

Sep 30, 2005
Well my curse still is on me. For the past year or so Metal haven has had the first Thurisaz disc....I always look at it becuase it is very simular in name to Turisas...the great folk metal band...I always think it is a earlier disc or something. Once Thurisaz was announced it made me laugh because I have been seeing that disc for a while now. I went to the MySpace page and they were pretty good....I figured I would pick up the disc over the weekend and low and was gone!!! This always happens to me. Oh well. I amsure I will get it eventually.
Sorry to hear because it is very good...but there is also a new album coming in March, so hopefully MH will have that one since they're on a decent label now.

Also, I hope that it was indeed sold because of the announcement that they're playing Powerfest...they certainly deserve the attention! :kickass: which one of you on this board bought it? :p
that is the first thing I thought of.....who on this board bought the disc. I am sure Haven will get the new one. They pretty much get everything asides a good selection of power metal!
I dig the one tune that is up on the Powerfest page.
I am getting more excited about the fest.
I am really digging the two Benedictum tracks.
I will most likely be buying their disc next time I am out at Impulse
Impulse is very light on non-prog or power.
They do carry the Solitude Aeturnus and Candlemass reissues.
I have seen Bathory there as well.
Cool store.
Sean (The "Q" as seen on the Ultimate Metal forums) works there.
He is a Helloween fanboy.
I love going in there when he tries to be "all that" talking about his "Prog Power Gold Badge" etc...
All I have to say to shut him up is, "Well, I have seen Helloween with Kiske and Kai Hanson" :lol: Sean's a good guy!!!
Yeah.. I go out to Impulse about every few months and do a big haul. I am really close to Metal haven and go every saturday morning and pick up like 2 to 4 CD's. I used to live really close to Impulse but didnt realize it was there till I was moving. Figures.
I knew something was very wrong at Impulse when I saw they were literally carrying fifty copies of a single Black n Blue album. Still, I go in there now and then and snap up a few things, but some of the super-bad AOR and ultra-Velveeta Power Metal offering render the pickings pretty slim sometimes.
I knew something was very wrong at Impulse when I saw they were literally carrying fifty copies of a single Black n Blue album. Still, I go in there now and then and snap up a few things, but some of the super-bad AOR and ultra-Velveeta Power Metal offering render the pickings pretty slim sometimes.

I totally agree. I wonder why they get limited amounts of new CD's of bands that will sell out of and tons of CD's by things that are not going to sell. I hate the web page because what ever is on the "Out Now" NEVER in the store. Sometimes I have driven out there and walked out with barely anything. One time though I dropped $150 so I really shouldnt complain. They usually get the Power Metal releases about a month or two before Haven gets them in.
I knew something was very wrong at Impulse when I saw they were literally carrying fifty copies of a single Black n Blue album.

He is down to 50?

Still, I go in there now and then and snap up a few things, but some of the super-bad AOR and ultra-Velveeta Power Metal offering render the pickings pretty slim sometimes.

How on Earth can you say such a thing?:lol:

As long as they got rid of that big jagoff that used to be there, that's the only thing that really counts...
Two words.

Profit Margin.

But then again, that only works if the CD is SOLD.

I know what you are saying. It is just funny that knowing that you will sell out of say Band X but Band Z is a very small fanbase but they seem to order tons of Band Z. I have also seen the same CD marked at different prices. I got an At Vance CD for 13.99 that was 17.99 with everything the same...could have been the domestic version but there was nothing extra on any of the disc so why pay more for the same.