Top 5 Greatest Movies

^Eh, A decent Tarantino Script, directed by Oliver stone. An ok movie,better than most. Not as epic as it's been thoguht of as. tarantino wrote True Romance first, it was his best script imo. But he was poor and sold it to some company he later worked for as an editor for 29 grand. Then he wrote NBK, then when people came around trying to get Reservoir Dogs from him, he refused because he wanted tomake it himself. Director Tony Scott wanted it, by Tarantino told him to buy the rights to True Romance instead... the rest is epicwin movie history!
Dude... naming that movie in your top 5, however FUCKING EPICLY AWESOME it is, means you need to watch more movies. :p (Best two Batman movies were the first two btw, obviously)

LOL true that it's not really in my top 5. But if I really named my favorite 5 movies no one would know any of them :lol:

still, it is indeed epic and like it so :p
I'm not a fan of mafia movies, or tv shows like The Sopranos because it makes Italian Americans look like a bunch of blood thirsty goomba dego wops. If i want mafia stories i turn to my friend Greg, he dated John (Sonny) Franzese daughter back in High School many years ago. That's a real mob boss.
Bruce Willis > Brad Pitt
By the way, aren't you a f##king programmer by any chance? They are people really difficult to understand... Extremely like using different signs while communicating with other people whо aren't programmers.... :lol: :lol: :lol: Wtf does "Bruce Willis > Brad Pitt" mean??? That Bruce's fuck is longer than Brad's one???? :lol:
:zombie: you've learned math right? > The open end is the Greater part of the Sign and the closed pointed end side is the Less than part of the sign. > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > <

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway in this case Bruce Willis is a better actor than Brad Pitt. Bruce Willis > Brad Pitt

And he's right lol