Top Whatever Horror Flicks

anything with a clown in it is scary to me. except IT. man, that sucked. no offense E-bortion. the book absolutely ruled though.
dorian gray said:
anything with a clown in it is scary to me. except IT. man, that sucked. no offense E-bortion. the book absolutely ruled though.

well It tops my list simply because of the age i was when i watched it. it was much more impactful when i was 8 and i list it solely because of its impact and nothing else.
i dont think kings works translate to the screen well. IT as a book is amazing. i read it before i saw the movie, so naturally i was extrememly disappointed with the tim curry debacle. i felt it was a disgrace to the book. but whatever.
dorian gray said:
i dont think kings works translate to the screen well. IT as a book is amazing. i read it before i saw the movie, so naturally i was extrememly disappointed with the tim curry debacle. i felt it was a disgrace to the book. but whatever.

Tons of King's work has translated plenty well to the big screen (The Shining, Stand By Me (aka "The Body"), Shawshank Redemption, Carrie, Christine, etc.).

IT sucked so hard b/c it was a made-for-TV special.
I've been more disappointed with King's books-to-movies than have been impressed.

I strongly believe SHawshank and Stand By Me are greats. Green Mile was pretty swell too, but it dragged a bit in places.

The original The Shining with Jack Nicholson has very little to do with the book. Cujo was boring I thought (so was the book), and Firestarter the movie was laughable (the book was nifty).

I thought the movie The Langoliers was done well and the book rocked. Apt Pupil the book was great while the movie not so much.
Even Misery was pretty good. It's the stuff like Pet Semetary, Needful Things, etc. that has tarnished what was once a very good track record. Movies like Carrie, Christine, even Firestarter were all very good scary movies and held up well in their book-to-screen translation.

Good point about The Shining though; I remember King was so upset with the movie's "version" that he had the "true" one made for TV (it was awful). I did visit the mansion that allegedly inspired the story though, when I was in Colorado a few years back. Pretty kewl.
yeah Needful things. awful awful movie. THing is, the book is one of my faves from King.

I know people love to slag The Stand miniseries, but I thought it was pretty good for a made for TV miniseries. What someone really needs to do is make a solid 6 hour movie , with full budget, for The Stand. Along with The Dark Tower Series, The Stand is vintage King.

And I'd be totally behind someone doing an epic 7-part movie series of The DT Series. You know, doing it LOTR and Harry Potter style. One movie a year.

And let me express my disappointment in the movie Hearts in Atlantis. Being a DT fanboy, I wanted just an inkling of the DT series to show itself on the big screen. What did I get? The Low Men in Yellow Coats are fucking FBI cronies, and Brautigan isn't a Breaker, he's a goddamn fortune teller or something. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

However, my wife saw the movie first, and she liked it a lot. Let me it be known my wife loved the DT series as well. She's cool.
for other King hilarity, watch the classic Maximum Overdrive. holy shit that movie is so bad it's entertaining as hell
J. said:
And let me express my disappointment in the movie Hearts in Atlantis. Being a DT fanboy, I wanted just an inkling of the DT series to show itself on the big screen. What did I get? The Low Men in Yellow Coats are fucking FBI cronies, and Brautigan isn't a Breaker, he's a goddamn fortune teller or something. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
yes yes yes! it took great restraint on my part to keep from smashing the TV with a sledghammer when the movie was over. i was like, "WHAT THE FUCK??!?!?!?! NOT ONE SINGLE GODDAM DARK TOWER REFERENCE!!!"

@markgugs: good points on movies that have been good. i seem to have forgotten about many of those. i think there have just been so many flops that they overshadow the ok ones.

speaking of, i thought storm of the century was pretty cool.
also, has anyone mentioned the 70s miniseries of salems lot? great show!
I saw the latest Salem's Lot miniseries on TNT or whatever with Rob Lowe. It was kinda crap, really. Why the fuck did they have Father Callahan siding with the vampires in the end? Made no sense. If I remember correctly, Callahan drank the vamps blood and then tried to re-enter his church, only to have his hand burned once he touched the door knob.

A shame, since the book was fantastic. As was Callahan's re-emergence into the King world in Wolves of the Calla.
It's worth mentioning that the original Salem's Lot was a decent movie, but then again, King didn't write that book by himself. Unless I'm mixing up my King history, that one was co-written with Peter Straub.
markgugs said:
It's worth mentioning that the original Salem's Lot was a decent movie, but then again, King didn't write that book by himself. Unless I'm mixing up my King history, that one was co-written with Peter Straub.

Mixed up. King and Straub wrote The Talisman and Black House.

The Talisman was crap IMO, but they're making a movie of it apparently. Black House on the other hand was great, and I loved the DT references.
talisman was cowritten with straub. an incredible book. DT related too.
the other one they did together, black house, was terrible.

i saw bits and pieces of that TNT deal. pretty much what i expected. i dont remember the callahan part. its been awhile since i read SL.