Thoughts on crowdsurfing

I agree with Chris, sort of. If you don't wanna get pushed/hit/squashed then stay out of the pit at shows where it's likely to happen, ie. any show where there's more than 100 people.

Please Note - by saying this, I don't mean that I'm some kind of pit-bandit......the shows I go to rarely have pits, so I just get up the front and headbang.
Doesn't it strike anyone else as unfair that the pseudo-macho jackasses should get the best seats in the house?
Crowd Surfers and over enthusiastic moshers are fucking annoying, id rather watch the show and actually appreciate the band rather than have some sweaty neaderthal's ass crack grabbing at my face. Nothing wrong with good old headbanging and a bit of push and shove though
Disturbed4ntics said:
I can't stand that or moshing. I would just like to watch the SHOW and not

That's the funny thing - it used to be that you could get a good pit going and people would WATCH OUT FOR EACH OTHER, and people on the ring of the pit would PICK YOU UP WHEN YOU GOT KNOCKED DOWN...I have no problem with that, it's fun and a good way to blow off steam. But nowadays, like said earlier, you have all these meatheads and fucking idiots who think it's cool to jack people when they aren't looking, or flail their legs around while up on the crowd. I have no problem clocking someone who tries bashing me at a show - I would rather avoid the situation, but you try sucker punching me and I'm coming right back at you twice as hard.

On top of that - yes, everyone should know that the front row will be rough - that's a fact, and I would never bring my wife up there. You have to enter at your own risk - I will say that if I am up front, I try to keep an eye out on anyone who looks like thay are having a hard time.

Nowadays - I find a nice area and relax and enjoy the show...I get more out of it that way. There's just too many fucking drunk or exxed up heros that want to show how tough they are...I rather enjoy watching them knock the crap out of each other. What goes around eventually comes around.
Glad I wasn't alone in my thinking. I dont mind the pit, but like most of you said, I dont like it when there's some dipshit in there throwing punches. All the pure metal shows I've been to (nile, hypocrisy, vader, etc) there was no crowd surfing at all. I was front row to see how the guitarist's did there thing. I could tolerate the squashing by the weight of the crowd. I guess my point is, I hate mallcore an the crowd that goes with it.

At the upcoming Iced Earth/Children of Bodom show, I'm willing to bet there's not gonna be crowd surfing and the pit will be scarce of people tryin to prove their "hard"
GoOnScram said:
Glad I wasn't alone in my thinking. I dont mind the pit, but like most of you said, I dont like it when there's some dipshit in there throwing punches. All the pure metal shows I've been to (nile, hypocrisy, vader, etc) there was no crowd surfing at all. I was front row to see how the guitarist's did there thing. I could tolerate the squashing by the weight of the crowd. I guess my point is, I hate mallcore an the crowd that goes with it.

At the upcoming Iced Earth/Children of Bodom show, I'm willing to bet there's not gonna be crowd surfing and the pit will be scarce of people tryin to prove their "hard"

I don't know..Theres going to be mallcores getting their hands of Children Of Bodom soon. Dunno about Iced Earth, but ironically i'm listening to their new album right now. If mallcores get hold of Iced Earth it's only benifit is making the CDs more expensive and making it easier to find Iced Earth's shirts and merch online and off. Like Dimmu
I honestly don't give a fuck who listens to what...if this group or that group ends up getting into stuff I listen to, so be it...I'm still into it for the music. It may be a more controlled environment when you are into a band that not many people know about, but if it's a good band, the chances are they will get more popular and eventually there are gonna be bandwagon jumpers...fuck them and their stupidity - it won't ever stop, and those kinds of idiots really aren't worth anyone's's a fad for them and they'll eventually go the same way they came - when something new comes along and it's cool to be into it...
Life Sucks said:
Hardcore dancing is fucking retarded; idiots who are windmilling or kicking around always wind up hitting people. There is nothing wrong with occasional crowdsurfing though.

Exactly. Most retarded shit ever.

I was upfront at the Vital Remains show in Philly, and had no problems with mosh pit douche bags.
Well's a METAL show-this sort of shit happens! I think it's annoying, but I just stay out of the way of it.

I am old enough to remember when stage diving had not been banned yet! You want to talk to about having to be aware and dodge people!
polarity said:
Doesn't it strike anyone else as unfair that the pseudo-macho jackasses should get the best seats in the house?
Dude, it's hardly a bunch of beefcake assholes hoarding the pit. more time than not, it's a bunch a skinny tooth pick people slamming around. But no matter the size of the people in the pit, at any show I go to, pit's have always been just "been a part of the show".
I kill crowdsurfers. I carry an extremely sharp but very small penknife with me to any gigs I go to. If someone crowdsurfs on top of me, I take it out in a matter of seconds and get it inbetween a couple of their vertibrae. No more idiot crowdsurfer.
ShadowOfDeath said:
I don't know..Theres going to be mallcores getting their hands of Children Of Bodom soon. Dunno about Iced Earth, but ironically i'm listening to their new album right now. If mallcores get hold of Iced Earth it's only benifit is making the CDs more expensive and making it easier to find Iced Earth's shirts and merch online and off. Like Dimmu

I was at the IE/CoB show and their was a good deal of moshing, but it was mostly the kind where when people fell down, they were picked up. A few assholes, but it wasnt bad. Crowdsurfing didnt seem out of control either, i only saw it like 4 or 5 times throughout the show. The pit did get pretty riled up during both sets, so its not what i would call a rated G moshpit. I am 6' 225 pounds and holding my own wasnt an easy task.
Donnie Darko said:
I fuckin hate it. Im tryin to enjoy a show and every five seconds I have someone landing on me or kickin me in the head. During a Shadows Fall show a crowd surfer fell directly on my head and my neck was sore for weeks
And Brian Fair kicked Danny Boy in the head. Good times, good times.

BeyondFallenGuitar said:
The best is when a chick is crowd surfing, then you can cop a feel and she won't know who did it.
I know you're joking around and everything, but for the record, that shit sickens me.
i dont have anything against people crowd surfing. i dont do it myself mostly because i am 218 pounds. stop whining like a little girl, if you can't handle it stay at home. they didnt come to hit you in the head, they came to have a good time, as did everybody else.

its unfortunate that a girl should get hit in the head, but girls are also the ones that do a lot of the surfing ...

as for people who push you in when you're at the edge of the pit, its usually my best friend that does it to me :) and i dont really think its a crime to push somebody in unless you deliberately pick some pencilneck that is going to get squashed. because as far as i am concerned if you're at the edge of the pit you ARE part of the pit, so play the part.