Well... first I want mine to be corrected and completed (look on the other pages; 2 and 3).
Then...translate any of these: Ulvskrede, I Höstlig Dräkt, Myrdingar -- Martyrium, Draugen, Vilievandring, När Älvadrottningen Kröns, Bäckahästen, Årstider, Mossfrun Kölnar, Varulvsnatt, Gygralock... or what you want from vintersorg
I wish I would find more time for it, but till end of year I be totally busy with all the live reports I have to do, hopefully I find time in January, because Febuary is full of concert gigs I need to visit and report on...
How comes nobody has translated anything from Ödemarkens Son? ...it's like, I've seen lots of translations from the other albums, but nothing from Ödemarkens...
By the way, the only Vintersorg albums I've found here where I live (Venezuela) are Ödemarkens Son and Cosmic Genesis. I'd really like to know what's the lyrical meaning of all those great songs.
"And now we've dispearsed the haze from the riddle..."