so I can't really blame them for what they are.
To me, anyone who takes part in any sort of self-serving anti-social behaviour is just an idiot. I can't hate someone because they are stupid or lacking in compassion, I just feel sorry for them.
I feel sorry for those missionary girls, they are truly idiots, and I don't blame them for their idiocy anymore than I blame a child for shitting their pants.
The difference here, in my eyes, is that a child grows up and learns from his mistake.
Possibly, but this isn't always the case. I've met some adults with the intellectual capacity of 10 year old. We can't assume everyone is intelligent enough to learn, and those who aren't need our pity, not our hatred (I think).
I think theyre doing what makes them happy and isnt that what we all want in life? I assume too often that just because someone looks like an adult on the outside that the inside should be capable of logical thought.
How I wish they were, but they clearly are not. These missionary chicks were risking their lives to perpetuate a potentially harmful myth, how much more illogical could they get?
I just can't get past the fact that they are well-intentioned...
Dammit. Ya had to say that. Didnt ya. Well, that kills my sex offender example. Well, not really, because that was an issue of the species alone. Not good intensions. But, wheres their common sense?
We can't assume that others have common sense either.
I guess I'm a bit of a freak.
No. You just dont contribute to the hate factor in the world. Christ, man, your compassion levels are through the roof, huh?
Thank you very much. It's not something I think about or strive towards, I just fell into that mode as a result of my intended "self"-negation. To put it as simply as possible: when I finally broke out of the frame of mind where I felt like an ego forever divided against the universe, my sense of personal division was replaced with a feeling of oneness and connectiveness with everything and everyone. Since then, I see myself in everyone and everything and I can't help but cherish it ALL just as I cherish my "self" and my own life.
To put it another way, I can compare myself to a piece of fruit which fell to the ground and grow into a tree. I can feel like I have just spawned into existence out of nowhere, or I can realize that I am just an apple which grew on a branch with grew from the earth, etc. I'm a part of everything that's going on and HAS gone on since the beginning of time, and I'm a direct result of it all. I am a part of what the universe is doing in it's state of perpetual flux. I am an expression of reality, and although I have this human mind which seems bent on regarding itself as this distinct ego, holding itself apart against reality, I know this is not the case. I am part of everything and everything is a part of what I regard as "me", this is nothing at all surreal or deep or mystical, it's just common sense. I am all and I always have been, it just took me a while to realize it and once I finally did I never forgot it.
The reason I have such a huge problem with relgions is cuz they encouage people to cling to their egos, their tiny notions of "self" or "me". The idea of "self" is so important to religions that they even fabricate this "soul" thing which will be set apart from the universe for all of eternity. To me, this is just ridiculous. We are no more "separate" from the universe than is an apple seed, a hydrogen atom, or a particle of light. It's all the same energy, all the same stuff, and it all came from one place.
Put in another way, consciousness is the means by which the universe has become self-aware. Through you, the universe is looking at itself. If you hate something/someone, then that is in fact the universe hating itself. Likewise, if you love something/someone, then that is the universe loving itself. Neither is better than the other, they are both just human "feelings" and are of absolutely no consequence or importance in the grander scheme of the cosmos. So whether we love or hate, live or die, from the universe's perspective, it doesn't matter, events are just events, the universe just keeps on fluxuating, stars go nova, stars are born, it's all just shit that happens completely independent of what we may think about it. Does this sound cold and unfeeling? Yes and no. The universe isn't cold, this is only a perception, the universe just IS and there really isn't anything more we can say about it. So where does compassion come in? Well, we are humans, and as such we have all these feelings, desires, ideals, etc. Just because the things exist only with our skulls, does this mean we should disregard them? I don't think so. I am a human and my evolution has instilled in me the will to live, the abilty to laugh, the desire for love and sex, etc. So, as a human, I *choose* to value human life (and the entire universe for that matter) as precious to me and as a part of me. I know this is just a perception, just a choice I have made, but that doesn't matter. I am just a person and in my short life I figure I may as well make the best of it according to my human mind (even though I know it's all subjective bullshit and inconsequential relative to reality as a whole). In the vastness of time and space, billions of galaxies each containing billions of stars, I know I am unimportant, but I may as well amuse myself while I'm here and make the best of it, for myself, and everyone/everything around me, and that starts with me, with the choices I make right now, how I choose to percieve the world, so I choose to perceive it in a way that I regard as beneficial and part of that is choosing to feel completely as one with everyone and everything. Ego leads to desire, and desire leads to suffering. Just a way of looking at things, just an interpretation, I know it's not for everyone but it fits me like a glove and I am greatful for that. Ok, I've rambled enough about this..
Ive got a tremendously high level of compassion for animals. Maybe thats because animals havent proven themselves to be rude or careless or lazy time and time again.
Peoples are animals too and our greater intelligence is what gives us our greater variety (and also I greater propensity for good/evil).