To the the guys that make amp sims..


Apr 19, 2004
London, UK
<start of dream>

:heh: Why don't u collaborate to create some kind of "amp-maker"? I mean some kind of user friendly application with all the tools needed to create a real amp. Basically this would be a custom version of a previously released ampsim with added stuff (different valves and other components). This way u can virtually create any amp in the market and even brand new amps.

<end of dream>

p.s this after LePou releases mesa sim
Yes we do, Have something like that, but, not only one but 2 of them...One called FrankenAMP, But KrankenAMP is a cool name too! and our latest which will be released soon called G-SPOT. The difference between the two is that G-SPOT takes a DSP approach where you set cut offs and filters, etc, and FrankenAMP you select components. Which one is better...G-SPOT BY FAR. It is a million times more flexible from a tone creation perspective as you are not limited in selecting components. FrankenAmp you select a tone stack and thats it, whereas in G-SPOT you design the tone stack. I think the overall sound from G-SPOT is a little better too.

However, I don't think that G-SPOT or FrankenAMP will ever reach any sort of popularity among Sneapsters because they are not models of real world amps, instead they are original. Most users here tend to prefer models instead of the original creations, and thats ok. But it would be great if sneapsters participated in creating amps for distribution using G-SPOT. You can save the heads as *.hed files and anyone with G-SPOT can then load them. The idea is to release G-SPOT with 110 pre-made guitar heads in it..

Also G-SPOT is a suite with Cabinets, room modeler, effects rack, Pickup replacer, drive amp, and rangemaster.

Here's a quick shot of it.. and an ad..Note though that these shots are old and the cabinet graphics have been changed, these were before we added the Room modeling capabilities to it.

This is an interactive tutorial a small windows program that will allow you to click on things in the G-SPOT head that tells you about it..




Yes we do, Have something like that, but, not only one but 2 of them...One called FrankenAMP, But KrankenAMP is a cool name too! and our latest which will be released soon called G-SPOT. The difference between the two is that G-SPOT takes a DSP approach where you set cut offs and filters, etc, and FrankenAMP you select components. Which one is better...G-SPOT BY FAR. It is a million times more flexible from a tone creation perspective as you are not limited in selecting components. FrankenAmp you select a tone stack and thats it, whereas in G-SPOT you design the tone stack. I think the overall sound from G-SPOT is a little better too.

However, I don't think that G-SPOT or FrankenAMP will ever reach any sort of popularity among Sneapsters because they are not models of real world amps, instead they are original. Most users here tend to prefer models instead of the original creations, and thats ok. But it would be great if sneapsters participated in creating amps for distribution using G-SPOT. You can save the heads as *.hed files and anyone with G-SPOT can then load them. The idea is to release G-SPOT with 110 pre-made guitar heads in it..

Also G-SPOT is a suite with Cabinets, room modeler, effects rack, Pickup replacer, drive amp, and rangemaster.

Here's a quick shot of it.. and an ad..Note though that these shots are old and the cabinet graphics have been changed, these were before we added the Room modeling capabilities to it.

This is an interactive tutorial a small windows program that will allow you to click on things in the G-SPOT head that tells you about it..





You're really good at what you do, dude.. We really appreciate all the work and effort you've put forth to give us the quality free amp sims that you have.

Kick, ass.
what realy would be amazing is that same thing on a mac, i would be all over customizing the amps, but either way, you are doing an amazing job, and we are really grateful
you guys are welcome. I had said in other threads at KVR, GAM, and Reaper that I was leaving guitar amp modeling. My delivery on those threads was wrong. In fact I will be moving on to other things, two main reasons for this...

1) First and most important, ABG needs to be involved with more things like vocal plugs, percussion, synths, etc. All of our eggs are in one basket right now and that is a bad thing.

2) I don't feel that our heads are really being used that much. I didn't really want to go into this here as well, but after all, I am a sneapster as much as any other member here and hell I even built you guys your own sneapsters head. So, you guys deserve as much to know as any other forum does. So, Allow me to explain myself, as was said the #1 reason we're moving into other areas is so that we are not single sourced, we need to cover all aspects of recording not just Guitar and bass. However, equally important, and critical to the success or failure of ABG is whether or not our plugs are used. This determines whether or not a value is placed on them, which in turn means whether or not people would pay a nominal fee for them..(like 10 or 15 dollars US). The idea is to keep the price as low as possible.
So, it has become completely obvious to me at least, that if we were to stay with just Guitar FX/Sims alone, ABG would in fact fail as we do not make clones/sims of existing heads, at least to their entirety, people are just not very interested in relatively original head concepts. It seems that they are only very interested in copies of existing heads.

So, once I came to that realization, I decided to start looking elsewhere in the plug market where one could be original and create new concepts and approaches to DSP. That is what this is, DSP and nothing else. We don't have a tube in the head, we have a bunch of math that makes the input signal turn into a similar looking wave that a tube would create. But what about removing the tube completely and saying its a guitar head for computer, absolutely guaranteed that it would get almost no recognition. So, in reality, I'm finding the guitar plug area very limiting in what I can and can't do. On one hand there is so much more we could be doing in Guitar DSP, but, on the other hand, there is no benefit to doing it as it would not be accepted because it is not a make believe head. Who knows how far we could go in terms of creating new types of sounds in guitar DSP. Imagine for a second this, however silly it may sound, I assure we could do this. Tell your guitar head's tubes to heat up to 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun and stay that way until you play an A chord, then when you play that A chord tell them to cool down to minus 4,196 degrees and boost the low end and cut down on the GAIN.

I know that is a silly example, but until there is support for free thinking original DSP concepts in this area, you will continue to get yet another Marshall clone, and yet another Fender, and Vox, etc, naseum.

I'm not trying to slag any of the developers that are creating these types of clones, I mean these guys are friends of mine, they all already know my thoughts and goals. Even the commercial developers, a lot of them are friends too, and, they are held by what the public finds important in a sim, not what they want to do, or could be doing. They are governed by you..

So, G-SPOT represents My last computer amp sim in terms of new designs and approaches. I have not continued research in the tube area any more whatsoever, nor have I continued developing new ideas for sims at all. I am only working now on Room reactions and Impulse response modeling. Luckily, Cab Enhancer 2.0 will be developed fully, that is because the technology that is going into that can be used to model EQ, COMPRESSORS, REVERBS, etc, for mastering, percussion, vocals, and synths as well as a surround sound room modeler for the motion picture industry.

Anyways, I hope my delivery on that news here was less abrasive than it was on other forums..

Edit: I forgot to mention this part here as well as the other forums(dumbass me!)...There will be upgrades to every released ABG plug done by me, but there will be no further research into tube models. These upgrades will consist of fixes and additional functionality. So, it will not be research based upgrades...
I fully understand your comments and I to feel that way about amp sims these days - no one wants to
"create" their own sound anymore - they seem to be after others sounds. I'm really looking forward to G-Spot and it's ability to do something new, something perhaps not sounding like a Marshall, an Engl, or a Rectifier. Since in my case, I see myself as a musician first and foremost with recording just being a means for me to capture my ideas for my consumption, I like playing around with different sounds, unusual tones. I think that's why I appreciate albums that many others slag off as having bad tone, or not like so and so, or not like past works.

Really looking forward to dropping some of my cash on your future endevours - I'm sure it will be worth it.
Thanks Jind..I appreciate that and yes, thats exactly the reason we're going to broaden our plug in base. Also why I respect Native Instruments development strategy, others have said that they are greedy by being involved in it all, but in reality they are smart to be diversified..thats exactly where ABG is going. I believe diversity in plugs holds the key to our future survival. It also allows me to be creative. After all, first and foremost I am a musician, and, I do have a creative need like everyone else here. I was speaking with Agreed on the phone today and what he said makes a lot of sense. He said doing what I'm doing is the same thing as a new band trying to release new material. But I add to that... It is the equivalent of Metallica trying to release Enter sandman in 1942! Because people have been conditioned to accept the fact that a computer is nothing more than a cheap simulator...At one time I figured we'd get people to change their minds about that and start demanding more from us, but the only demands I see is "Hey man can you make me a new Marshall?", or that is a great model of a "Fender Bassman".

In reality there are things that a computer will never be able to do, but that is a two way street, there is a lot of things that a tube amp can't do either. And at the rate its going we'll never find out just how much is available from computer amps because no one demands it from us. Even worse, when we show them a tiny bit of whats possible, then there is no way that can be good, hell it doesn't even look like a Marshall!

I firmly believe that our users are NOT stupid, yet anything with more than a simple tonestack, gain section and master volume and its too complicated..

So, G-SPOT is for me, its my amp designed the way I want it. Albeit, I took some direction and knowledge from previous releases, but in all reality, it is exactly what I want from a Computer amp...BASICALLY ONE AMP I don't have to look elsewhere to get a tone. The only thing I'd like to improve on is the CPU Usage. Its a little high, but well within the ABG internal acceptance of 11-14% per plug in our development system. The development system is far less than what we expect to encounter once its released, so, 11% sounds high, but on everyone else's systems, it would be about 2-3%.

Thread is starting to cover all things Ive always said about amp sims and the general approach to choosing the right tone for the given music . Some sims fail miserably at trying to sound like this amp or that amp but end up sounding great as an amp that does not yet exist and I have to say that Ive still not found a real amp or sim that combines the perfect balance of anarchic rawness on open notes and *hyper crunch chonk* on palm mutes so the idea of being able to sim something radical is what Im looking for .
I grew up on Marshall 800's :heh:
DUDE!, I'm telling you...G-SPOT will do that for you...But as with anything else thats worth doing, it will take some time and require you to learn it. Although with the 110 heads that I hope to release it with, you should be able to find something in there. Then simply tweak the inner workings of the head until its what you want..

To be perfectly honest, I am excited to try G-Spot. I am completely fed up with tube amps and totally sold on all digital solutions for guitar tone. G-spot seems like the perfect tool to get a unique and awesome tone for what I want to do.
I'm still waiting for the bass amplifier and ghettobass! the ghetto bass is still the octave pitch shift down, lowpass and highpass filters and a compressor :)

I think this will be a bit silly idea, but how about writing an added feature that adds the randomness that real amps have? You enter rough values like "age" and "condition" or something (and ofcourse "bypass" if you don't want to have this feat), then in addition to those it also randomizes some mild variation according to current date-time combination for some more randomness, so you would get different results with each reamp, like you would with a real amp. The easiest ones to demonstrate would be say for example you would have a tube that is about to shit itself or you have 9V battery that is a little drained it only gives out 6.4V, which both does wonders to the distortion tone.
Parsons, great looking forward to getting it done and out...

AHJ...HAHAHA Your Ghetto Bass is in the effects rack! Now about the randomness, great great idea, but I won't have time to build that in this release, for sure...But you can actually model tubes going for a shit..sort of...There is a Gain Section adjust, you can adjust the bias for each tube, which sort of does the trick..
I think this will be a bit silly idea, but how about writing an added feature that adds the randomness that real amps have? You enter rough values like "age" and "condition" or something

What you need to include is a "RANDOM" button. Sort of like the one on the synth "Alchemy" by CamelAudio - a button that creates a new preset each time you click on it. You could probably come up with some wild sounds that way. :headbang:

From the Alchemy manual:

Random button
Creates a random preset. Random preset generation in Alchemy is based on a collection of preset templates, arranged in the standard categories seen in the Factory preset bank (Arpeggiated, Bass, Brass, and so on). Alchemy first chooses at random from the templates available in the current category. Then it creates &#8216;intelligent&#8217; random values for the parameters that are active in the chosen template. If you want more control over the process, you can add or substitute your own preset templates
Jind...Done...Except it will be a separate program, a randomizer...Damn what a great idea!!..