To everyone, regarding the "Wally" thing when talking about Warrel

dead6skin6mask6 said:
The person "sentient6" refers to as "asshole" in this thread is actually quite decent, keeping real information, name and history of your idol quiet for 20 years...
ahhh... back in the oldendays, Warrel was in a band called Serpent's Knight. the guitarist called him Wally, and it pissed him off. Warrel is listed on the SK website as Wally, and Brad (guitarist) is selling CDs of demos without Warrel's permission. in actuallity, I am the first person to bring this to Warrel's attention. and i believe Mr. [Brad] Poland is uding the name 'life of cliches' to try to embarrass Warrel to some of his biggest fans, in an attempt to shatter his career... when in truth, the man is only very very jealous of the success his former singer's band [Nevermore] is having at the present time. thus, we should just shrug it all off and laugh at Mr. Poland, as his attempts at humiliating Mr. Dane will soon be noticed as futile