Watts are really different.. the amp I told you about (Tech 21, Trademark 10) is "just" 10W, but I could turn it so high that I'd need earplugs to stay in the same room.. and I can stand pretty loud stuff
So, if the amp doesn't suck majorly and can't deliver what it claims, 10W is more than enough.
I happen to love Tech 21, so that's what I'm gonna recommend
They also have a Trademark 60, which has 60W (logical, huh?).. but I'm not sure it has all the controls that the TM10 has. Another option is to get a Trademark 10 (I've seen them as low as like $150 on ebay.. maybe even lower.. and that's a steal), and if you, for some reason feel you want more power, Tech21 also make something callled a "
Power Engine 60" which is an extension cabinet (which can be used with both TM10 and TM60) that an give you an additional 60W of transparent force.
For home use, a good amp with 10W is more than enough to deafen you, heh (and the neighbours too, if you live in an apartment). The 60W could be ok for a small venue, but is, IMO, way too much for a room.
So, what I'd do.. I'd get a TM10 (for less than $200) that I'd play with.. getting to know everything.. it's extremely versatile, and can pull of clean fenderish sounds just as well as it does the distorted Mesa Boogie sounds.. and you won't need to spend another $50-100 on a good distortion pedal.
And, on the pickup-issue. Changing pickups is not a bad idea. Ibanez stock pickups are alright (better than most other brands), but you can still get great improvements by changing the bridge to something better.. more suited for metal, I mean. In my opinion, a $300 guitar with a $60-pickup sounds better than a $600 guitar with stock pu's (comparing maybe the Ibanez rg270 (a lower-priced one) with the one you mentioned). Having them installed should be cheap.. probably even for free if you do it at the store you purchase the guitar at (at the same time as buying it, I mean).
But then again, pu's can always wait.. maybe you won't notice much difference until you get good at playing
I just recently changed a pickup, and that's after having this guitar for 5 years