To what extent.........


Nov 19, 2001
would you go to for Opeth? Allow me to explain this, I lent my Opeth cd to this guy. He told me that he'd have it for me this morning. He didn't, said it was in his car. So he told me he'd give it to me in fourth hour. He didn't show up, so I asked my teacher if I could go and look for him in his class. She wouldn't let me. We had only 15 minutes left of school, and I started to panic. So I actually took my pocket knife and slashed my arm with it so I could 'go to the nurse'. I looked and looked for him but he had left school. So now I am without Opeth AND I'm probably going to have a scar.

Am I insane, or is this understandable to you? Just wondering how important Opeth is to you and how far you'd go for them. For instance, is your love for them so that you'd donate an organ to one of them? Or am I just an obsessed freak who needs help? :cry:
So I actually took my pocket knife and slashed my arm with it so I could 'go to the nurse'.

Girl, that is just fucking STUPID as shit!!! Why do such stupid thing? You're insane!!! God....... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I do love Opeth, but I would never do stuff like that just because I love there music!

I told you I was insane. It's not like I dug it in much, just enough to produce enough blood to convince my teacher that I needed to go to the nurse.
Originally posted by CarcassKreator

Girl, that is just fucking STUPID as shit!!! Why do such stupid thing? You're insane!!! God....... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I do love Opeth, but I would never do stuff like that just because I love there music!


yeah i agree, i wouldnt cut myself up over a cd, or over anything actually. anyway i dont really give out cds to people, dont trust em, well only a few people though. im very protective.

opeth are still important to me though, just im more important to me though too.
Oh well... be carefull with things like that... you might over do it one day... and you're fucked!

Anyways, are you from korncentral by any chance? :D PLEASE TELL ME THE THRUTH!!!
I had just won the lottery and I was on my new yacht, unfortunately I left ALL my opeth CD's at my mansion. This was bad, so I calld my helicopter pilot and requested he deliver them to me, he told me there was no way he could get them to me because the chopper was damaged and currently being repaired, being it was a holiday no other helicopters were available. I decided to cut off one of my limbs so I could radio in a medical emergency and get a medivac, unfortunately I didn't have any nearby chainsaws. As I pondered the situation I passed by a fishing boat, I jumped overboard and swam onto their boat, I told them I'd give them my yacht, mansion, and fortune if I could use the knife, and if they'd call the medivac for me, they agreed. I proceded to cut off my right leg when I heard the helicopter blades, once I arrived at the hospital (which was in crawling distance of my old house) I told them no need to amputate it, my Opeth CD's are a few hundred meters away, so I crawled home and listened to Morningrise, but I soon blacked out from blood loss, I got to here half of Advent so it was well worth it. Some say I could have retained my fortune, yacht, mansion, and leg if I had just turned the yacht around and waited an extra hour... but that is a whole hour.
Originally posted by CarcassKreator
Oh well... be carefull with things like that... you might over do it one day... and you're fucked!

Anyways, are you from korncentral by any chance? :D PLEASE TELL ME THE THRUTH!!!

Who are you? Yes, this is Jayde from Korncentral. And now you're going to take this back to the board there and tell everyone how insane I am, aren't you?

PEOPLE! It was just a scratch! It's not like I slit my wrist! I wanted my cd back and I also wanted to kill the guy. Plus getting out of class wasn't bad either.
Who are you? Yes, this is Jayde from Korncentral. And now you're going to take this back to the board there and tell everyone how insane I am, aren't you?

:) hehehe... thought so!!! Nice seeing you here! :)

And no, I won't take this to korncentral... I'm not that kinda guy! :)

Anyways, try guessing who I am. :)
There's honestly no way I can know unless you give me some hints.

Now I'll be known as the insane one around here. You probably all think I want to kill myself now.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Jayde

Who are you? Yes, this is Jayde from Korncentral. And now you're going to take this back to the board there and tell everyone how insane I am, aren't you?

PEOPLE! It was just a scratch! It's not like I slit my wrist! I wanted my cd back and I also wanted to kill the guy. Plus getting out of class wasn't bad either.

OK - here comes the fatherly opinion - WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?

I've been close enough to someone cutting this past year (for other reasons), and find it pretty disturbing. For anyone to have the ability to cut themselves, for ANY reason, is beyond my comprehension. Scream, rant, slap someone - but self-harm under any circumstance is troubling (at least that's my opinion)
yes, please don't tell the kornies about this place. :rolleyes: :p

and damn, jayde, i hope i replied to the picture thread before you got ahold of a knife and had at yourself again! i love them a lot, but i'd prefer to keep my body intact. however, go right ahead and inflict pain on the guy who has your cd.
I will inflict lots of pain on him, believe me.

Metalmancpa-thanks for your concern. I've never done anything like this before in my life. Maybe I'm a bit unstable what with my ex-father and all the court shit. But I'm not doing this as a lifestyle. I was very stressed, and it just seemed like the easiest way at the time. It hurt like a bitch though, and afterwards I wondered why I did it. I don't think anyone has to worry about me doing anything like this anytime soon.

DRUGS? That doesn't ring any bells. Are you a frequent post-er?
Originally posted by metalmancpa

OK - here comes the fatherly opinion - WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?

I've been close enough to someone cutting this past year (for other reasons), and find it pretty disturbing. For anyone to have the ability to cut themselves, for ANY reason, is beyond my comprehension. Scream, rant, slap someone - but self-harm under any circumstance is troubling (at least that's my opinion)
i'm sure this has nothing to do with self-injury or anything related...
i don't think she's insane either.. :)

And no, I won't take this to korncentral... I'm not that kinda guy!

you promise you're not that kind of guy? The last thing I need is more shit to deal with.