Horror Movies


Metal Overlord
Apr 6, 2006
this is a thread that was just needed to be made

post about your favourite horror movies or franchises

my favs would be texas chainsaw massacre one and two, cannibal holocaust, the original friday the 13th and halloween

but the best by far is the evil dead series
Nightmare on elm street: I just love Freddy
A Nightmare on Elm Street, Chopping Mall, Night of the Living Dead, The Flesh Eaters, Hellraiser, It, Evil Dead, The Shining, etc.
Friday The 13th - Whole series!! More than just gore they're hilarious!!
The Shining - One of the more scary horror movies!!
Halloween - Up until the recent ones they've all been pretty good!!
Hellraiser - Again up until the recent ones.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Same As Friday The 13th
The Horror Show - Great Late 80's Flick!!
Sleepaway Camp - Whole Series Hilarious!!

Least Favorites:

Nightmare On Elm Street - There is something about a confirmed homo who tries to touch you when you're sleeping that makes me want to stay awake...But I can't say that gay Robert Englund scares me..

Childs Play - These movies just plain suck!!

Leprechuan - Is a comment really needed?? I don't know why since they're making all these "Versus" movies that they don't make Chucky .vs The Leprechuan?!?! I mean both franchises SUCK might as well make some money by letting them kill each other.
Leprechuan - Is a comment really needed?? I don't know why since they're making all these "Versus" movies that they don't make Chucky .vs The Leprechuan?!?! I mean both franchises SUCK might as well make some money by letting them kill each other.

I think thats a good idea. They both suck.
The Shutter! Great Thai horror.

It has lots of scenes seen in movies like The Ring and The Exorcist (which I love), but it´s still hella good.
THE SAW TRILOGY (soon to be anyways)

and the obligatory SCARY MOVIE 4 for its parodies of SAW which were done very well actually, but you'd have to have seen both saw movies to really get some of the jokes, i don't think you'd have to see them to laugh at the jokes though. :lol: