TSE X50 Beta

I changed my mind, the new power amp is better, just had to A/B it for a while and realised it's better :P
I think the reason I initially favoured the B2 tone is because it basically sucked out all the airy mids and the tone immediately became tighter. But as a result, the guitars become completely buried in a heavy mix, and miss out on all those harmonic overtones.

onqel if you charge a small fee, like $50 or something for the final version of X50 everyone will buy it and you might get enough money to buy a Mac ;) even a used one will do.
I wish you were able to do an RTAS version but Avid need to make a freely available SDK :(
onqel if you charge a small fee, like $50 or something for the final version of X50 everyone will buy it and you might get enough money to buy a Mac ;) even a used one will do.
I wish you were able to do an RTAS version but Avid need to make a freely available SDK :(

hell yeah! id be more than happy to pay $50 for a final version:rock:
I can also donate if it helps you getting a mac, this plugin is pretty much the only plugin i feel missing out of using a mac!
There was a donate link on the old site, but the link doesn't work or allow you to donate at all. I'm not of much use, eh? :lol:
that's not my old site .. it was a "suggestion" for a new website that was made for me :P
the paypal account doesn't work
that's not my old site .. it was a "suggestion" for a new website that was made for me :P
the paypal account doesn't work


well there ya go, i tried to donate a while ago and googled it and thats what came up.
I can accept donations from people with a moneybookers.com account, just send to onqel@online.no if you want to support my plugins ;)
People who wanted to donate earlier were refered to that account and I still use it, (not many people wanted to support the development before, so I didn't bother to get a new paypal account, even if it's easier to donate with them).. Don't get me wrong, I won't quit programming because of that like a certain programmer did..
Man i use that exact config (asem +spreshigh ) but can't make it sound that tight! Sounds too scratchy and airy. Any specific post processing such as eq cuts etc?

I cant remember well because I didnt saved the session. But this was recorded with a old ibanez with stock pickups and I think that it´s a pickup thing, it´s not so airy as others. Because I tried the same configuration in D tuning with a Schecter and was indeed too airy and bright. You have to cut some shit between 1khz and 4khz.

Onq, if i was a guitar playing metal arab oil sheikh, you'd be driving ten Lamborghinis right now! :kickass: This is an Unearth cover I just did. Pitch-shifted guitar for bass, sloppy-ass mixing and drum programming cuz' I don't know better, and TSE X50 still delivered the goods in a freight train! Guitarhack sneap IR, low pass at 7khz, cut at 3khz, 2 tracks complementary eq'd, and that's all to it. Monster plugin! Thank you so much.
Been playing with it all night, it seems to kick the X30's ass, and it sounds fantastic.

I have one question though : what kind of input level (from the clean guitar signal i mean) should we have to get the best result out of that plugin (i.e to have it sound as if we were plugged directly into the real thing) ? Same as a DI that would be used to feed a real amp (through a reamp box) during reamping ? I mean that a DI track you recorded in your DAW with an appropriate level for further reamping (through a reamp box) should be routed to the ampsim as is in terms of level ? Something along the lines of peaks at -12dB ? What kind of level do you guys have just before going into the ampsim ?