Top 5 Greatest Movies

Tony starring in Breakin' 2: Electic boogaloo!

Too many to make a top 5, I like alot of movies so Im going to make a list big enough to sink a ship.

Labrynth, Entire Vacation Series, Never Ending Story, Legend, What Dreams May Come, Uncle Buck, Anything by John Hughes, Wizards, American Pop, Lord of the Rings (1974)....

I could go on forever but im tired.
1. American history x
2. LOTR trilogy
3. Fight club
4. Trainspotting
5.The girl next door

(And band of brothers)
5. Batman Returns

Dude... naming that movie in your top 5, however FUCKING EPICLY AWESOME it is, means you need to watch more movies. :p (Best two Batman movies were the first two btw, obviously)

1. Snatch
2. Stoned
3. Pulp Fiction
4. Fight Club
5. American History X

Pulp Fiction > Snatch... Tarantino > Guy Ritchie

I'm not sure about top 5, but the last great movie I watched was Epic Movie. Name says it all . . .

That movie was such a piece of shit. I loved all the Scary Movies, laughed at them all. Date Movie was a major fail, minus a few FUNNY parts... but I didn't even crack ONE fucking smile during that 1 hour piece of shit.

Srsly guise, u see this bitch on the streets u tell me!

The fuck? DeVito+Keaton = EPIC WIN!

If I could have a 6th, It would be Equilibrium, that movie rawked bawlz.

And I can't believe no one has said Donnie Darko yet, that is the film that has puzzled me and made me think the most out of all films I ever watched.

Equilibrium :kickass: :kickass: 1984 meets The Giver? How can that not be fucking amazing?

Donnie Darko puzzled you? You obviously have no background in writing/film plots. Donnie Darko was a good movie, but by no means innovative and brilliant. I won't even bother listing other movies with a similar plot/premise. I iked the movie, however, it is far from my top 5.
Like ingrid, Lotr is my number 1 too (totally Tolkien-freak). Its too difficult to list top 5 but few movies I like: Finding Neverland, Pirates of the Caribbean, Chicago, Moulin Rouge, King Arthur etc.
My top 5 at the moment is:

2. Leon the Professional

Aw fuck I forgot Leon! :erk:

the best movie ever?

Bust a Nut in Grandma's Butt, volumes 1-5


wow im sick i need more sleep
^I know my films.

I can't even believe I narrowed it down to a top 5, I know for a fact True Romaec and Leon are 1 and 2 of all time, but 3-50 would be a hard pick :erk: