Time to forgive...

Sammi951 said:
: The other imbecile I referred to was Liama for the sweeping statement he made about council house people, etc (ok, he has now apologised, so we'll leave that one!) :

Sammi...I will let you know a secret if promise not to tell anyone....My cousin that I usually stay with while I am in England lives in a Council House....Shhhhh!
"Budweiser - The Beer of Kings" - Slogan from Czech brewery.
"Budweiser - The King of Beers" - Slogan from A/Busch.
Hmmm, probably a coincidence!

One is a real pilsner, brewed in the time-honoured way, the other is made with rice. RICE???!!! WTF is all that about????!!!!:yuk:

Ooh, and did someone mention spanking???:loco: :loco: :loco:
Ahem, oops, wrong board.......
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
LOL you'll have some explaining to do to Paxoman when he reads this hahaha!!!

I am a man who walks alone
And when I'm walking a dark road
At night or strolling through the park

When the light begins to change
I sometimes feel a little strange
A little anxious when it's dark.

Fear of the dark,fear of the dark

liama said:
Sammi...I will let you know a secret if promise not to tell anyone....My cousin that I usually stay with while I am in England lives in a Council House....Shhhhh!

Well then I am even more shocked that you made the statement that you did!! Anyway...I've got a secret too - not only did I grow up on a Council Estate...The house I now own is...an ex-Council house!! Shock horror!! :lol: So I think that makes me a better class of council house scum now! :lol: I did also live in several pubs, on council estates. While we're on this subject, a mate of mine at work has just bought an ex-council flat - and his parents have said they will not visit him there, because "they have not brought him up to live on a council estate!" So his parents won't visit him - RESULT!!! :D
Sammi951 said:
a mate of mine at work has just bought an ex-council flat - and his parents have said they will not visit him there, because "they have not brought him up to live on a council estate!" So his parents won't visit him - RESULT!!! :D

LOL maybe I should go and buy a council house and maybe that'll stop my parents visiting me all the time - sometimes 2 or 3 times a day - I don't mind them dropping in some of the time but as soon as they come into my house they either complain non-stop about the music being too loud, or worse than that, they just switch it off completely without even asking if that's ok to do so!!!!!
princess_of_the_night2112 said:
LOL maybe I should go and buy a council house and maybe that'll stop my parents visiting me all the time - sometimes 2 or 3 times a day - I don't mind them dropping in some of the time but as soon as they come into my house they either complain non-stop about the music being too loud, or worse than that, they just switch it off completely without even asking if that's ok to do so!!!!!

I found a better way...I Moved half way (2000 miles) across the country. It stopped my mom "popping" in right quick!
liama said:
I found a better way...I Moved half way (2000 miles) across the country. It stopped my mom "popping" in right quick!

LOL. I don't mind them popping in now and again for a wee visit but all they seem to do is moan the face off me about the music being too loud or complain about my denim jacket covered in badges & patch. Wow do they hate that jacket or do they hate that jacket. In fact, they wont go anywhere with me if I wear it - so therefore its hardly ever off my back hehe.
My mother is the same way about some things. She hates Tattoo, of which I have large ones on both arms. She refuses to go anywhere with me unless they are covered.

When we moved she told me to keep them covered up at all times, lest the new neighbors think poorley of me.... don't people in your new home thinking you are low life!
liama said:
Is that really a bad thing.....

Well it depends which part you are referring to...if you mean is it a bad thing that his parents won't visit...then no, that is a good thing! :lol: If you mean the fact that they said they didn't bring him up to live in a council house...well....as you Americans (lol) would say "don't go there!!" :lol:
Sammi951 said:
Well it depends which part you are referring to...if you mean is it a bad thing that his parents won't visit...then no, that is a good thing! :lol: If you mean the fact that they said they didn't bring him up to live in a council house...well....as you Americans (lol) would say "don't go there!!" :lol:

I meant that it was a good thing his parents won't visit...

I am never going to love down the council house crack am I....