Truly messed up films

Begotten is fucking awesome.

Still have not seen it, but the director's video for Interpol's "The Heinrich Maneuver" is pretty fucking good and detailed. I refuse to watch Begotten until I find it on dvd or VHS for a good price.


Lynch's debut is creepy but also very detailed with a great amount of "fucked-up-isms."

Far North
This film is not fucked-up so much until the last scene. Which is SO FUCKED UP.
Try Braindead. Your typical 'zombie woman on a dog eating rampage' movie. Or try any of Peter Jackson's earlier stuff.
I used to own 'Begotten' but sold it for a nice amount after finally realizing the useless neo-Dadaism of it all, in no small reason because his notes in the booklet even said it just had whatever meaning you think it does. Lame..

...uh...wait. You'd rather be forcefed some stupid ideology by the art you experience than to interpret it the way you want? Sounds awesome...:zombie:
No, but since most art is made with SOME KIND of intent, I find it boring how it's become cool to hide any and all of that intent for the sake of your audience. I wanna know SOME of what something is about and the process behind whether or not I may agree or relate. I don't think everything is totally subjective and depending on what the piece is it sometimes has no worth at all if that's how it's tagged.

Also what's going on with the attitude, just curious?
I really can't get into extreme gore or certain subject matter.
For the helluva it I'll throw out...

-Clockwork Orange
-Wrong Turn
...also a film (similar to Wrong Turn) that takes place in Australia set around a massive crater that local wackjobs use to set up interference to trap travelers..anyone know this one???
Some suggestions:

Pasolini's Salo or the 120 days of Sodom

Alejandro Jodorowsky's El Topo or The Holy Mountain

Marina de Van's Dans Ma Peau (In My Skin) (a lot of people couldn't watch this movie with me, made them feel sick)

Nekromantik 1 and 2
Someone posted this clip a while back, from a movie called Story of Ricky

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Irreversible is probably the most disturbing film I've ever seen. The ten minute ultra-violent and ultra realistic rape scene nearly made me vomit.
That sounds pretty sick and unnecessary

Yeah it certainly wasn't enjoyable, my girlfriend left the room in disgust. It's an interesting headfuck of a film though. All the scenes are played in reverse chronological order, so for half the movie you've got no idea what the hell is going on.