Top 2003 Contenders - What have you got thus far?

I'm not even sure I'll have a Top Ten by the end of the year... this has been such a disappointing year for me... maybe I'm not looking hard enough for new stuff

1. Evergrey (solidly at number 1)

other good albums:


Dead Soul Tribe

Devin Townsend

The Gathering
Number one for me would be ..........

1 - Strapping young Lad - SYL
2 - A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step
3 - Devin townsend Band - Accelerated Evolution
Papa Josh said:
Oh Jesus,

Just got something in the mail that may or may not shatter some people's lists for 2003...


Holy Shit.

:kickass: :kickass:

riiight, that album sucks goat arse
mmmmm..... in not particulary order

Dimmu Borgir - Death Cult Armageddon
Zyklon - Aeon
Aborted - Goremageddon
Dying Fetus - Stop at Nothing
Nightrage - Sweet Vengeace
The Haunted - One Kill Wonder
Vital Remains - Dechristianize
Misery Index - Retaliate
So far, might be more soon!

In no order:

Adagio - Underworld
Evergrey - Recreation Day
The Gathering - Souvenirs
Dead Soul Tribe - A Murder of Crows
Anekdoten - Gravity
Opeth - Damnation
Mercenary - Everblack (has really been growing on me)
John Arch - Twist of Fate (ep)
Rage - Soundchaser
Epica - The Phantom Agony
Blackmore's Night - A ghost of a rose

Masterplan - S/T

There is a few more but I am not sure if they would be 2003 releases they might be late 2002 like the new Amaran - A World Depraved.

Cheers, Tony
ProgMetalFan said:
I'm not even sure I'll have a Top Ten by the end of the year... this has been such a disappointing year for me
I'm with ProgMetalFan on this one. 2003 just plain sucks so far. Or maybe 'm just getting more critical and picky in my ol' age. But from what I've seen, hardly any good debuts this year and the old guard is tossing up turds hoping to catch the eyes of nu-kids or mainstream.

To be honest, the most impressive album I've heard this year is Poison the Well's 'You Come Before You'. I pretty much placed my balls on the chopping block, but it's the truth. It has more aggression and impressive instrumentation than any or most of the metal albums I've heard.

Graveland's 'The Fire of Awakening' is also growing on me. A big step up from the somewhat disappointing 'Memory and Destiny'.

Others worth a mention: Aborym, Negura Bunget, Manes, Rune.

I recently ordered Goatsblood and Watchmaker, so we'll see what they bring. Also looking forward to the new Falkenbach.

Overall, a dismal year for metal.
On the contrary, I think 2003 has been one of the best years in a long time. I have a hard time coming up with a top 10, because there is easily 20+ albums worth mentioning.

Then again, I think my taste is much different than those who have poo poo'd '03.
top 5 so far:

1_Amorphis - Far From the Sun

2_Naglfar - Sheol

3_Nevermore - Enemies of Reality

4_Solefald - In Harmonia Universali

5_Enslaved - Below the Lights

honorable mentions: type o negative, afi, dimmu borgir, bathory, opeth, devy

most disapointing: arch enemy - anthems of rebellion (mediocore!)
Black Winter Day said:
how could i manage to forget. . .

porcupine tree - in absentia

will probably go down as the best of the year. . . but you never know! (that's the exciting part)
Fuck yeah this album is AWESOME and the best PT has done (Signify a close second IMO) however I wasn't sure if it fell in the 2003 category...if it does...tack this one as well to my list!!! :)
I guess not. Instead of trying to come up with a Top 5/10/25 of 2003, it'll be much easier to think of the Top 5/10/25 Most Disappointing Albums of 2003.

Disappointments: Aeternus, The Haunted, Golden Dawn, Finntroll, Moonsorrow. Also, the SYL, Devin Townsend Band, and Enslaved haven't had the appeal they once had and I find myself listening to earlier stuff from them. I also think the new Edge of Sanity is kinda disappointing.

I should have Zyklon, Goatsblood and Watchmaker soon, so hopefully these will kick my ass.
Dreamlord said:
I guess not. Instead of trying to come up with a Top 5/10/25 of 2003, it'll be much easier to think of the Top 5/10/25 Most Disappointing Albums of 2003.
Wow - has it really been that bad for you? Without sounding presumptious, I think 2004 could probably be even worse for you because the albums you list from 2003 are *generally* considered the best the year has on offer to date (Enslaved, Moonsorrow, SYL).

In other words, maybe it's not the music but your tastes....
lurch70 said:
tops for 2003 so far ...

Negura, Vital Remains, Unmoored, and The Darkness :hypno:
Love the first two - both in my top 5 so far....Unmoored sounds great, just waiting for promo or to buy....not heard of The Darkness?
not heard of The Darkness?
The Darkness is strange rock/metal band from the UK that is a mix of Queen (for the singers vocal range) and Ac/Dc (i guess for the humor, becuase I do not really hear in the music) according to critics.

I downloaded some tracks (Get your hands off of my woman and Black Shuck) .. they rule.

They are basically cock rock, hair metal type of stuff and they are fun and catchy as hell. Something refreshing from this morbidly depressing music of today.

Check them out if you are into that type of stuff, really high energy.
Yeah, The Darkness rock. First time in three years that a fashionable band has appeared that I dig, so can sing along to them with my mates to 'em. The sound of half a dozen guys with smoked-out lungs trying to do falsettos will be a sound I will remember long into my twilight years :cool:

But, yeah...the music is pretty average Rock, the vocals are fucking classy, and their lyrics are good fun :) all in all they rock and are jolly good fun and I thoroughly recommend 'em!