Turisas cancels ProgPower USA appearance

The guys in Turisas wouldn't just cancel it like that if they had the last word or was able to fix it... :( I think the management/promoters are to blame.

I'm really sorry for all the fans who are not going to see them this time. And Zod, have you REALLY listened to them or been at their gigs? I don't think hundreds of people would stand several hours in pouring rain, on a saturday night, listening to a childrens band dressed up as DINOSAURS in wait for "clowns" to play. (Although this sounds weird, it really happened. Was there.) Turisas captures the audience in a magnificent and energetic way. Not only their "hard core fans", but also curious "bystanders" who just come to see what all the fuzz is about. The atmosphere during their gigs is top class.

I'd also like to hear what the band has to say about this. Hopefully we will.

It has also been said that the gig itself wasn't even confirmed by the band...
In addition to Longshot's comments being correct, I'd also like to address this. I would love to stay true to the original formula and cherry pick the best of both genres each year. However, the reality now is that people would rather read about how good the roster is instead of actually buying a ticket.

I find it incredibly ironic that you've spent so much time building up a golden reputation with the bands that now that you pretty much CAN command them to appear, and have a respectable fan-base who will do anything for you and this festival except buy a ticket. I can't even imagine how frustrating that is.

Even the year I couldn't make it I still bought the damned gold-badge :p
However, the reality now is that people would rather read about how good the roster is instead of actually buying a ticket.

Some of us are actually buying tickets! The wife and I came last year to the Saturday show because I was researching concert dates for Pagan's Mind, Circus Maximums, Brainstorm, and Fates Warning and discovered none were coming to the West Coast but all were going to be in Atlanta on the same day. That's how I discovered ProgPower.

But here's the kicker...my wife (who's taking me to see Carrie Underwood and Boyz II Men this year)...was so impressed with the event she was bugging me about coming back this year without even knowing who the bands were. Turns out there were four bands I really wanted to see (Tarot, Delain, Kamelot, and Leave's Eyes) so we're coming for both days. No sightseeing this year, just flying 3000 miles to come to ProgPower.

On topic: I just got Turisas' latest CD last week and was starting to dig it, looking forward to seeing them. Sorry to hear their management jacked you around, that's gotta be frustrating. Not that interested in Blackguard, saw them open for Epica here in Portland and found their synchronized hair swinging amusing, but their music didn't grab me.

Keep having good lineups and we'll keep buying tickets.
Being a metalhead, I of course start headbanging on the first song. At some point during their set, the lead singer came over to where I was standing by the railing and puts his foot up on it, catching some of my hair underneath it. All I could think was "Okay, NOW this concert is awesome!" I only wish I had had a chance to thank him on my way out, but the merch tables were mobbed, and I had class in the morning.

You wanted to thank him for standing on your hair?
This business can kick you in the nuts at anytime.

Thanks for your understanding and support. I'll continue to tell you like it is until I retire the Hawaiian shirt.

That's a load of crap what you got back from Turias's management, but we both know this bullshit happens a lot in this business. Nobody does it better than you do, so keep fighting the good fight, for those of us who know what it's worth. It'll be a sad day if and when that Hawaiian shirt gets retired...:)
It has also been said that the gig itself wasn't even confirmed by the band...

Two things:

1. I could scan and post the contract that I had with The Agency Group if you doubt the confirmation.

2. Milton had already completed an interview for the program (which he spoke of in this thread) and they discussed launching their tour at the festival. They knew it was confirmed.

I do agree with you though on one thing. I would also like to see a statement from the band on the cancellation and why I was the last to know. I know shit happens, but it would be nice if they apologized to those that purchased tickets based on their confirmation.
And Zod, have you REALLY listened to them or been at their gigs?
Listened to them? Yes.

Seen them live? No... of course not. I never spend money to go see a band perform who I have no interest in.

I don't think hundreds of people would stand several hours in pouring rain, on a saturday night, listening to a childrens band dressed up as DINOSAURS in wait for "clowns" to play.
I think you may be conflating popularity and quality. I wasn't suggesting they're not popular, nor was I suggesting they don't have a loyal following. However, dedicated fans aren't the measure of quality music. If that equation held, Kiss would be the greatest band on the planet. After all, they're the only band with a militarized fan base.
Two things:

1. I could scan and post the contract that I had with The Agency Group if you doubt the confirmation.

2. Milton had already completed an interview for the program (which he spoke of in this thread) and they discussed launching their tour at the festival. They knew it was confirmed.

I do agree with you though on one thing. I would also like to see a statement from the band on the cancellation and why I was the last to know. I know shit happens, but it would be nice if they apologized to those that purchased tickets based on their confirmation.

Glen, I know very little about these things, but does the contract give any benefit to you or the festival if it is breeched by the band. Or are these worded to solely protect the bands? Just curiousity. Thanks.
I have given them all a chance, and none of them suite my taste. I'm not saying any of them suck, just saying that they aren't what I spent my money to hear.

I don't think you really need to explain yourself.
It has been stated many times that booking a band like Turisas is an attempt to bring new fans to the fest. Therefore, that is no guarantee though that such new fans are going to like the other bands on the fest, nor do they have to. Not sure why folks are giving you a hard time. You purchased your ticket because of Turisas being booked (exactly what all wanted to happen). Therefore, you should not receive crap for no longer being interested in the fest.

Granted, I do believe that if you did go and watched all bands, there might be some that surprise you. I think we have all gone to festivals where we walked away being impressed with at least 2 or 3 bands.

Anyhow, just wanted to defend you a bit as I think the criticism you are receiving here is a bit uncalled for, esp since you are exactly the "new blood" the festival is attempting to attract as a customer.
Two things:

1. I could scan and post the contract that I had with The Agency Group if you doubt the confirmation.

2. Milton had already completed an interview for the program (which he spoke of in this thread) and they discussed launching their tour at the festival. They knew it was confirmed.

I do agree with you though on one thing. I would also like to see a statement from the band on the cancellation and why I was the last to know. I know shit happens, but it would be nice if they apologized to those that purchased tickets based on their confirmation.

Not meant to be offensive, just what I heard and wasn't sure about it either. :) I'm sorry. And I'm sure they will do a statement.
Nothing to do with you, but it's just that I don't think I ever actually saw this gig on the tour list on their website, not even long before the cancellation.. Definitely something fishy here.

Listened to them? Yes.

Seen them live? No... of course not. I never spend money to go see a band perform who I have no interest in.

I think you may be conflating popularity and quality. I wasn't suggesting they're not popular, nor was I suggesting they don't have a loyal following. However, dedicated fans aren't the measure of quality music. If that equation held, Kiss would be the greatest band on the planet. After all, they're the only band with a militarized fan base (assuming you don't count Manowar's "Army of Immortals").*

*Note... it occurs to be that a few bands have their own ground forces. I'm surprised no Metal band has cultivated their own Navy or Airforce.

It's OK not to like a band, but it doesn't mean all the people agree with you. So please, don't mock them. I'm pretty sure they will go far. They've done nothing but got bigger since they started.
One thing that will get them far:
I also started to be a fan first after I saw them live, because they really have a special way to capture the audience. Doesn't mean that you'd do the same, but just wanted to meniton.
So I emailed Turisas’s booking agent early this morning to notify him that I would be sending his deposit now (a full month ahead of the contractual obligation date). His reply:

“Sorry, they aren’t coming. Their album was pushed back so they aren’t coming over till next year.”

What? That’s it? Where you planning on telling me?

“I just found out last Friday.”


I requested a statement from them with an explanation for the fans. I was told it would come today. Nothing arrived. I emailed twice more during the day asking and did not receive a reply. I have no idea if one is coming tomorrow or not. I’m in the dark just like everyone else. All I can do is apologize and hope they give the fans a better explanation than I got. I do not feel it is fair to withhold the news with tickets on sale, so I’m going public now instead of waiting. If I keep a single person from being pissed off, then I have done my duty.

This business can kick you in the nuts at anytime.

Anyhow, I do not want the donations go to waste, nor do I want anyone to think I just pocketed them. Blind sponsorship bids are still being honored.

Unfortunately, it is simply too late to look for a replacement from abroad. After careful consideration of all my realistic options, I have decided to invite Blackguard to join Friday’s roster. They will perform in the 2nd slot after Illusion Suite. They are a fantastic live band with amazing energy. If you give them a chance, I guarantee they will win you over.

Thanks for your understanding and support. I'll continue to tell you like it is until I retire the Hawaiian shirt.

The new schedule for Friday:

Kamelot 11:00 – 12:30
Nocturnal Rites 9:15 - 10:30
Tyr 7:45 - 8:45
Seventh Wonder 6:15 - 7:15
Leaves’ Eyes 5:00 - 5:45
Blackguard 3:45 - 4:30
Illusion Suite 2:30 - 3:15

The ProgPower USA XII video announcement will follow immediately after Kamelot.

Statement from the band:

As you may have already found out, TURISAS have been forced to cancel their scheduled appearance at ProgPower USA XI Festival on 10 September. The reason for this is changes beyond our control to the album production schedule, which in turn has radically changed our planned touring schedule for 2010. This meant that ProgPower, instead of being a great way to kick off a US tour, would have ended up being a one-off show. The band simply could not afford to fly over from Helsinki and back for one festival.

Having spent then a week trying to find a realistic way to get round this and still make the show happen (but without success), the management and booking agency had to make the hard decision to cancel. To make matters worse, there were then some communication problems which meant that the promoter did not find out what was going on nearly as soon as he should have.

The band is sincerely sorry about it all, first for having to cancel the gig, and second for the poor communication about the changed schedule. Everybody in the Turisas camp was excited about appearing at ProgPower USA and kicking off a US tour in September, and we're sorry for not being able to make it there as planned. Apologies go to all of you who wanted to see us at the festival as well as anyone who made the "blind sponsorship bids" for this festival gig, and of course the promoter and festival organizers who work hard to put these bills together in the first place.

We fully intend to make up for this mess in the near future - we WILL be back in the States very soon and will make sure nothing like this happens again.

Warlord Nygard & Olli Vanska / Turisas
It's OK not to like a band, but it doesn't mean all the people agree with you. So please, don't mock them.
A couple quick things...

1. I realize they have their fans, and that not everyone agrees with me. That's fine.
2. It's a discussion forum. As such, we share our opinions and joke around. It would be a pretty dull forum is everyone stated their opinions in a politically correct fashion and never stated their true opinion of a band.
3. When you paint yourself in make up, wear fake animal skins and dance around the stage with plastic swords, you open yourself up for a bit of teasing.
Blackguard is MUCH better live then on a CD. I'm actually kinda happy about the change since I like Blackguard better anyway. Sorry about all the bullshit it put Glenn through. The funny thing about Blackguard is we saw them when they opened for Ensiferum and I didn't expect to like them. Let's just say I was pleasantly surprised. I realize they aren't prog or power metal, but I always say (half jokingly) that I'd love it to be Power/death instead. So great pick and great way to make the best of a really crappy bad situation.
No reason to be rude though.

3. When you paint yourself in make up, wear fake animal skins and dance around the stage with plastic swords, you open yourself up for a bit of teasing.

And they don't have swords on stage. ;) You mix them up with Ensiferum. But dance around, yes that they do. :D And so does the audience. (If you can call that dancig that is..)

Maybe we should just agree that you don't like them, but I do, and let this be.
No reason to be rude though.
I don't think I'm being rude. I didn't use vulgar language and I didn't insult anyone who's on the forum. I merely gave my assessment of a band. As I said, it's a discussion forum. It's suppose to be fun, light-hearted, etc. We should be able to joke around and poke fun of things we think are silly. For instance, I'm a huge Manowar fan. However, when people make Manowar jokes, I don't get upset by it. It's just good-natured fun.

Maybe we should just agree that you don't like them, but I do, and let this be.
Sounds like a plan. Cheers.