TV Shows you want to come back

I didn't realise until the end of the season that Snoop was female!

Yeah she is very weird. Especially when you consider that her character in the show is actually named after the woman who plays her and she actually did serve time for killing a 16-year-old girl. It kind of adds to the creepy vibe of the character.

I was unaware that this abomination had happened. I thought the show died with Hartman. I never saw any episodes with Lovitz thank god.

Nope. They actually addressed his death in the show (which is quite a touching episode you should watch, here's a clip from it) and after that the station hires a new guy to replace him which ends up being a character played by John Lovitz who does his usual gratingly annoying and blatantly unfunny comedy routine. The show went on like that for one more season and then they ended it.
Lovitz's actual stand-up is really funny...

He's also good in Todd Solondz' "Happiness." It's kind of like Bob Saget, everyone thinks he's bad as a funnyman because he's found work in being a typecast.
Oh yeah I forgot he was in Happiness. That was a fucked up movie.

His stand-up could be funny I guess. I've never seen any. I just find the persona that he uses in almost every movie or TV show extremely grating to watch. But then again Robin Williams has that effect on me too and his stand-up is pretty good.
Nope. They actually addressed his death in the show (which is quite a touching episode you should watch, here's a clip from it) and after that the station hires a new guy to replace him which ends up being a character played by John Lovitz who does his usual gratingly annoying and blatantly unfunny comedy routine. The show went on like that for one more season and then they ended it.

Cool, thanks for posting that clip. I'll have to see the whole episode. I'll give the rest of it minus Hartman a wide berth though.
I second I'm Alan Partridge and Arrested Development.

Another great show with an all too short run was Clone High. Hilarious show.
jaspion and Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon should come back

