Having been a huge fan of the Bush era Anthrax I was skeptical about last nights show. The whole reunion thing left such a bad taste in my mouth, but loving this music I had to check this out, and I was BLOWN AWAY!!! Dan and the band sounded fantastic. If anyone has any doubts or fears that Dan can't deliver, put those aside cause this motherfucker can sing. The new tunes are some heavy fast ass shit, they said they'd be going in to record in August, so it sucks that we probably won't see a new album till 09, but if the rest of it is anything like the 3 they played last night, it'll be well worth the wait. Dan performed the Bush era and Joey era tunes superbly, it was great to hear those tunes live again. This whole past few years of bullshit may have actually been worth it, cause this band is back and sounding better than they have in a long time. The only bitch I have about last night is the crowd. For a Chicago show most of the people there were fucking quiet, not as crazy as I've seen in the past. Not sure if it was just cause everyone was trying to listen more or what, but to me it just didn't seem like the typical Chitown crowd. Oh well, can't wait for more, anyone going to the Maiden shows will not be disappointed.