
Originally posted by TheBigJones47
Once again, I'm speechless. Or actually I guess I'm not, since I always respond to things like this. But you know what I mean. Or do you? Have you come to steal my magic bag?

Actually, I am befuddled.:loco: :dopey:
Originally posted by redreflection
If you don't understand Tool's music, than go and listen to some 2 dimensional metal for simpletons, bang your head and growl all you like.

That's pretty bold to say on a metal forum.

Tool and Opeth are pretty different. It's like apples and oranges again (mudvayne and Nile, whew, that was a good one!).

I like em both cause they are way into their art more than anything else, and it's GOOD art. What more could you ask for?
Originally posted by redreflection
I think most people start these kinds of 'why do people like Tool so much' threads cos they are frustrated by the fact that they cannot grasp the music. If you don't understand Tool's music, than go and listen to some 2 dimensional metal for simpletons, bang your head and growl all you like.

Lateralus is a completely different album to Aenima. What people here seem to be showing everyone is that they have absolutley no idea what they're talking about.

Tool are about more than show-casing fancy guitar solos. The song and the music itself is the priority. To me, the music they create transends any kind of traditional approach, and is beyond what most bands today are capable of.

Tool versus Opeth has already been done to death on this forum, so get over it.

wow. first of all, i ask why people like tool so much because i would like to know. nothing i have heard from them warrants fanatic following, or even rating them as one of the better acts from their very own state in the last decade. as far as not being able to grasp the music, i grasp all i can from it, and there's just not much there. i don't listen to 2-dimensional metal, i actually probably have the most varied tastes in music of anyone you would ever meet. i have an idea what i'm talking about. lateralus is different from aenima, it's nowhere near as good in my opinion. and i'm not seeing what it is in tool's music that's so "transcendent". it seems to me like a lot of times, people listen to the music and it's like "OK... these are strange guys... the CD has really weird cover art... and they have alot of odd little noises between songs... this music must be really artful and profound!" the actual songs seem quite ordinary to these ears. and, finally, as far as tool vs. Opeth goes, i wasn't comparing the 2, i was merely trying to find a good reason for the tool worship subscribed to by alot of Opeth fans (on this forum, obviously). that, as it turns out, has been a fruitless search.
Originally posted by Static
I thought it was
Can I get a woop-woop??!!

It's impossible to say why you like a band, so I think it's a bit ridiculous asking a question like that. If one ask me why Gershwin's "Summertime" is my favorite song of all time I think the best answer I can give will be "Because it's beautiful and sad", but that's not really a good answer. "Everybody hurts" by R.E.M. is sad as well I guess, but that song does absolutely nothing for me!
I feel a bit stupid, 'cause everytime a discussion like this comes up I come as a teacher and says "Everybody got different taste" and so on.
I agree with TheBigJones47 that it sometimes seems like some music is cool, just because it has to be to be cool. Kind of like clothes that are fashionable, but I don't think that's really the point here. If you think "Lateralus" isn't as good as "Anema" that's cool, everybody's got different taste as I said. You know there are some people who think James Last has released the best records EVER! Are you speechless again or what? I don't really know what else to say and I don't feel that there needs any more explaining.
This is completely unrelated, but I think it's impossible for a song to be too long. There, I said it.

Oh, and I can't talk about Tool, I'm far too biased.
Tool are good.
Opeth are good.
Some people like both.
Some like only one.
Some like neither.
Neither band is shit.

Some people cannot appreciate what Opeth do because it doesn't tickle their fancy.
Some people cannot appreciate what Tool do because it doens't tickle their fancy.

To call either band shit or untalented is stupid.

To say Deliverance is the same as Morningrise is stupid.
To say Lateralus is the same as Aenima is stupid.
Originally posted by TheBigJones47
Why is it that everyone praises Tool so much? I happen to like them, they'd probably be in the 12-15 range on my favorite bands, but people talk about them like they're the second coming or something. I was reading some old Lateralus reviews, and the dudes are all "every song on here blows other music away completely, this is the best recording EVER!" There are about 5 good songs on the CD. Actually, there's not really more than 5 songs on there. It's a handful of songs, and then about a half-dozen tracks that are weird little electronic noises and shit. I can understand trying to set moods for the album or song or whatever, but what kind of mood does strange beeps and popping noises create? For me, it gives me a pissed-off mood, that I spent $14 on a disc that markets itself on the back cover as having 13 (or 12?, can't recall right now) songs, and then turns out to have about 30 minutes of actual music. Aggravating. Like I said, most of their actual "songs" are good, but nothing really ground-breaking or interesting. Mostly basic hard-rock music, to these ears at least. I'm basically enraged whenever anyone compares them to Opeth, saying how original they are and everything. I'm failing to make the connection there. Maybe it's just me, who knows.

dude you're certainly exaggerating on Lateralus having 30 minutes of actual music. There's plenty of music there. But I can understand your problem with die hard Tool fan's who think they're the greatest band on earth and you don't think they're THAT special. Reasonable opinion and I can see where you're coming from.
Personally I think they're an amazing band, certainly better than most of the radio music available these days. The reason they have such a widespread fan-base is because their music is complicated and does require a more-than-average level of talent and a good deal of creativity yet at the same time it's melodic, has great rhythm and is generally very easy to get into. That's the problem that the average music fan has with bands like Opeth and Green Carnation, edit:the fact that they're too complicated and too hard to follow and actually require a better understanding for the art.
And Tool is simply on the borderline of acceptance, with their long songs ranging from 5-10 minutes and slow rhythmic intros to each song (as opposed to simply bursting into the song with a heavy beat) and that's why everyone praises them so strongly. Personally Tool is one of my favorite bands RIGHT under Green Carnation. ;) :D
Tool, I think are a very thought provoking band. IMO the things that they do, all entwined together eg. visuals, music, philosophy is amazing. No other band that I know of, have such a visual and mind enhancing show. I guess you either love or hate Tool.
Originally posted by TheBigJones47
wow. first of all, i ask why people like tool so much because i would like to know. nothing i have heard from them warrants fanatic following, or even rating them as one of the better acts from their very own state in the last decade.

Ths is retarded. This is like saying, "I don't see why so many people like (insert band name here) because I would like to know. Nothing I heard warrants fanatic following. I just don't get it." YO!!!! Wake up!!!! Everybody has different musical tastes!!!! Just because you don't get the music doesn't mean it's bad. It's really easy for anybody to say "Your favorite band sucks because I can't understand why they're good." It's just stupid. If you're going to present an argument, present it well.
Originally posted by thirdeye
and what do you lateralus haters think about when you see that two members of opeth hold that album in very high regard...with one calling it the best album ever....

last time i checked, the 2 members of opeth who like tool have nothing to do with writing opeth's material. your statement is completely irrelevant.
Tool don't use the simplistic or catchy melodies that a lot of bands out there are using in their music. That's what I like about them. When I listen to Tool, I don't hear a guy hacking away at a guitar or banging on the drums. The elements combine to form an 'atmosphere'.

Some of the bands that people worship on this forum sound like crap to me. Most use simplistic drumming and keyboards and standard solos and riffing which does very little for me. I don't go around knocking them though.

Each to their own.
KielbasaSausage. Since you obviously know exactly how Opeth works as a band, within the context of writing/approving/playing their own original material, I hereby surrender to any and all of your arguments.

I humbly beg forgiveness and pardon on the part of both myself and anyone who may have (foolishly) thought that the two members of Opeth to which you refer had any sort of creative input into the band.

I also beg pardon for having thought that members of Opeth have tastes and preferences that are anything other than irrelevant.


You sir are an idiot. :lol:
Originally posted by EvilGenius
Personally, I think track 1 on Lateralus is too long. I also think if they put 2 and 3 together, extended it even longer, it probably one of my favorite songs heh heh...

BTW, I like Tool, but I don't love 'em. Far from it actually. I just listen to them occasionally.

I think track 1 on lateralus (the grudge) is the perfect length..... I got a toooon of respect for tool..... even though they aren't my favorite band now (they are way up there), Lateralus was the album that got me utterly obsessed with music once again....I could not stop listening to the friggin cd for months.... it was perfect..... and The Grudge was fuckin incredible when I first heard it....
Originally posted by Iblys
KielbasaSausage. Since you obviously know exactly how Opeth works as a band, within the context of writing/approving/playing their own original material, I hereby surrender to any and all of your arguments.

I humbly beg forgiveness and pardon on the part of both myself and anyone who may have (foolishly) thought that the two members of Opeth to which you refer had any sort of creative input into the band.

I also beg pardon for having thought that members of Opeth have tastes and preferences that are anything other than irrelevant.


You sir are an idiot. :lol:

well, seems as if the opeth forum has attracted another musically and mentally handicapped person. I like tool and i never said anything negative about them, yet you made it seem otherwise. everyone on this board knows that Mikael Akerfeldt writes all the music for Opeth; the others obviously have their own style and add a little here and there to the music. As you have previously stated, an opeth band member "[called] [Lateralus] the best album ever." He might as well have the worst music taste ever because he doesnt write opeth's music you fuckin retard :lol: . Also, i could point out that before the "Martins" (who are the 2 people in opeth that like tool) joined the band, opeth's music was still incredible (many opeth fans believe these earlier albums to be the best). now im not saying that opeth's albums progressively became worse because of the addition of the two "tool fans," but to tell the "lateralus haters" to change their opinion on a "shitty album" because of the fact that two tool fans are members of opeth is completely senseless my friend.

P.S. - Did you recently discover Opeth through Deliverance?
From KielbasaSausage's first post:
the 2 members of opeth who like tool have nothing to do with writing opeth's material.
From KielbasaSausage's second post:
the others obviously have their own style and add a little here and there to the music.
Contradiction. Work it out dude.

Until you can promise me that Mikael wrote every note and beat on every Opeth album EVER (which you can't, because Mikael admits that the other guys have helped out, even as far as vocal lines), saying that the Martins (i.e. the Tool fans) don't take part in writing the music is just..... well.... fucking stupid.
P.S. - Did you recently discover Opeth through Deliverance?
Nah. First Opeth song I heard was April Ethereal. A mate lent me Still Life maybe two years ago. I now own aaaaalmost all of their cds.