To Guitar players......Opeth related

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Is there alot of difference soundwise between guitars? Or does it just depend on the player? Im ignorant on this subject but have thought on buying a guitar as it would be a relaxing hobby. Any suggestions on what kind of guitar to get? Do i need to dish out a couple thousand to get a good one? Or will a $500 one be all I need? I want to learn some opeth tunes by golly!!!!! What's some of the better brands? I just need help going about it is all. Thanks in advance for any help recieved!
500 should be more than enough for a beginner to get a mediocre guitar IMO but if you want a good one be ready to fork out anywhere from 1000 to 3000 depending on where and what you buy. I buy all my guitars used because its cheaper and so am I. Brands I like are Paul Reed Smith, Gibson (especially the SG) and theres also alot of other good ones out there, you just have to look around. if you dont look around you may end up regretting it. if you dont really know how to play yet, try to get someone that plays the style(s) you want to play to come shopping with you and get him/her to decide which is a good guitar based on playability then you decide on the sound and looks or whatever.
To the above post....thats really not true.

For one their are plenty of bands that use guitars below $1000, the high end LTD's come to mind, as do some USA Jacksons, higher priced Schecters (like the C-1 classic), even guitars around 500 get plenty of use by touring bands. LTD ex-350/351 is a great example, under 500 bucks and yet lots of player use it.

Second, while a PRS is obviously a better guitar, you won't notice any difference until you are pretty damn good. There is no reason to spend more then $500 on a new guitar, in fact i'd spend 400 or under. Unless you have a few thousand bucks to throw around, but even then I wouldn't do it. If nothing else because someone who can't play walking around with a PRS is kinda insulting, you know, like the guy from linkin park.

Look into some of the Ibanez in that range, Jackson DKMG or DXMG, LTD's 250-350 series.

And don't try to start with Opeth, please, learn the basics. Do finger exercises, learn chords, learn scales, learn easy stuff. You'll be happier later.
well, i payed just over 400 for my epiphone les paul studio (used) and put some highend tuners on it, and i'm very happy with it, won't need another electric for a long time.

i'd think you'd be very happy spending 4-500 dollars... just make sure it FEELS right to play it

this is MY opinion, don't be any means base the rest of your life on it:
50% feel (if it doesn't feel right to play it, you won't want to play it, and won't get good)
40% tone (because it can be changed by amps, and effects whatnot)
10% looks (who wants to play something that looks like poop?)
shit, you can get a fairly decent gig rig for $500 and that'll set you up with an amp also. You don't really need that much expensive gear unless you plan on gigging...but if this is for your own personal enjoyment, get yourself a cheap guitar and a little 15 watt amp.
Like that other guy said, go with Ibanez.. I've got a RG470. Properly set up, they're damn playable, and they've got a nice sound too. You might invest in new pickups, because that could make a difference.. maybe "just" a new bridge pickup.. Seymour Duncan or something.. I've seen them for like 60-70$ in the US. (I've got a Custom 5, bridge). The stock pickups don't have the best string separation, IMO.. and if you want to play Opeth, that could be something you want.

As for amp, I'm not sure what your budget is.. but I know I really love my Tech21 Trademark 10. Not all that expensive.. could be like $300 or so. Try it out if you find it. It's small (10W), but it sounds awesome and it's got PA-out, so it could even be used live (or direct into your comp, like a V-amp, sorta.. just not digital). Lots of cool amp-sim effects.. all analogue and good-sounding).

This is what my guitar looks like, btw:

Here's a link to the amp:
Guys, I don't think he really needs to look into things such as switching pickups. It's obvious he just wants a decent guitar right out of the box, and to be able to play Opeth tunes fast.

The type of guitar you're after is pretty much dependant on your taste in music, and what you want to play. It will be hard for you to get a guitar you're happy with, as when you first begin you dont KNOW what's gonna feel good and what's gonna feel bad, as all guitars will feel awkward to you until you get your 'wings' so to speak.

If you're into the metal stuff, there's all sorts of guitars out there... the ESP LTDs, as people mentioned appear to be very popular, along with the Ibanez guitars. I have a Jackson Performer Series 4, and I am immensely happy with it, even though guitars like this tend to take alot of maintenance, because you wanna replace the pickups.. tremolo, and all that crap that you shouldn't have to worry about!

I would personally say for you to go for a mid-high range Epiphone guitar. They make decent instruments, you just gotta stay away from the reall cheap and nasty ones.

Oh make sure you have enough cash left for an amp. I'd recommend getting someone to know what they're doing to come along with you when you buy an amp/guitar, so that u won't feel cheated further down the track.

Happy hunting.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Is there alot of difference soundwise between guitars? Or does it just depend on the player? Im ignorant on this subject but have thought on buying a guitar as it would be a relaxing hobby. Any suggestions on what kind of guitar to get? Do i need to dish out a couple thousand to get a good one? Or will a $500 one be all I need? I want to learn some opeth tunes by golly!!!!! What's some of the better brands? I just need help going about it is all. Thanks in advance for any help recieved!
1. Yes, alot.
2. Yes, that too.
3. Depends on your skill level/budget.
4. You get what you pay for.
5. I would suggest that if you are a beginner. Sometimes people give up on playing music or certain instruments, or beginners may not take proper care of their guitars... if this happens to, uh, happen, then you'll only be out 500 bucks as opposed to 2300.

Beginner brands that sell quality guitars include Fender (Squiers) and ESP.

Once you start playing regularly, you will begin to notice the difference between good and cheap guitars. Do not believe those moronic punk rock ethics. Yes, heart/emotion or whatever has a very large part in playing music, but quality gear is much nicer to play on than horseshit.
every once in a while you might find a pawn-shop jewel. i got myself a 1973 gibson L6-S for 250 isn't in the greatest shape...but it is the best playing and most beautiful sounding guitar that i have ever held. it smokes my les paul.
AllWithinMyTadger, if you want to sound like Metallica I suggest you buy the shittiest fucking guitar you can find - then tune it so it sounds like it's broke, then listen repeatedly to Korn and Limp Bizkit so you can learn all the nu-metal tricks of Metallica.
Seriously though, don't buy anything too cheap - Epiphone make great, cheap-ish guitars - I've got their SG and Les Paul Black Beauty and both are great.
takinitfromtheback save the flaming for general discussion bro. We must not pollute the opeth forum with such hate. Anyhow yea I think I want to get this ibanez rg1750 its about $550. All the comments saying ibanez is a decent brand is really leaning me towards that. What size amp should I purchase though? Someone said 15 watt. But is that enough. I dont wanna dish out a couple hundred then want a bigger one down the road. Is 15 watt big enough? Whats the average size amp for home use?
Watts are really different.. the amp I told you about (Tech 21, Trademark 10) is "just" 10W, but I could turn it so high that I'd need earplugs to stay in the same room.. and I can stand pretty loud stuff :) So, if the amp doesn't suck majorly and can't deliver what it claims, 10W is more than enough.

I happen to love Tech 21, so that's what I'm gonna recommend :)

They also have a Trademark 60, which has 60W (logical, huh?).. but I'm not sure it has all the controls that the TM10 has. Another option is to get a Trademark 10 (I've seen them as low as like $150 on ebay.. maybe even lower.. and that's a steal), and if you, for some reason feel you want more power, Tech21 also make something callled a "Power Engine 60" which is an extension cabinet (which can be used with both TM10 and TM60) that an give you an additional 60W of transparent force.

For home use, a good amp with 10W is more than enough to deafen you, heh (and the neighbours too, if you live in an apartment). The 60W could be ok for a small venue, but is, IMO, way too much for a room.

So, what I'd do.. I'd get a TM10 (for less than $200) that I'd play with.. getting to know everything.. it's extremely versatile, and can pull of clean fenderish sounds just as well as it does the distorted Mesa Boogie sounds.. and you won't need to spend another $50-100 on a good distortion pedal.

And, on the pickup-issue. Changing pickups is not a bad idea. Ibanez stock pickups are alright (better than most other brands), but you can still get great improvements by changing the bridge to something better.. more suited for metal, I mean. In my opinion, a $300 guitar with a $60-pickup sounds better than a $600 guitar with stock pu's (comparing maybe the Ibanez rg270 (a lower-priced one) with the one you mentioned). Having them installed should be cheap.. probably even for free if you do it at the store you purchase the guitar at (at the same time as buying it, I mean).

But then again, pu's can always wait.. maybe you won't notice much difference until you get good at playing :) I just recently changed a pickup, and that's after having this guitar for 5 years
Amp size depends on what you want it for. 15W is more than enough for around the house, I have a 10W one and it's as loud as fuck. I've never had it turned up more than half. Get the Marshall 15W with reverb, that'll do you just fine. Having said that, if you get a multi FX pedal like the Zoom 505, you don't need an amp, just plug that straight into either headphones, or the "line in" socket on your stereo.
I disagree with everyone here

The best thing to to if you wanna learn to play guitar is to buy a nice classical guitar (acoustic nylon strings), they are cheap, and they sounds just fine, also you don't need a amp. You can play all Opeth songs just fine on the acoustic, but you won't get distortion obvioulsy. Also you can then, after some time, figure wether you want to play guitar or no. If yes, you can comfortably buy a more expensive, electric guitar, with amps and everything. And you will still benefit from having an acoustic guitar.
Sinistas said:
Get a Carvin.

Great, USA-made neckthrough quality, and you can find them used for cheap $. It'll sound good, and play better.
I couldn't agree with this more. I just bought a used Carvin DC127 off of eBay for $425 and it is far and away the best guitar I have ever played. It practically plays itself and I got it for less than some Epiphones. :cool:

However, Torenstain does have a good point. The acoustic will help with your precision, since you can't cover up mistakes with distortion.