I've not heard much Conception. Any album recommendations, J-Dubs?Conception > Kamelot
J-Dubya - likes BOTH, a ton
I think with ayreon, it's only fair to mention that they don't have a very defined sound. And before anyone gets all prog-snobby on me, just bare with me for a moment.
Ayreon has a style that constantly changes, and some of the albums *are* heavier and some are just prog. For example, INto the Electric Castle is hailed as a masterpiece, and i find it the most boring piece of shit album i've ever heard. However, the human equation and universal migrator part 2 are great.
I'd say the deal with Into the Electric Castle is that's it's more like a modern take on classic rock than anything--the metal element is almost totally absent, so for someone who's been used to much heavier stuff, I wouldn't suggest starting there. The Human Equation is probably the best starting point for someone who has had some exposure to Opeth. But, I wouldn't write off ItEC entirely--with Ayreon I recommend starting with the most recent and working back in reverse chronological order as far as you want to go. One exception, though: if you don't like ItEC but you've liked the others that far, try Actual Fantasy Revisited. But if you haven't become a totally committed fan by the time you get to Actual Fantasy Revisited, do not bother with The Final Experiment. That one's for hardcore fans. Which I happen to be, but I know very well that made me able to look past the clear flaws on that first album.
The reason for the style not being very defined owes at least something to the parade of guest musicians Arjen's had over the years. So liking the sound of one album isn't an instant guarantee of liking the others. But, I do think it's best to at least try each before rejecting them entirely. There are TONS of samples, sometimes multiple samples from the same song, on www.ayreon.com so go there and knock yourself out!![]()
The thing that annoys me about Gloria is that Disillusion said they were going to make an album that was more suited for playing at shows, because the BtToS stuff was too long. I fail to see how Gloria, which relies heavily on post production, is any more appropriate for live venues even if the tracks are shorter.
Frankly I don't think they'll go down too well at Wacken, regardless of the acceptance from those like myself who found merit in the album.
Do you guys consider technical metal to be progressive?
the video for Don't Go Any Further makes no sense:
Good call. My point was more that you cannot expect to get the same thing from any ayreon album because it's a constantly shifting entity. My point is that the first hting i heard was Into the Electric Castle (which i wouldn't suggest anyone overlook, but it sure as hell does nothing for me) and i hated it, but think a few of the other albums are masterpieces.
The most Progressive band ever is this