tara said:
Oklahoma is OK (bad joke), but I can't find a damn job!!!
Here's a list of suggestions:
Join the Mafia (oh wait, that's New Jersey

Start a "Midwest Mafia" and knock off country music stars (maybe not...)
Mail order Cactus company (

Political spokesperson for the Dixie Chicks (make fun of Bush all day and get paid!)
Steal shotguns out of redneck's trucks (ok, bad idea)
Jackass Imitator (then sue MTV)
Singing telegram (death metal singing telegram!)
Move to Vegas and become a professional gambler (wait, that's stupid

Moderator on UM (you never said anything about getting paid!)
Make your boyfriend get a job that pays enough so you don't have to (best one so far, but that's easy to think of)
Smuggle Mexicans across the border (no offense to anyone)
Bartender (actually a decent idea)
Make fireworks (dangerous but you can go out with a bang!)
Mail order custom computer company (if you have some experience this can be a good idea)
Cactus thief
Potato gun maker
Teach guitar or some insturment (if you can play it makes sense)
Don't get a job and spend all your time on UM (I think this is common here

"You said you was a banker!"
"I said I was a bank robber!"
-Blue Streak