Total elclipse karokee mix


United We Stand
Apr 16, 2001
West Palm Beach, FL
Is now up on myplay in my locker. I'm almost positive I had this to mix, if not sorry for jumping the gun. Anyway it sounds great.
EC-as usual another solid track, I took your sugestion and added a bit of low end just to bring up the tone. So have a listen and let me know what you guys think.
off to bed

I had a karaoke track for this working mate! This was one of the first things I started working on when we got off our butts again.

I like parts of your mix better..and I like parts of my mix better. I'll go ahead and copy up my mix to your locker so you can listen.

I'll compare and contrast our mixes.
1. You punch up the low frequencies. This I like. I neglected this
2. You put crossy right channel and me left... This seem to work too..although it threw me off a sec. This I like.
3. You have the leads a bit louder in the mix than me. To me they seemed to jump _out_ a bit. So in this respect I like my mix better.
4. You panned the solos. Cool.
5. I had to add extra echo/reverb to my solo track to try to match Crossy's solo tone a bit more on my mix. I think the result is a smoother transition.
6. Overall, while I like the punch up in the low frequencies, I think you mixed the bass in a bit too loud. I hope the bass players don't shoot me for this.

Overall...they soundpretty close. =) I'll drop back off of this one and let you mix. I'll also drop off of I want out.

Where were you at with Beast? I am almost done with that. I had to record the 2nd rhythm track myself..and am using Crossy's solo. Should I go ahead and continue?
well, I had the working mix on my hard drive all this time so it was really no big deal to eq the bass and do the mix, so if you put some time and effort in to this one I have no prob handing it over to you:) besides you give a hell of alot more to the mix anyway. So it's your call. did you post you mix yet? if so where?
Nah mate..she is all yours.

I have my hands full with the other mixes. If you do this, it gives me time to focus on finishing up the others.

My karaoke mix was put up in your locker. I double-checked and it looks like it dissapeared on me. I am copying it again now. Is anybody else having problems with copying files up to myplay and having them simply vanish?

I didn't put much work in this mix. The instruments practically mix themselves. Solid tracks all around. Its the lead guitar breaks that are the most problematic...none of them blend very well.
Originally posted by rabies

My karaoke mix was put up in your locker. I double-checked and it looks like it dissapeared on me. I am copying it again now. Is anybody else having problems with copying files up to myplay and having them simply vanish?

I have trouble finding stuff on there sometimes. The only things I've ever deleted were things that I posted like example tracks or useless blurbs. I hope I haven't accidentally deleted the wrong thing. I make certain that I've always checked the right box.
I'll stop doing that just in case.