TSE X50 vs. 5150: Can you tell Which is Which?

I gotta say on my crappy speakers its hard to tell. My first instinct was to say that B was the amp. But now I'm hearing some mids that I hear on my 5150 from A and overall B sounds thinner, so my vote right now is:

A: amp
B: x50
Sweet tones! I personally love the A more.
Speaking of choosing which one is the real thing... The same as my colleagues above, I think that the second clip sounds more "live", but first of all because it has more gain, which leads to more dirt between the mutes, less punchy low end, and more harmonics. This is the main difference between two clips and in my opinion this difference could be diminished by balancing the gain amounts.

UPD: oh, the B also has some upper midrange harmonic "dirt" or oversaturation, and a tad less 300-400 hz. I remember doing a comparison between AMT P1 and 5150, both into 5150 poweramp. It was the same back then. The real 5150 pre had that dirt and was just a tiny bit thinner. So I believe that B is 5150 pre. It's still not crucial and can be easily matched IMHO.

I remember that thread of yours, and I remember really liking the tone you had too!
I feel I'm getting more clarity from the first clip, especially the muted pickings. It also feels more upfront and full than the second clip, which to be honest sounds scratchy but not piercing. I'm also extremely tired. Ran into serious issues with the law today.

Edit: At a low, but decent volume.
Without reading anything but the first post (don't know if answers were revealed), I vote A = TSE and B = 5150.
Thanks for participating everyone. Clip A is in fact the X50 and B is the real 5150.
Thanks for participating everyone. Clip A is in fact the X50 and B is the real 5150.

Thank you for making this test.
What is the prize? :grin:

I really dig the A clip!
Just can't wait to x50 final version! :kickass:
Could you please post the settings used in this test?:Saint:
Thanks for participating everyone. Clip A is in fact the X50 and B is the real 5150.


I could hear the smalllllllllest bit of noise between chugs in clip B that you get using a real 5150 with higher gain settings and was HOPING it was the real thing but didn't want to post, ahahaha.

And to anyone who said they're 'SO CLOSE'.

You're out of your god damn MINDS... these couldn't sound any more different, considering of course, that we're comparing a REAL tube amp w/a sim but STILL, the difference is QUITE audible, IMO...
And to anyone who said they're 'SO CLOSE'.

You're out of your god damn MINDS... these couldn't sound any more different, considering of course, that we're comparing a REAL tube amp w/a sim but STILL, the difference is QUITE audible, IMO...

+1, the difference was blatantly obvious to me.
well i think most people meant the voicing was very similar. no doubt there was a difference but this is an amazing free option for the 5150 that could easily pass for the real thing in the right hands and in the mix.
And to anyone who said they're 'SO CLOSE'.

You're out of your god damn MINDS... these couldn't sound any more different, considering of course, that we're comparing a REAL tube amp w/a sim but STILL, the difference is QUITE audible, IMO...

Now what is a bigger overstatement ?

My "close enough to not make any real difference in a full mix" ?

Or your:
these couldn't sound any more different

Sure there was a small difference and i liked clip A better for its better clarity.

Imagine how you would react to that sound in a full mix without being aware that it was a plugin and without hearing the same DI put through a real amp.

You would just think that it was made with the 5150.

Maybe i should look in the Andys Kemper video thread to see if you were one of the "golden eared" ones who called bullshit on his praise for the Kemper. ;) :D