Time adjusting days in LE are over?

Auto Time Adjuster

Auto Time Adjuster is designed to ease workflow in ProTools LE, when using plug-ins that generate significant latency. Currently to compensate for plugin latency you have to iether move individual audio tracks backwards/forwards or use the included Time Adjuster plugin to adjust the delay of each track in turn. One plug-in change can mean a lot of tweaks in a large project. This is where Auto Time Adjuster comes in, you insert it on every track as the last plug-in, and each track instance communicates their latency with the others. When you add/remove a plugin on a track all you need to do is enter the total latency for that track into its Auto Time Adjuster. All other tracks with Auto Time Adjuster inserted will respond by calculating and shifting their delay to compensate!

All latency compensation delays are now calculated automatically using pinging on audio and aux channels, with just one click! OSX and Windows VST versions will be available from tomorrow. ATA v1.1 quick tour

** FXpansion's VST-RTAS Wrapper required for use in ProTools LE or M-Powered. **
price: $29.00

not sure I get it really ... I mean I get it but ...

I never really have a problem with plug-in delay unless I'm using something like drumagog and maybe its just a difference in working but usually with something heavy like that I I'm not running it as a real time plug that is constant. What I mean is, if I'm gonna use something like drumagog to replace tom hits, I'm usually bouncing the files to a new track anyway, so I can go through each tom section and adjust the plug-in parameters depending on whats needed (input/output/sensitivity/etc...) I may need to adjust settings several times or more so I'm basically bouncing to "replace" track for each tom section. Afterwards I just select all on the replace track and shift back the amount of samples its delayed ... everything is then lined up. But thats only for something like that, just using a couple of plugs on a bass track lets say ... I usually have a Renn EQ/Comp/and maybe something else as needed in my plug chain but I never notice any latency problems ...

Am I missing something obvious or is this really only for the people who use several heavy plugs like drumagog and keep them inserted into their tracks the whole time?

and yes, I'm using PTLE ... 6.9
I usually have a Renn EQ/Comp/and maybe something else as needed in my plug chain but I never notice any latency problems ...

Am I missing something obvious or is this really only for the people who use several heavy plugs like drumagog and keep them inserted into their tracks the whole time?

I'm in the same boat, actually...I have yet to actually notice any latency issues caused by inserts that I regularly use.
well thats why its LE and cheap, get what you pay for, at least you have the option now.


People complain too much about LE. It's a "Home Edition", people. Look at it like this... Pro Tools LE is like a 4-Cylinder Mustang, whereas HD is the GT with the big V8, and depending on how far you take it, you can go to the Icon Systems, which would be like a Shelby GT 500. Now, sure... LE still looks good, carries the name with dignity and all that, but it's basically for beginner's and minimal "pro" use. You don't hand a 16-year-old the keys to a brand new Mustang GT do ya? (If you do, you should be shot.) Same theories apply. The GT, like HD, has all the wanted power, speed, and efficiency needed for someone with the required experience to handle it. (Especially when it's coupled with a Mac:heh: ) LE is the less expensive version. It's not going to have all the bells and whistles.
WOOOOOOOW!! that is fucking AMAZING! how long have i been waiting for this!!!! I give it 2 weeks before Digi Pull the plug on the company as that is an amazing tool that really really makes you re-think buying HD, absolutely blown away!
WOOOOOOOW!! that is fucking AMAZING! how long have i been waiting for this!!!! I give it 2 weeks before Digi Pull the plug on the company as that is an amazing tool that really really makes you re-think buying HD, absolutely blown away!

It would not make me rethink it. Plugin Latency Compensation is NOT why people buy HD man. Matter of fact, IMO, it would be one of the less important reasons. If you want to go "pro", you get HD. That isn't going to change. Oh yeah... Don't be surprised if this is one of the plugins that does not initially work with the wrapper. Just throwing that out there.