Time Requiem

Buzz Fledderjon

Jan 16, 2003
I just heard them for the first time. As a Symphony X fanatic, it was quite refreshing.

Thanks go to my good friend MeTuLHeD, who turned me on to Symphony X in the first place.

If you liked Adagio or Majestic, you'll really dig their self titled debut album. As Majestic is no more, Andersson has formed this new NeoClassical/Progressive band in hopes of taking them in the direction that he couldn't get Majestic. Killer band.

But, you all have probably already heard them, and I remain behind as usual.:mad:

*thirty minutes later*

Well, I searched the forums, and it appears that at least two of you have heard of them. Azal and Soul of Ice. And also since you made it clear that they are only another Symphony X clone band, like Majestic or Adagio, then you won't have to tell me again. :) And the key words are (...if you liked Adagio or Majestic).
Its a decent disc, nothing superb, but for me was an enjoyable listen. Featured members of Majestic , and Flower Kings.

Another upcoming band which has a 17 YEAR OLD in the band is PLATITUDE.

Check em out....

Originally posted by Demonspell
I listened to the song on The End's homepage...I agree, total SX emulation but with a small fraction of the talent...

Definatley mostly guitar aficionado's in this forum!

But just incase someone comes by that isn't quite as critical, or turned off by excessive keybaords, there IS plenty of talent in this band. Yes it's heavy on the keys, but that's what makes this album unique. Yes I said unique.

And because Symphony X carries the flame of past musicians/bands such as Racer X or Malmsteen, I wouldn't class Time Req or Adagio as emulation.