Top ten bands that ruined metal in your opinion

Meshuggah, they yiddish for crazy make everybody jump da fuck up.
Before saying the bands name first check out if they are METAL and then blame them for ruining Metal.
And I think Metal music doesn't get ruined by any shitty band.
You cannot blame At the Gates for spawning a massive plague of "melodic death metal" bands. You may like ATG or not, but their albums are pretty good (i actually like most of them). It's not their fault that 1 million bands picked that sound and made cheap clones out of it.
You cannot blame At the Gates for spawning a massive plague of "melodic death metal" bands. You may like ATG or not, but their albums are pretty good (i actually like most of them). It's not their fault that 1 million bands picked that sound and made cheap clones out of it.

Considering that the album that is cloned has approximately one song and several copies, there could be some argument as to why the sub-genre gets so samey on that front.
At the Gates weren't metalcore though. They were a great early melodic death metal band. Bands cannot be said to have been bad influences simply because their music was/is being misinterpreted by listeners.

And furthermore, who are we to say it's misinterpretation?

EDIT: @Tom Brady
The way I understood it was a reverse psychology kind of thing and it amounts to no more than a most important bands in metal. So it hits on bands that made a contribution in the various directions metal took.

That's the way I looked at it too. Kinda obvious when you see Black Sabbath and Metallica on there, but it seems everyone took it literally.
Honestly, if you want to blame anyone for ruining metal, you should blame the fans.

could not have said it any better myself.

musical elitism and a lack of originality throughout genres is ultimately what will kill metal. people just wanna hear the same old shit over and over again and anytime someone comes along and has new ideas people jump on the bandwagon and say they suck for not conforming to standards
The Durst ruined metal just for the nookie, so you can take that cookie and stick it up your yeah.