Truly messed up films


dead stuff
May 28, 2008
Ok guys. I've been getting into twisted movies lately and I'd like some recommendations. I really like movies that are psychologically disturbing or just contain horrifically gory content. For example, Oldboy is one of my favorite movies, and that's pretty twisted. I also like Haneke films like Cache and Funny Games (the original). Any other suggestions?
I'm not the biggest fan of Funny Games, but you may like the August Underground series if you're looking for something "messed up" and along the same lines (a group of friends basically goes around killing people, filmed snuff style). I still don't honestly know if I think they're worthwhile or utter garbage, but they're definitely worth checking out to see what you think. The second is the best of the series, though they're all pretty similar.
Ok guys. I've been getting into twisted movies lately and I'd like some recommendations. I really like movies that are psychologically disturbing or just contain horrifically gory content. For example, Oldboy is one of my favorite movies, and that's pretty twisted. I also like Haneke films like Cache and Funny Games (the original). Any other suggestions?
"Ex drummer".

Belgium. One of the dirtiest and most disturbing movies I've ever seen.


My favorite Guinea Pig film is He Never Dies, but that might be slightly too comedic for you despite having the gore.

Tetsuo: The Iron Man may be an obvious choice, but it delivers.

Kairo, the film that is the original version of the bastardized American 'Pulse', no gore of any kind, but it will probably have a lasting effect on you if you 'get it'.
Cannibal Holocaust?

Great movie but overrated for being "disturbing".

I'm a huge fan of extremely mean-spirited and disturbing film that most people most likely can't sit through.

Movies that are seriously fucked up (mostly Asian Category III film):

Untold Story
The killer butchers an entire family in full detail. He bites a chunk out of the woman's cheek, chops off a little girls head, and slits a little boys throat right in front of his father's eyes. This scene never fails to disturb me. Really fucked up stuff.

Red to Kill
The film depicts a mentally handicapped girl getting raped causing her to rub her vagina with a blade because she feels "dirty". Yeah, enough said.

Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
I wouldn't say it's one of the most disturbing movies I've seen but still pretty fucked up for what it is. Very mean spirited with the two killers (Henry and Otis) killing for shits and giggles. One scene shows a video tape the two took of themselves raping and murdering an entire family.

Ebola Syndrome
Anthony Wong (from Untold Story) plays a killer who captures a virus that he spreads by raping just about any woman he can find. The usual standard of rape, autopsy, necrophilia, cannibalism, mutilation, etc. are all utilized in epic proportions throughout this movie.

Forced Entry
Pretty much a disturbing porno where the killer forces chicks to sexually please him by holding a gun to their head. Acting is pretty good on all levels and the rapist has quite a bit of funny dialogue (if you can look past the disturbing situation).
'Eraserhead' is classic...huge favorite of mine.

I used to own 'Begotten' but sold it for a nice amount after finally realizing the useless neo-Dadaism of it all, in no small reason because his notes in the booklet even said it just had whatever meaning you think it does. Lame..