Translation of VINTERSORG lyrics/titles

<I just love to hear Vintersorg pronounce Swedish. A gorgeous accent....enchanting, and sexy (ok, so us metal chicks have a weakness for sexy vocals!) <

you're so right !!


<Anyone going to see them on this tour? I'm heading over to Europe from the USA and plan on seeing them in Vienna.<

I'm surely going to see them in Vienna.

Are you coming overseas for some kind of exchange program or vacation, visiting friends etc. ?
If you need help to get to the venue, just say a word.

I trully think that we are doing a great job with the translations...

I thank Tenebrose ( :o) ), Morgana and Protocol for their help...

Still I have there are a lot of doubts unanswered ;o)

I add another one:

"Skådar troget över himlabrynet mantlad i särk"

Looks faithful over the heavenedge (horizon) dressed in särk.

Can you explain with details what a särk is?? If you have pictures better hehehe

PS: all the folk links you can give me for expanding my knowledge would be great!

Originally posted by opacity
[BI'm surely going to see them in Vienna.

Are you coming overseas for some kind of exchange program or vacation, visiting friends etc. ?
If you need help to get to the venue, just say a word. [/B]

I'm going to be heading across Europe on a vacation, and visiting friends in Germany. Vienna just seemed to be the most convenient time for me to see the tour!

As I think the venue isn't all that easy to, I'd appreciate it!!!! :)) Thanks!!


>Alvadimmans Omdaning


>For you people translating by ear: I would be willing to transcribe some

>lyrics from the Alvefard album once I'm at the computer with my mp3 list.

>I own the album and the lyric sheet.

I'll get on Galderbesjungen and Lövjerskan when I get home in a couple of hours. I can borrow Alvefärd from a fiend of mine to get the lyrics, but that'll take a couple of days or so. Maybe you can provide them faster?
I'll get on it right now... I'll save them in notepad .txt files. Shall I send them to your e-mail address?
Sure. =)

And make sure you get all the å:s, ä:s and ö:s right!

edit: grrr get those damn smilies OUT of my post!
I'm done with Huldran and I Trollberg Och Skog. Don't worry, I'm double checking everything. Sometimes it's a little hard to read the small print against the lighter parts of the background but so far so good.


Kungadottern vreds av våndans härskarmakt

____The king's daughter is angered by the agony's ruling power

Sinneskrampen kom från drömmen

____The mind-spasm came from the dream

Drömmen om en guldkrans blanka prakt

____The dream of a gold-wreath's shining splendour

Från sagotidens*2* mörka gömmen

____From the legend-time's dark coverts

Om dess höghet det har skrivits om i dikt

____Of its supremacy has been written in poetry

En magisk isbjörn som förtrollar

____A magic polar bear that enchants

Förtrollar dottern med sin tjusarbikt

____Enchants the daughter with its charmer's confession

Som frilig*3* står i klänningsfållar

____Who easily stands in dress-hems


Hon jordbunden*4* blir av isbjörnens röst

____She is earth-bound by the polar bear's voice

En klangfull suck från naturens bröst

____A sonorous sigh from the nature's chest

Med guldkrans om hals hon funnit sin tröst

____With gold-wreath around the neck, she's found her consolation

Och galderbesjungen bliver

____And galder-sung becomes

Mot äventyrsvärld där vigsel skall stå

____Towards adventure-world where wedding shall take place

I guldslott bak fjäll, vid friskan å

____In a golden castle at the back of a mountaint, by a sound river

Flöjttoner nu moränkullar nå

____Flute-tunes now moraine-hills reach

Och stjärnbanors glödariver

____And starpaths' glowing ardour

När skymning spänner himlaväven bjärt och grann

____When twilight stretches the sky-web glary and garish

Förvandling sker i aftonstunden

____Transformation takes place in the evening-time

Stunden då skogens gullfar bliver man

____The time when the forests' gold-father*4* becomes a man

Av trolldom han är slavligt bunden

____By sorcery he is slavishly bound

Men om makan skulle skåda denna hamn

____But if the wife would behold this shape

När dagabräckning börjar glia

____When dawn starts glimmering

Glia så varmt. Från ovälgärningsfamn

____Glimmering so warm. From vicious embrace

Sin brudgum ej då går att fria

____Her bridegroom can not be freed


Hon jordbunden blir...

För detta ting han levde i skräck

____Of this matter he lived in fear

Att hustrun skulle se hans gestalt

____That the wife would se his shape

På natten han är likt skönlockig näck

____In the night he is like a beautifully curly-haired watersprite

Fast fagrare ändå, ja tusenfalt

____Only fairer still, yea thousandfold

När solvagnen går*5* han åter blir björn

____When the sun-charriot passes he again becomes a bear

Förbannelse i mången dagar

____Cursed for many a day

Trollpackan fjärrser genom örn

____The witch sees through an eagle

Hans lidande henne behagar

____His suffering her pleases


Hon jordbunden blir...

*1*: A 'galder' is an magic song or mantra performed in a screaming resounding manner. There isn't really an English equivalent.

*2*: 'Sago-' is an adjective form of fairy-tale, but legend seems more appropriate in this context.

*3*: 'Frilig' can mean 'of free will', 'without constraint', bold, untroubled, comfortably, 'at will', etc, etc. I use easy, meaning 'free from worry, anxiety or pain', 'causing little hardship or distress' and/or 'promiscuous; loose'.

*4*: 'Gull' is a word for gold or golden, 'far' is an archaic word for father. I couldn't find any references whatsoever to the composite form 'gullfar', so I simply translated the different parts of it.

That's it for today. If you see something that looks wrong, let me know - I'm not completely up to par just now. ZzzzzZZzzzzzzzzzz....
I'm all the way to Myrdingar--Martyrium. (6 songs down, 6 to go) AAACK! Eye strain!!!

____The Dryad

På ensliga hedens mossprydda mark

____Upon the solitary moor's moss-clad soil

Botträdet står mot höstvinden stark

____The remedial tree stands firm in the autumn wind

Kringrännes av bemantlande bark

____Encircled by cloaking bark

Dess krona mot himlen spirar

____Its crown towards the sky spires

En urstamm bemäld*2* längs bergland och fåld

____An ancient trunk ? along mountainland and folds

Oskönjbar uti grenverkets båld

____Indiscernible within the canopy's

Lövjerskan dväljs i ovädrets våld

____The dryad dwells in the storm's fury

Bland lavar som stammen sirar

____Among lichens that the trunk adorn

Trädandars dans i lövkronan rik

____Tree-spirits dance in the rich leaf canopy

Ringdansen går till höstlig musik

____The ringdance is set to autumn music

Ett skådeförlopp nu döljt i mystik

____A play now concealed in mysticism

Vid rösen och mörka granar

____By stone-heaps and dark spruces

Blodströmmar sipprar ur trädets rot

____Blood streams seep from the tree's root

När skändare satt sin egg vid dess fot

____When a defiler has put its blade at its foot

Den skändliga handling kräver sitt blot

____This violating act requires a penance

Nu livslågan sakta danar

____The flicker of life now slowly fades


Lövjerskans läkedom, helande rikedom

____The dryad's leechcraft, healing wealth

Lösgör från våndans bann, midlandskraft själdjupet fann

____Sets free from the agony's bane, midland-force the soul-essence found

Lövjerskans läkedom, helande rikedom

____The dryad's leechcraft, healing wealth

Sjänkt utav skogsdryad i den gåtfulla offerlunden

____Given by forest dryad in the mysterious sacrificial groove

*1*: A 'lövjerska' is a female nature spirit that dwells in groves and forests.

*2*: 'Bemäla' means something along the lines of 'join with' or 'married'. I really can't make sense of this sentence.

Yep, yep, the usual disclaimer. Feel free to make corrections.

edit: oops, forgot half a line. thanks morgana
HI friends!


Om dunkel stig i mångmilaskogar förtäljs i bergasagan

I traslated this phrase as it follows, though yours seems cool:

"About a gloomy path in forests of many "mils" (1 mil=10 km?) it is told in the mountain sagas"

Som från en fyr det starka ljusspel äreporten beklätt
____like that of a lighthouse, a strong lightplay adorns the maingate

Like a beacon?

Tunga steg uppför berget forna tempeltrappor
____heavy steps up the mountain's ancient temple stairs

Maybe it´s non important but I can´t find "ancient" in that phrase

När drängsol**** går i himlen högt, de prisar nattens lov
____when the moon wanders high in the sky, they praise the night

Drängsol --- I saw yor note...however I still don´t understand the translation into "moon"...I
mean I think it´s correct but I can´t understand the "drängsol" thing.
Could you explain it? (I guess I lost something :(

För denna urlivsformens väsen själva berget skalv
____before these ancient lifeforms' beings even the mountain quakes

The translation is perfect. But I think "Lifeforms´ beings" sound something redundant...isn´t
it? If it´s only my vague impression, make blind eyes to my note hehe ;o)


___The dream of a gold-wreath's shining splendour
Clarify this to me, please: the gold-wreath would be a crown of leaves and flowers made of gold?

____With gold-wreath around the neck
oh... so the gold wreath would be a necklace? man.. I´m so lost! ;(

____From the legend-time's dark coverts

If we put "legendary times" it would be bad?

____Who easily stands in dress-hems

I can´t understand this... what are "dress hems"?

____and galder-sung becomes

Could you explain this? I don´t understand the tenses.


And that´s all for now!

Please man, don´t feel bad for my comments! Your translations are so great!!, maybe the
best (in shape and general meaning) that I read. I just give you objective critics...
(and not to correct! Only for me to understand better what you were thinking).

Keep translating please!

Cheers!!! clap clap ;o)

Buenos Aires, Argentina
No worries, styggvarg. Nice to see someone is reading them.

>Tunga steg uppför berget forna tempeltrappor

>____heavy steps up the mountain's ancient temple stairs


>Maybe it´s non important but I can´t find "ancient" in that phrase

'Forna' is plural form of of the 'forn' adjective which means 'far back in time', earlier, past.

'Dräng' is a worker or knave, borderline serf. 'Sol' is sun. If the sun is the sun of the master then the moon could be the sun of the serf, or it could mean that the moon is the sun's servant. I'm not sure, actually. It's a rather fuzzy concept in my mind.

Wreath and hem can both be found at

Redudancy and detailed wording is explained in my disclaimer: I try to do as literal translations as possible, so those who don't speak English can see the correlation between words. I don't try to clean it up or interpret more than necessary. This is also why the order of words in "and galder-sung becomes" isn't "and becomes galder-sung", which would make an English-teacher a lot happier.
Well, I'm done with all of them except Draugen and Skymningsdans. Just wanted to comment on the Lövjerskan translation.

"Oskönjbar uti grenverkets båld
____Indiscernible within the canopy's
Lövjerskan dväljs i ovädrets våld
____The dryad dwells in the storm's fury"

Okay, what you've written here is a bit confusing. When you say "Within the canopy's" I think that you're talking about something that belongs to the cannopy, but I don't see anything like that in the surrounding sentences. Are you sure that apostraphe is supposed to be there?

"Blodströmmar sipprar ur trädets rot
____Blood streams seep from the tree's root
När skändare satt sin egg vid dess fot
____When a defiler has put its blade at its foot
Den skändliga handling kräver sitt blot
____This violating act requires a penance"

A defiler put a blade at who's/what's foot? The tree's?
At last, here are all the lyrics for Älvefärd as they appear in the lyric sheet. I double checked everything for spelling, so I hope I caught all the typos. I've attatched it to this message. It's a 12K .txt file, so it shouldn't take long to load.


>"Oskönjbar uti grenverkets båld

>____Indiscernible within the canopy's

Ack, another forgotten word. Yes, the apostrophe should be there. I'm not sure what to translate 'båld' as though. I can only find it in adjective form, no noun references. It could be 'bål', which means the 'essence' of the tree - the wood material, not the bark. When I read it, it registers as 'canopy', but I have no facts to back that up.

>A defiler put a blade at who's/what's foot? The tree's?

A defiler put a blade to the tree's foot, yup yup. 'Sin' is a non-gender-specific possessive pronoun in singular form applied to female, male and neutral subjects in certain grammatical forms that I don't remember the name(s) of. This means that the antagonist is of unspecified gender in the song. The only way to translate it without going to plural form or specifying gender is this rather awkward constellation.
Man... If you could at least see 1% of how I enjoy your translations!!! Now that I understand all I find the songs so beautiful...
Please continue working!! Yeah, arbeta! ;o)

I still cannot find the reply to Morgana´s doubt:

En urstamm bemäld längs bergland och fåld
____An ancient trunk .... ????

That´s what we all want to know hehehehe...

Vi sees.... tack, Protocol!!!!!

Sergio Styggvarg

PS: any news about Djävulen... The last thing I know I read it from an argentinian interview which said that they were recording it (early september).
I edited my post on the missed half-a-sentence Morgana pointed out. You'll find it's all there.

Nice work drexie. =) I'll be doing some of those this weekend if I get the time.

I'm glad you enjoy them, styggvarg. All the more reason to continue.
PS: any news about Djävulen... The last thing I know I read it from an argentinian interview which said that they were recording it (early september).

I have been wondering about this album too, I haven't heard anything about it lately!

By the way these translations rule, really helps me get a feel for what the songs are about. Thanks to all!
Älvadimmans Omdaning
___The Fairy-mist's Reshaping

Älvadimmans virveldans i nattens serenad
____The fairy-mist's whirling dance in the night's serenade
Ett jungfruskimmer skrider över myrmarkernas mad*1*
____A virgin shimmer glides across the moss-land's morasses
Dimslöjor ses nu tråda i förtrollande skådespel
____Mist-veils are now seen threading in enchanted plays
Denna stjärnfagra syn har evigt präglat folktrons arvdel
____This star-rich sight has for ever marked the folklore's heritage

Med fångarmar utav solröken tät
____With catch-arms of sun-haze dense
I skogarnas djupa höstmajestät
____In the woods' deep autumn majesty
En aftonmö går andlösa fjät*2*
V1__An eveningmaid paces breathlessly
V2__An eveningmaid walks endless trails
Hon träder på den mosstäckta jord
____She treads upon the moss-clad soil
Med kvidetårars dystra ord
____With wailing tears' dismal words
Omskaldad i den fjällhöga nord
____Besung in the mountain-high north

Älvalekens dolda kraft från sagoålders tid
____The fairy-play's hidden power from the legend-age's time
Väver sitt töcken stillsamt upp mot den branta lid
____Weaves its mist quietly up towards the steep slope
Hos vandraren i natten som bevittnat dess ögonfröjd
____In the wanderer in the night who has witnessed its fairness
Snart ångestdrömmen tränger i hjärtekammaren förtöjd
____Soon the anguish-dream pushes in the heart-chamber moored

Med fångarmar...

*1*: A 'mad' is a grassy lowland, especially that by a river or lake and that is sometimes flooded. I'm sure there's a better word, but morass was the only one I could think of.
*2*: 'Fjät' is a very hard word to translate in that it can mean both 'trail' and 'steps' (or both). To add to the confusion, I don't know if it's supposed to be 'andlösa', which means breathless, or 'ändlösa', which means endless. Version 1 is translated with breathless and steps assumed for 'andlösa' and 'fjät'. Version 2 is 'endless' and 'trail'.

Rather sloppy, as they become with weariness, but I plan on making clean versions at some point anyway with the aid of the feedback I get from here. =) Usual disclaimer and please do make corrections.