Translation of VINTERSORG lyrics/titles

Will one of you friendly Swedes translate Till Fjalls. The song or the album if you would. At the very least what does
T'ill Fjalls dar storm mig famnar--- Till Fjalls vakad av ramnar'
mean. I run around singing that all the time and would like to know what it means. I know Till Fjalls means IN/To the mountains.
I had lots of problems trying to translate this because i had zero previous knowledge of Portuguese, but I think it turned out decent? I hope that none of the Potuguese speakers of this forum compare it to the original. Hehe :p

Anyway, after 6 months, here you have it... finally! :)

During a certain night I heard the following statement: “Vintersorg is currently the biggest genius in music”. Well, several other alternatives come to my mind for the tile “biggest genius in music”, but obviously an artist that causes such commotion deserves respect. Through his four bands Havayoth, Otyg, Borknagar and his own project, Vintersorg, the kid who lived in a small Swedish village managed to touch lots of people and without a doubt he is one of the exponents of current metal. In this interview, about the release of his latest work as Vintersorg, the album Cosmic Genesis, we count on the kindness of Mr. Andreas Hedlund to talk about the many different dimensions of his metallic alter-ego.

Metal-BR: Cosmic Genesis is without a doubt the most aggresive and direct album from Vintersorg. Why did you choose to take a more “metal” direction in certain parts, reaching a more aggressive audience?

Vintersorg: Well, I’m not completely certain if this is a more aggresive album, I think it has the most aggressive parts ever heard in a Vintersorg album but at the same time it has more abstract and ambient parts too, so I think this album is more “inclusive” when we consider musical expression and, also, poetic. I think there’s moments where you just float in a cosmic flux, really progressive and spiritual. But as you say there are really violent moments that torment your soul until the end of the Universe (editor’s note: A little exaggerated, but it’s ok!). So from my point of view is the most varied and complex Vintersorg album so far, it’s an album that grows on you every time you listen to it. I believe we managed to create an album with several dimensions to be explored!

Metal-BR: Why did you stop writing your lyrics in Swedish and started writing most of them in English? Some people I know really liked this change, but on the other hand, I have to say that in Swedish they have an epic tone that in English they don’t have. Are you going to keep writing lyrics for Vintersorg in Swedish for the following albums?

Vintersorg: I chose to change because it wasn’t a challenge to write in Swedish, and simply to take the safest path was never the thing I do, I constantly want to improve as a musician and as a human being, and to go to unknown territories it’s a way to put that into reality. I felt I was trapping myself if I kept writing in Swedish, so I remained strong for the challege and wrote most part of the lyrics in English, but as I love to sing in my native language I put two lyrics in Swedish in the album. For the next album I’ll keep writing lyrics in both languages so that I can have this two pleasures.

Metal-BR: How do you relate to the Swedish scene in general? Looking at the beginning of the last decade it was hard to find a Swedish band who was famous for playing extreme metal besides Bathory, and today it’s the most prolific scene there is. Why do you think Sweden has such a large quantity of good musicians?

Vintersorg: To this question I can’t give a deep answer, because there can be several reasons. One thing is that is possible that we are more encouraged to play every type of instruments in school when we’re young and that can be one of the reasons, but it’s difficult to reach the real reason of this matter. It can also be a scale of success, when people see a band doing well they think “they’re having success, why can’t we?” so it’s something like an upward spiral.

Metal-BR: You write almost all the music for Vintersirg alone? What do you perceive as positive and negative points working this way? Isn’t there risk of exaggerating when there isn’t anybody else to discuss the elements of the music?

Vintersorg: For me it’s really important to be alone when I write because when I do it I’m really looking at the deepest emotions of my soul and when there are other people discussing if those feelings are good or bad, well, I’d simply take it as an insult. We’re a couple and Mattias and I have played together for more than ten years so we help each other perfectly, we have the same point of view about music and life in general, our partnership is based in this conection of spirits. But when we are in the studio he brings suggestions about details of the production and arrangements, and I’m a very open person and I’m willing to try almost everything, so, so far our musical relationship have been very good.

Metal-BR: What made you play metal? Which are your main influences?

Vintersorg: I grew up with different types of music, from seventies progressive rock to folk and metal. So it was a natural process for me, to mix those different elements in my songs. But my main influence is legal (?), well, i read anything that makes my head work and create its own stand and concept, lots of scientific stuff and also philosophy and romantic poetry about nature. I really enjoy the beauty of words and therefore my lyrics are obviously spontaneous, however I choose the words carefully, to make them beautiful.

Metal-BR: Comparing your first band Vargatron to the songs in Cosmic Genesis, what would you define as important differences between them? Could you set evolution lines between all your albums?

Vintersorg: The main difference is that now i’m a musician with more abilities, before it was something like putting riff after riff and wait until something right came up (laughs). But I really like the first MCD of Vintersorg that has a lot of Vargatron it it. Now I see in a wider sprectrum, that all the instruments are working together and try to make a dynamic sound, so the entire process turned very interesting. It’s good to listen to the older albums and witness that i’ve improved my point of view in several areas. But if you listen to the old Vargatron songs you’ll find the same fundamental essence, i think, in that time I already had in mind what I wanted.

Metal-BR: I’d like to know how important was the entrance of Mattias to the band as how is you collaboration with Vargher?

Vintersorg: As i said before, Mattias and I have played together for a long time so we already know what each other knows and has to offer, we don’t need to sit and discuss every little detail. His marks in the album appear in his brilliant guitar solos. Vargher is a friend of mine and I simply asked him if he wanted to record some keyboards in our albums, but in Cosmic Genesis I felt I was prepared to take the keyboards, therefore he’s not participating in this album.

Metal-BR: One thing that’s really impressive is the programation of the drum machine in your albums. It’s the best I’ve heard! Do you plan recording an album with a drummer in the future?

Vintersorg: I don’t think so, at least not in the near future. When we play live we have a drummer, but it’s really fun to program the drums and I spend a lot of time doing that so I feel very comfortable in that situation, maybe in the future I'll change my mind, we’ll see…

Metal-BR: How do you manage your time between Vintersorg, Otyg and Havayoth? Which is your priority and what does every project mean to you?

Vintersorg: Well, it has a lot to do with good planning. And so far everything is going well. I live for my music and it’s a big part of my life, so you have to understand that everything comes down to priorities. For me is wonderful to have different bands to play, so I can express different sides of my musicianship. In Otyg I express my love for folk music, in Havayoth a darker and gothic side and in Vintersorg the mysterious and extreme, as emotions of heavy metal and progressive, so to speak, I taste the cake and I still have it. (???)

Metal-BR: Now everybody knows you’re the new vocalist of Borknagar. Don’t take this as an insult because it’s just a personal opinion. But I think Vintersorg has more to offer to the scene than Borknagar and I think you won’t have the same control over the music of Borknagar like you do in Vintersorg. And being a full-time member of Borknagar takes a lot of time. I’m really curious to know what made you accept that invitation.

Vintersorg: My answer is simple and it’s that I just love Borknagar, and in my opinion it’s one of the more interesting bands in the history of metal. So when I had the chance to join the band I didn’t doubt about accepting their offer. I believe it’s right to not be involved in the writing process of other bands so much, I only create the vocal melodies. It’s alright to receive the songs and then try to give 100% of my effort and see if I manage to keep up to the expectations, mine and the other memebers’. So far I’m making the vocals for some songs of the next album, I think it will be killer!

Metal-BR: What's your relation to Napalm Records? Has any other label been in contact with you?

Vintersorg: Our relationship it’s good and it has always been, they treat me well and I treat them the same way. Some other labels have gotten in contact but since I signed with Napalm those other labels were never an option, we have two more albums of Vintersorg to be released through Napalm.

Metal-BR: And what is your writing process? It has to occur in an especific place, do you prepare for it? How long does it take for you to write the songs for an album?

Vintersorg: I write fast and i try to write all the music for an album in a short period, on the other hand an album may sound very different as you are inspired by different things in different times. I can say it takes between one and two months to complete the writing process of an album, but it depends on how much work I have with my other bands. Music comes to me constantly so I don’t need an especific place but normally I write the base of the songs in my house with a violão. (violin?)

Metal-BR: What do you think of the given titles “folk metal” and “viking metal”? Why do you think that the media has to define the bands that don’t label themselves as any style?

Vintersorg: I think it’s very limitating to put Vintersorg in any of those styles, but i can’t say what type of music I write, it’s a fusion of heavy and black metal with mystic things, folk elements and with progressive elements, outlined with a cosmic aura, so i let the media and the listeners label it. They do this because they want the easiest way to avoid the problem, it’s the most basic aspect of man, our need to take shortcuts.

Metal-BR: What is your relationship with bands that have things in common with your bands, like the tribute to nature, the folk elements or medieval ambient, like Thyrfing, Enslaved, Svartahrid, Menhir, Adorned Brood, Falkenbach, etc.?

Vintersorg: I like some of them, and I know some personally. I think they’re more related to the viking themes, that I think I’ve used in some lyrics, and you can find some musical sides we share.

Metal-BR: Music is not the only art used as an expresion of adoration to nature. So I’d like to know which other artists that express that adoration in different ways influence your music or inspire you more or less.

Vintersorg: The only other form of art that inspires me is romantic poetry about nature, and my favorite authors from that area are Bertil Malmberg and Karl-Erik Forsslund. But Mother Nature herself is a great source of inspiration that I have to explore again, she lights my internal fire, she is the origin of everything in this planet Tellus (editor’s note: Roman goddess of earth, Mother Nature).

Metal-BR: What’s your opinión about Internet and the distribution and piracy of music through digital formats, as MP3?

Vintersorg: I don’t care much, but it’s a little sad when you find an entire album available in internet before its release. People think musicians make a lot of money and because of that they take the right of burning songs. But look from our angle. You work lots, several hours a day, and by the end of the month you don’t get paid for that, this is wrong, isn’t it? But this is the exact same thing when people try to download all the music for free, no artist will get to continue his work when he doesn’t receive even a dollar as payment. Maybe that’s a little extreme analysis, but I hope you understand. But the true fans will buy the albums, so I try not to think much about this.

Metal-BR: The visual of your two albums is wonderful and it always reflects a generic vision of the contents of the album, which is very good. Do you create these concepts or do you leave that to the artist, in this case the vocalist of Naglfar, Jens Ryden?

Vintersorg: I decide the look of the layout. Jens “computarises” my visions and comes up with new ideas, so out colaboration is great.

Metal-BR: What can we expect of Vintersorg in a near future?

Vintersorg: We’re doing a European tour in February (editor’s note: the interview has been in the drawer since February 2001) and we’ll have a little tour in the US and Canada in April, then I’ll make some tours with my other bands and we’ll be recording our next album in the middle of this year.

Metal-BR: For most bands, live shows are extremely important. But for a band with only two members, how hard it is to find people to participate in tours and make shows that eventually appear? What is that you like most about live shows?

Vintersorg: We have a stable line-up for live shows, so we’re a quintet during the shows, and I think we manage to recreate the atmosphere of the albums live. Of course the reaction of the audience it’s the most intense thing of our shows, at least when it’s positivie (laughs). We’re eagerly waiting for the next tours.

Metal-BR: Is there any musician from a metal band you’d like to work with and haven’t had the chance to do it?

Vintersorg: Well, I don’t have any urge to work with a famous star. I put my music in focus and that’s already satisfactory.

Metal-BR: Thanks for answering these questions, here in Metal-BR we wish you luck with Borknagar, Vintersorg, Otyg and Havayoth. Any final words for your Brazilian fans?

Vintersorg: Confer(?) the album Cosmic Genesis, I think in it exist different things that will please everybody.
I'm glad you liked it. I like translating things, I'm longing for the day I can translate smth in German ;)
Btw, I still have a really long interview with Garm about Ulver & Arcturus :p
ohhhhh, thankies astarte :) You made me one happy little boy...:)

And I am patientely awaiting that other one too...:p

Originally posted by Urizen
Will one of you friendly Swedes translate Till Fjalls. The song or the album if you would. At the very least what does
T'ill Fjalls dar storm mig famnar--- Till Fjalls vakad av ramnar'
mean. I run around singing that all the time and would like to know what it means. I know Till Fjalls means IN/To the mountains.

I also would love to have a full translation of Till Fjälls, I know some of the chorus tho: It's something like
At/To The Mountains, At/To The Mountains, where the storm embraces me
I am a bit lost on vakad av ramnar tho, so if someone would translate this, please.

My favorite song, since now I actually live in the middle of mountain and go for a walk/run there any time, real nice and peaceful there.
Till fjälls
>(in/up) to (the) mountains *
Vakad av ramnar
>Watched by ravens **

*["fjälls" isn't a definite noun, nor plural, but the genitive form of "mountain". It can be used for any, though; it doesn't really say anything about it at all]
**[--> watched/overseen: like: ravens follows and notice everything, maybe like they watch a prey...... smth like that]

(any corrections...? after all, I'm not swedish....)

I think the whole song is translated already, but here you have the chorus, at least. I'll see if I can dig up the rest.
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
Till fjälls
>(in/up) to (the) mountains *
Vakad av ramnar
>Watched by ravens **

*["fjälls" isn't a definite noun, nor plural, but the genitive form of "mountain". It can be used for any, though; it doesn't really say anything about it at all]
**[--> watched/overseen: like: ravens follows and notice everything, maybe like they watch a prey...... smth like that]

(any corrections...? after all, I'm not swedish....)

I think the whole song is translated already, but here you have the chorus, at least. I'll see if I can dig up the rest.

That would be good.
And I knew Vakad meant something to the effect of 'being watched' but I had no idea what ramnar was, but I think now it makes sense at least, thank you :)
You're welcome! :)
But I didn't find the rest of the song.... Seems like it hasn't been translated. I might care to translate it sometime, but just don't have too high expectations.
Ok, now that I have taken the time to seach and see the translations I wanted weren't there, could anyone be kind enough to translate "När Alver Sina Runor Sjungit" and "I Den Trolska Dalens Hjärta"? Well, if you guys aren't tired to translate stuff... Please please please!!!!
Wah!!! Cool!!!! I couldn't thank you enough for even thinking about doing it!!


You deserve it! Yeah!!! I'm starting a new religion about you! We're all going to bow down like that everytime we see you! :grin: