Translation of VINTERSORG lyrics/titles

Trädgränsens lövsal i brandgul skiftning flammar
:: The leaf-hall of the timberline blazes in a flame-coloured tint

Hösten uppvaknar att gälda livets lån
:: The autumn awakens too pay the loan of life *1

Branternas sagosyn min törstiga själ nu ammar
:: The fearie-vison(?) of the slopes is now wet-nursing my thirsty soul

Neröver ormlikt ringlar sig ån
:: Below the stream is winding like a serpent

Tungt jag uppför sträva blint i senskymningsblåsten
:: Heavyly i'm blindy striving upwards in the late-duskbreeze

Vid bergväggar mäktiga som en väldig katedral
:: along rock-faces mighty as an immense cathedral

Nordstormens andedräkt återföder frosten
:: The breath of the northern storm rebirths the frost

Der klipporna bildar den mörka tempelsal
:: Where the cliffs form the/a gloomy templehall *2

Till Fjälls, Till Fjälls där storm mig famnar
:: to the fjeld/mountain, to the fjeld/mountain where storm embrace me

Till Fjälls, Till Fjälls vakad av ramnar
:: to the fjeld/mountain, to the fjeld/mountain watched by "ramnar" *3

Mot himlabrynet avtecknas fjällets brödrahöjder
:: On the horizon the fjellds brother-hights are mirrored

Snösmyckade toppar likt tinnar och torn
:: snow-embellished peaks like towers and pinnacles

De ståtar upp mot skyn när drängsol lyser nöjder
:: they are making a display towards the sky when the hind-sun happily glows

I den stiglösa utmark ljuder fulländningens horn
:: In the pathless outback/a place ar from villages sounds the horn of perfection

well there it is, don't be to hard on me, told you it was gonna be crude :P

1. this sentence i'm not sure of, is the autumn supposed to pay for what the summer
has lended from the winter or what? :)

2. dunno if it is a typo on the vintersorg page where i took the lyrics, but it's
grammaticly wrong to write that way, it's either "bildar en mörk tempelsal" or
"bildar den mörka tempelsalen"

3. now what on earth is a ramn? i tried to look it up but i found nothing. the word ramn reminds me
of the english word "ram" (vädur/bock). could he mean that he is watched by a ram? are there any rams in the
nordic fjellds? :)
Originally posted by spaffe

yes i'm from sweden, how come youre wondering?

Nah, it was only that about you don't knowing what a "ramn" is, but I understand now. You only know what a "korp" is. I just didn't think about that. "Ramn" (or "ravn") is the most common used word for raven in Norway.
Originally posted by Fjelltussa

Nah, it was only that about you don't knowing what a "ramn" is, but I understand now. You only know what a "korp" is. I just didn't think about that. "Ramn" (or "ravn") is the most common used word for raven in Norway.

yeah we don't use that word anymore :P
nice name you've got btw
It hard to give a it a justice translation, but try something like "Who runs/controls the symmetry"