Truly messed up films

I don't think so, hopefully I'm thinking of the right movie. the one set in the asian whorehouse, where they punish one of the whores by sticking needles under her fingernails? one of the more memorable scenes of that movie
probably already been said, but Requiem for a Dream is extremely fucked up. great movie though.

Shit movie. Weird as fuck but really shitty

The realistic rape stuff is where I just won't/can't watch, personally..

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of that stuff either. I really don't like watching extreme violence or anything either. It's not that I can't, but I just don't get any real enjoyment out of them.

I don't think so, hopefully I'm thinking of the right movie. the one set in the asian whorehouse, where they punish one of the whores by sticking needles under her fingernails? one of the more memorable scenes of that movie

lol, that must have hurt
I don't think so, hopefully I'm thinking of the right movie. the one set in the asian whorehouse, where they punish one of the whores by sticking needles under her fingernails? one of the more memorable scenes of that movie

Yeah, it's a Masters of Horror episode. It was never aired because Showtime deemed it "too graphic." Directed by Takashi Miike, right?
Yeah. I didn't know that it was a masters of horror episode, my buddy just has it in a case that has some weird picture on the front and says Imprint in bold letters. Probably bootleg or something
Cache is an astonishingly awesome film. Probably one of the best I have ever seen, to be honest.

I can't really help you out on horror films since I generally dislike that genre immensely.
Söy;7843299 said:

Lol to be honest I saw Zoo and I found it extremely interesting but not particularly graphic or shocking. Plus, stallions have like 2-3 foot dicks so I didn't have much sympathy for the guy. I mean, try and shove that up your ass, no fucking wonder you died of internal injuries. Shiiiiit.

I really want to see Irreversible but I don't have time to watch the whole thing yet (once finals are over probably) but I did watch the rape scene because I was incredibly curious about it. Is it disturbing that I didn't think it was all that scary, disturbing, or messed up? Everyone was talking about how fucked up and wrong it was, so I was expecting to be seriously shaken by that. Maybe I'm just an asshole.

Thanks for all your suggestions so far, I'm going to try and watch as many of these as I can once break starts. Keep giving suggestions though, it's a pretty interesting topic :)
Films like Salo, Zombie Holocaust, Last House On Dead End Street, I Spit On Your Grave, Subconcious Cruelty, Visitor Q, Guinea Pig xxx, August Underground xxx, blablabla are all just silly and only worth watching when intoxicated tbh. Even then comedy shit like the Troma films and softcore porn such as Flesh Gordon/Sex Files are way better.

I'm a little offended that you included Salo in that list. There's nothing silly or pornagraphic about that film whatsoever. It's just brutally honest on the subject of human cruelty
Some great recs in here. I would advise seeing Kids. It doesn't have a lot of violence or gore, but the subject matter for this film is disturbing enough, and it always seems to be rated high in the "Most Disturbing Movies of all Time" lists.
Lost Highway (basically any Lynch film; Eraserhead too)
Gummo (great metal soundtrack too)

I'll post more when I think of them.

Except only Eraserhead for Lynch.

Also Julien Donkey Boy, it's Harmony Korine, the guy that did Gummo.

There's a film called Pig by the guy in Christian Death which looks really awesome and would certainly be classified as 'messed up'.
I can't really justify buying it for the money([ame][/ame]), but i've always wanted to own a copy.
How about Jacobs Ladder? Maybe not that messed up compared to lots of newer movies, but quite influental (I think?) on the whole 'not knowing wtf is going' on genre. :p
Except only Eraserhead for Lynch.

I like Lost Highway more than Eraserhead. Lynch's use of shadow in that film is terrifying, and Robert Blake as The Stranger is just fucking creepy.

Jacob's Ladder..... Videodrome.

Both great films.

OCI, did you used to post on the Epic-Metal forums? It's now defunct, but someone made a topic there once asking people which movie they liked more: Jacob's Ladder or Videodrome. I know this is basically a shot in the dark, but I was just wondering if that was you. :cool:
hmm....nah, I pretty much use the same name everywhere.. blessing and a curse. :p but it's just sort of how it's always been. I was on the Maiden board for a long time though, back when it was cool.