Translation of VINTERSORG lyrics/titles

I checked my lyric sheet just now, and my text file is correct. Andlösa is what was written in the little booklet. So V.1 is correct.

"V1__An eveningmaid paces breathlessly"

Told you I doublechecked everything. :)

>>"Med fångarmar utav solröken tät
____With catch-arms of sun-haze dense
I skogarnas djupa höstmajestät
____In the woods' deep autumn majesty"<<

What are "Catch-arms?"
Thanks morgana =)

Drexie: I don't really know, I just translated it straight off. Arms you catch stuff with I suppose. Perhaps it's about the lady of the forest that appears in mists and spirits stray humans away with slings of fog. There might be a better word for it, but I can't think of any. =/
It's my first post here #^__^# and I'm so happy with all this translations I want to thank you all for this wonderful work !

Sorry if my english isn't very good... I'm french ^^;;;

wow , that is great you all used your knowledge of sweedish
for Vintersorg lyrics ! i asked to Andreas himself (the great
explorator) what Vintersorg mean and he awnsered that
wintersorrow yes ! well , i am sorry to loosed his time with that question since the awnser is here ! thanks all !
hej guys!

I guess a swedish would make a better translation but I did what I could!
Protocol, Morgana, Tenebrose... corrections please ;o)


Under "gälaved" (2) of thight branchbelts
Over cutting areas (?) clothed in heather and in adultpines moors
Under the sceptre-like glitter of the halfmoon´s twilight
That bewitches (3) and pleases in the shadowsgame´ dance
"Mannakulning" (4) sounds in fair tune
In the skycurrent envelops "mon" (5) dew-sprinkled
A shape discerns now in the evening´s embrace
And languishing sings a seductive (?) song

"själasutten" (6)
Your heavy mind deceitfully she enchantes
Rotten Hole-back
leads you to doom
your poor blood for the huldra rushes
Rotten Hole-back
In the harsh darkness

Over "rese" (7) of the wood travel the rå of wild beauty
In the stars´ splendour lustre along the strong river (!?)
She entinces you from the ardent carbon of the charcoal
and destroys the mental-peace of your consort
In dreadful harassment she calls your enslaved name
But you are chained to the avaricious arms of the ´lady of the forest´ (8)
She was the most beautiful virgin that existed among women
but in the grey moss drags an animal´s tail

Refräng... (chorus again)

Now when the swamp-mist becomes thicker in the hour of the dawn
You are again at home
But in your soul you are in agony and the time will be hard
For your thoughts travel towards wild duxna (9)
To serve silently (10) shall be your fate
When the "nuva" of the forest calls you and takes you " förgått"

Refräng... (chorus again)

(1) or should i leave it "huldran" ?
(2) no idea.... ved I think is wood...
(3) not the ideal word... (förtrollar).
(4) ""Mannakulning"...I don´t know.
(5) Mon... mmm Jag vet inte hehehe... something to do with "moln"?
(6) mmmm... this is the hardest combination of words ever!! hehehe
(7) I believe it has something to do with ´Giant´
(8) Not sure of skogsfrun.
(9) some kind of bushy place... I know the word in spanish: "Matorral"..but can´t find an english
(10) I believe it should be "blindly" but vintersorg didn´t say that here hehe
(11) I don´t know "nuva" nor "förgått".
Here you have another one... corrections please!!!!!


Of nordic stamp first hears susurrate
The angry wind that the "fimbul"regions (1) shall whip
In "kulet" (2) weather
Temperates those who set foot on the wasteland (3)

Its barren lament so fatal
Now like a war-cry it risens towards the heaven-bow
Its cruel eagerness
An autumnal season-song that draws the silence away

Its power now rises, the weak ones horrify
Before the stormwind that in windjourneys falls down
Now sorrow is feared
Under clouds of misfortune where death shall befall

The gloomy tunes that resounds again
Sung by fair voices that for the wind cry
It/He severly suffocates
When/So, like an angry divinity that your death´s yarn weaves

Lonely country
By horizon´s edge (4)
Where silent pines heavily stand by magical melancholic-bonds
Mountain´s gnom
Heavy in old age
In the mountain´s vault, the elf of the wind
Rich in poverty

It´s wolftime and hasty days
Not even the prey-greedy (5) wolverine hunts
By the rain runs
Among the rocks´ protection when he in the blood-ecstasy rests

When ancient nordic power breaks onward
In fury when the fimbulstorm (1´) furiously roars
It/He tests the souls
Of the strong people who wander through forgotten lands

It/He whips now the snow covered mountain´s back
Where grey rime frost glacier tongues remains (!?)
The icy power so cruelly wicked
Augurs about the acrimoniously hard winter (!?)


(1) Someone know how to translate fimbul?
(2) Kulet: cold and wet?
(3) Agghhh!!! Horrible! :o(
(4) mmm something redundant...
(5) I don´t like this too much. Maybe should I translate it like blood thirsty?

The main problem in this song is that I´m not sure to call the wind as "it" or "he"

Styggvarg - Sergio
Keep up the good work styggvarg =)

I'm currently sleeping the winter away. I'll be back come spring (or next time I wake up ;D).

Haha... Thanks indeed my friend!!!!! Please come back soon and help meeeeee!!! Meanwhile I will continue with my lousy translations... The problem is that I don´t know swedish nor english with perfection :loco:

And you all...the dismal lurkers who doesn´t post, help us too with the otyg/vintersorg translations!

Vi ses, sand!

Sergio Styggvarg
I tried to translate the song svältvinter (the best songs of them all) but i gave up half away because my english isn´t so good and i don´t understand some words my does uren means?
Well mayby i try some time later when my english is a little better!
Originally posted by tenebrose
I wouldn't agree with Demonspell to 100% on those translations, but Swedish doesn't always translate well to English so whatever...
My translations though

Hedniskhjärtad = Heathen-hearted
....Norrland = (the most northern 3rd of Sweden)
....Stilla = still/silent/motionless
....Norrskensdrömmar = dreams of northern lights
....Hednaorden = the heathen order
....Tussmörkret = tuss-darkness (this is not standard Swedish)

Till Fjälls = To the mountains / in the mountains
....Rundans = rune dance
....För kung och fosterland = for king and country
....Vildmarkens förtrollande stämmor = the enchanting voices of the wilds
....Till fjälls = to the mountains / in the mountains
....Urberget, äldst av troner = the primary rocks, the oldest of thrones
....Jökeln = the glacier
....Isjungfrun = the maiden of ice
....Asatider = times of the Aesir
....Fångad utav nordens själ = captured by the spirit of the north

Ödemarkens son = son of the waste / wilds
....När alver sina runor sjungit = when elves their runes have sung
....Svältvinter = starvation winter
....Under norrskenets fallande ljusspel = under the falling lightworks of the northern light
....Månskensmän = moonlight men
....Ödemarkens son = son of the waste / wilds
....Offerbäcken = the sacrificial stream
....Den trolska dalens hjärta = the heart of the magical valley
....På landet = in the country[-side]

Cosmic Genesis
Om regnbågen materialiserades = if the rainbow materialized

Naturens galleri = Natures gallery
Originally posted by luspudel
HAHA :D mayby you meen oren.
I think uren is some kind of mountans or something like that!?
u are probably right :)
i just thought it was that 'cuz it is that on norwegian ;)
nut now that u bring up oren.. that sounds more swedish harr harr :lol: