to beard or not to beard

whats the beard like

  • protection! (kisses cant get close to me now)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • because i wanted to resemble my dog

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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soûl spy
Apr 13, 2002
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yes ladies and gentlemen, share me every experience.

what style, plussides, minussides, did it make you score, did it make you run away, facts to share... i know theres an official beard thread, but this small survey will help me out on something
eh, i am too lazy too shave me beard regularly. Well, and i found it to look better as completely without one. So i dunno which option i should choose...
siderea said:
its a multi option poll ;)

do you have a muzzie, too?
well, yes i do, but it's not a single one! It's more like a light full beard, when i don't shave it for a time. if i do shave it, then only from the sideburns over the cheeks to the mouth part and the throat part.

I only have some hair on my chin, and sideburns offcourse!

Yeah, don't you think sideburns kick ass/are sexy as hell/rock like a mothafocka ??!!??
Susie said:
Mick just shaved his off , so its a smoother ride for when i sit on his face :loco:
haha, yeah :tickled:
sometimes sexually attractive features may actually get in the way in the mating process - why has evolution not taken this into account ???
Alwin said:
I only have some hair on my chin, and sideburns offcourse!

Yeah, don't you think sideburns kick ass/are sexy as hell/rock like a mothafocka ??!!??
i have had sideburns since my first year in highschool except for a very short period of time. i am not really sure they help :yell: