

New Metal Member
Sep 6, 2002
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I'm sorry this is a question not exactly pertaining to dt, more in flames. I cant find the In flames bored here anyways, anyone know where it went? Oh well heres the question, I want to play on in flames music on my guitar but they tune down to C and i read that they play with these custom made thicker strings. I know ppl play in flames music on their guitars but how exactly. If you oculdnt tell, I am guitar n00b and have only been playing for a month and a half and i really want to play in flames music seeing as they are an inspiration as for tsaking up guitar. DT is awesome too and from what i have seen they use e flat tuning which i can do so im set with that. Oh well thxs for the help whoever helps.
should just follow the suggestions given at the opeth forum. Train your ears to each tuning...if you have to find that note in the song you want to play to tune too.

In Flames forum: See my signature
Well, the obvious method would be to tune down to C... Although I "play" them with normal tuning. I don't know about the thicker strings though... Check out www.metaltabs.com for the IF stuff, the tabs usually mention what tuning sounds best.
If you have a tab and it tells you to tune down to C don't be decieved! You can play the tab in normal tuning, and it should sound reasonably fine... only difference is you won't be able to play along with the cds.

If you do want to tune down to C, don't worry about your strings, they should still perform.
In general i don't like to tune down to C because a lot of rock/metal is played in standard/dropped d and it's a royal pain to keep tuning between the two (+bad for the strings)
I don't know about the flat E for dt though, they seemed to be tuned pretty heavily down when I saw them. Then again I play bass. HAHA. Usually it's not good to constantly switch tuning on guitar because it changes the action ever so slightly every time you do. That and your strings get weakened by all the back and forth tension. However, you're usually supposed to change strings a lot and will probably break them right when you should change the strings anyway. Just happened a week ago on my guitar with a turing of B. If you've only been playing for that little bit of time I think it's much better if you get used to the instrument in standard turning, messing around with it a bit before you start messing with your tunings. You'll probably appreciate the instrument more and it'll be easier to hit the notes you want, except for the 4 lowest notes you wont be able to get to in most In Flames songs. You could always play those an octive higher though. Anyway, if you do decide to downtune immediately, you really shouldn't go out and buy heavier strings since even extra lights can handle the job. They just bouce around a lot more like spaghetti. Most importantly its all about the feel you want in your strings, not what thickness you should have. Any change one way or another will slightly change your action and need to be adjusted, so keep that in mind. WOW I rambled.
Originally posted by Malis
In general i don't like to tune down to C because a lot of rock/metal is played in standard/dropped d and it's a royal pain to keep tuning between the two (+bad for the strings)

You can tune to C, then play everything with normal tuning 2 steps up from what it normally is... :p

Avoid retuning completely.
geez final_vision, seems you're slowly getting into real music, as i can see from your sig :) good choice! given another year all this powermetal will be coat-dusted in your cd rack :D