Top ten bands that ruined metal in your opinion

^Could not agree more.

Metal has never been "ruined" by certain bands ESPECIALLY the innovators.. how can something be RUINED by the people that shaped it?

Quite possibly one of the stupid articles I have ever read. Oh wait, it definitely is.
Cradle of Filth. It probably doesn't even really need to be said. I feel the only growth that has occurred in this band over the last ten years can be seen in Dani's stomach and bald spot. Really, way to release a new album every two years that sounds exactly like every other album since '99. It really is a shame Dani didn't off himself after Midian was released, if he did there would be a slight possibility that they could still be tolerable.
It's so obvious that everyone in this band is only in it for the money.
I used to like their shirts and stuff...but really...I wouldn't want to be seen in public wearing their merch, just because if anyone told me they liked my shirt I'd have to hate them.
I can't even see one redeeming quality in them.
And Chthonic for being exactly like them, but asian. And Dimmu Borgir, just because.

I'd like to be the person that gets paid to air-brush cheekbones on Dani Filth's pictures. If I charged by centimeters of fat I'd hide, I'd be a fucking millionaire.
And Chthonic for being exactly like them, but asian. And Dimmu Borgir, just because.
dont drag them down with cradle, cradles not even that bad, theyre just overrated.
listen to Funeral in Carpathia by them, much more "black metal" than post-Midian efforts.
Exactly metal is more alive than ever and just because there is diversity from a musical standpoint within it does not mean its been ruined. The same goes for bands becoming popular.
I agree that no band has ever ruined metal, and never will.

But I think that the people who don't know about metal might someday ruin it. I mean, when someone who says they like metal, but like bands like BMTH, Suicide Silence, Despised Icon, etc. Because that's what people (at least where I live) think is death metal. :bah: They even go as far as saying "deathcore is death metal". IT'S FUCKING ANNOYING. And when they ask what bands I like, which are Cannibal Corpse, Hell-Born, Sarpanitum, Dissenter, Nile, Aborted, Zyklon, Asesino, Dying Fetus, etc, they just don't even know what those are... They only know about deathcore and metalcore.:yuk:

I wonder if a band that's "ruined" metal, would make a good album, would the fags who liked it earlier, stop liking it, or find other bands similar to it? I mean, Carnifex and JfaC for example, if they continue going to more and more into death metal, will their fanbase change?
^ This.
I recently had someone tell me Suicide Silence made hardcore punk/death metal/grindcore music.
I agree that no band has ever ruined metal, and never will.

But I think that the people who don't know about metal might someday ruin it. I mean, when someone who says they like metal, but like bands like BMTH, Suicide Silence, Despised Icon, etc. Because that's what people (at least where I live) think is death metal. :bah: They even go as far as saying "deathcore is death metal". IT'S FUCKING ANNOYING. And when they ask what bands I like, which are Cannibal Corpse, Hell-Born, Sarpanitum, Dissenter, Nile, Aborted, Zyklon, Asesino, Dying Fetus, etc, they just don't even know what those are... They only know about deathcore and metalcore.:yuk:

Most metalcore/deathcore fans I know like CC as well.
Many of my friends around here are scene kids, and they listen to music for the wrong reasons. This one guy jumps from We butter The Bread With Butter to Artery Eruption, because they are br00tal apparantly. I don't get it. They listen to Incantation and think its utter shit, but praise other bands because they think they're so br00tal. It's just one big piss off.
Cradle of Filth. It probably doesn't even really need to be said. I feel the only growth that has occurred in this band over the last ten years can be seen in Dani's stomach and bald spot.


But hey, Damnation and a Day was a great album, especially lyrically. Excluding that release, I agree completely.

Really, way to release a new album every two years that sounds exactly like every other album since '99. It really is a shame Dani didn't off himself after Midian was released, if he did there would be a slight possibility that they could still be tolerable.
It's so obvious that everyone in this band is only in it for the money.

I don't think they've released an album similar to Midian, it's a release very unique to the rest of their catalogue. Damnation and a Day took to the band to new territory once again but marked a shift in the direction of their song writing. Nymphetamine-onward, they definitely lost their creative edge and inspiration and began to recycle ideas.

Anyhow, I don't see this being any different from any other band. In my opinion, bands typically release their best album within their first three (maybe four) albums. I think it's very rare for a band to put out quality albums ten years after their debut album.
Every band that plays any genre ending in -core.
They aren't even metal.

Well, there's grindcore, which is most certainly metal. Hardcore punk, which doesn't claim to be metal but is nonetheless a great genre. And there are good metalcore/deathcore bands.

Death/metalcore are crossover genres where it's hard to exactly draw a line what is and isn't death/metalcore. So we have legitimate metal bands that fall into that category like The Red Chord and Animosity, but we also have bands which have minimal influence from either genre ((death) metal and hardcore punk) but get put under those genres for lack of a better term.

Hell, I consider Suffocation to be the first deathcore band. They are obviously a death metal band and they have a lot of NYHC influence because they, well, are a New York band. There probably wouldn't be any of their slammy breakdowns if they didn't have hardcore punk influence. Death metal + hardcore punk = deathcore (hence the portmanteau). In that case, Suffocation is definitely deathcore.

Really, people need to be less close minded. Sure, just because you can put Bring Me the Horizon in a genre doesn't mean it's all bad. If you threw out all metalcore you'd miss out on bands like Coalesce, Integrity, Converge, Botch, The Red Chord, Animosity, and PsyOpus. Oh right, but those aren't ultra-trve necrokvlt bands, so disregard this. >_>
Fuck you Pantera haters, they may not be the most artistic band but they're pretty fun to listen to.

Many of my friends around here are scene kids, and they listen to music for the wrong reasons. This one guy jumps from We butter The Bread With Butter to Artery Eruption, because they are br00tal apparantly. I don't get it. They listen to Incantation and think its utter shit, but praise other bands because they think they're so br00tal. It's just one big piss off.

Hey, We Butter the Bread With Butter writes some fun tunes.