Today is the Day

I just got home from buying the Harry Potter book at 12:13 AM.... I'll read it tonight and let you know what happens.
Wow the street team forums are populated by some dumbasses.
heh. call me a loser, but I'm done with the book...already.

I was at Barnes and Noble at midnight (wearing some really tr00 kvlt HP glasses :Spin: ) to pick up my copy...then I went home and pulled an all-nighter. which is funny cause I could never manage that for school. anyway I started around 2 am, which is when I got home, and read the whole thing in three and a half hours. damn, it was good, but how the hell are they going to fit the rest into just one book?

and now I'm online at 5:56 am instead of sleeping like a sane person in my situation would do. god I'm a loser
NeverIsForever said:
yeah no shit. although, it seems kind of lame that the only track they're releasing "early" is the one that already leaked :Spin:

I think it's a good idea, actually. The leak isn't so great quality, and therefore many things are missing that we could hear with a better quality sample. I woudln't want to hear the rest of the album until I actually buy it.
I agree, seems unnessecary to hold it back for another month when the album is completed and the cover art is done. Only thing I can think of is booklet and maybe a little promo, but its still a like 43 days away!
Thats good I guess, I know I'd be all "omgwtfbbq" if it was released in the US/Europe first like it always is. Either way I'll be buying the album on release day