Twilight in Olympus


Mar 9, 2010
Albany, NY
I actually forget about this album a lot. It really seems to be besides Damnation Game, SX's most underated album. What are your thoughts on it? I need to listen to this again, but from what I remember, this was a good prelude to V. V was as you know supposed to be an epic for this album, which is really interesting...just like how Metropolis part 2 was supposed to be an epic song but turned into a rock opera.
I actually believe that if the last two tracks had been omitted from Divine Wings (title track and Candlelight Fantasia), Twilight would be the superior album. Looking Glass, Church, and Orion are all excellent songs (the last of the three being extremely underrated). Smoke, Dragon's Den, and Relic are all strong (if not cheesy) additions to the band's song catalog, as well. The only song from Twilight that I just flat out don't like (excluding Sonata due to it obviously just being filler) is Lady of the Snow. The song simply goes nowhere for me, and apart from the verses and occasional cool keyboard sound I can't find anything really redeeming in it. I expect many to disagree with me, but time and time again I just can't get into the song.
I listened to this album a few years ago while flying over the Arizona and Nevada desert and it was a crazy experience. Yeah, the more I talk about this album, the more I want to say it's second to V.
It's a good album. It has one of SymX's most beautiful and exotic songs ever: Lady of the Snow.

The only song from Twilight that I just flat out don't like (excluding Sonata due to it obviously just being filler) is Lady of the Snow. The song simply goes nowhere for me, and apart from the verses and occasional cool keyboard sound I can't find anything really redeeming in it. I expect many to disagree with me, but time and time again I just can't get into the song.

It's funny I used to feel that way about it too, but then someday BAM. I really got into it.

It's really weird.
I actually believe that if the last two tracks had been omitted from Divine Wings (title track and Candlelight Fantasia), Twilight would be the superior album. Looking Glass, Church, and Orion are all excellent songs (the last of the three being extremely underrated). Smoke, Dragon's Den, and Relic are all strong (if not cheesy) additions to the band's song catalog, as well. The only song from Twilight that I just flat out don't like (excluding Sonata due to it obviously just being filler) is Lady of the Snow. The song simply goes nowhere for me, and apart from the verses and occasional cool keyboard sound I can't find anything really redeeming in it. I expect many to disagree with me, but time and time again I just can't get into the song.

If not superior, atleast a solid number two,closely behind V(yes, I'm one of those who sees V as the best album ever made)

I think Lady is decent+, otherwise I totally agree.
Looking and Church are two of my favourite songs,(though I prefer the live versions)while I've always had a soft spot for Orion; one part who always has truck me is the "On our quest for life/light", the first one starting at 1:22. I also love the 5/4 line on 2:01, and course the whole solo part!

The production could be better,otherwise it's a great album.
Agreed about the production. The album's main weakness IMO. It was like taking a step back in time since (at least to me) DWOT sounded better and shinier.
Well, a few key components bring Twilight down, but its a solid album. As are all of symphony x's albums.

For starters, Jason Rullo is not drumming on this album, and its evident. I'm not even a drummer and you can tell how much more simplistic, and lack of feeling is put into the drums. Rullo playing some of these songs live (if you've been lucky enough to hear them) show cases my point.

Secondly, if i'm not mistaken. Twilight was supposed to be V, and ended up being canned, and rushed. Which is why there would be a filler song like 'Sonata'. Though I think its beautiful none the less.

I love twilight, from start to finish. Church of the Machine, and through the looking glass are amazing pieces of work. I love Lady of the snow as well. Though after hearing the band perform Through The Looking Glass live, it makes the album version almost unlistenable. Also thanks to Rullo being the superior drummer!
If not superior, atleast a solid number two,closely behind V(yes, I'm one of those who sees V as the best album ever made)

I think Lady is decent+, otherwise I totally agree.
Looking and Church are two of my favourite songs,(though I prefer the live versions)while I've always had a soft spot for Orion; one part who always has truck me is the "On our quest for life/light", the first one starting at 1:22. I also love the 5/4 line on 2:01, and course the whole solo part!

The production could be better,otherwise it's a great album.

I never really thought about the production. There is something about low budget sound quality that I really like. I also think V is one of the best albums of all time. I'm thinking about making a top 25 favorite albums thread.
Orion is definitely underrated, Detective. That part near the beginning with the keys is so awesome.
... and I love Lady of the Snow... hence my username :p

Though the drums on this album aren't bad in any way, I find that the absense of Rullo detracts from the album overall.
I agree that it's a shame that Rullo isn't playing on Twilight. Walling is by no means bad, but Jason probably could have done something more interesting in some parts. I love that beat starting at around 3.00 in Church of the Machine tho...
Twilight is a good album imo. Almost equal to V, some really good songs, but a bit weak production as on V. Lady of the snow, through the looking glass, church of the machine, all really good songs and the rest aint that bad either. Maybe a slight re-mastering could be in place with the older albums? ;)
I personally think Twilight's production is fine. It's not perfect, but atleast it doesn't sound like every other metal album these days.
It's a good album but it's shorter so has less songs to offer and is lacking a DWOT / The Odyssey to put it on par with the other 4 post Damnation Game albums, in my opinion. Church Of The Machine, Through The Looking Glass and Smoke and Mirrors are all amazing though, and Orion is pretty good too. The others are all good, I'm not saying I don't like them, but nothing special compared to other Symphony X songs.
I agree that it's a shame that Rullo isn't playing on Twilight. Walling is by no means bad, but Jason probably could have done something more interesting in some parts. I love that beat starting at around 3.00 in Church of the Machine tho...

That's a cool part; I like how the kick drum and bass guitar only follow the guitar the 2nd, 4th, and 6th times.

As far as Walling goes, I honestly don't pay that much attention. I'm not a drummer, so I can't really distinguish all these subtleties from Rullo and Walling's playing like some of you guys can. But yeah, regardless, I'd rather have had Rullo on the album, anyway.
Alice, Alice, Run, Alice.....Run!


Dream with in a dreaaaaaammmmmmuuuh!!

/awesome guitar and keyboard improv
Listen to V and then tell me that you cannot notice an improvement in the drumming. :p
Not in the same league, my friend!

Well obviously I can tell the difference between something like Death of Balance and anything from Twilight, but it's the subtleties in the playing styles that I can't really hear due to my lack of drumming expertise. I prefer Jason, of course, but any drummer that can play in odd time signatures and keep things interesting is good in my book.

Perhaps you could inform me of the little differences between Jason's and Walling's styles? By that I mean that if I heard audio files of both drummers playing the same beat, I couldn't tell them apart...
I seriously can never decide if this or DWoT are my second favorite SyX album after V. They both come in second for different reasons I suppose.

Like some have already said there are epic songs such as CoTM and Looking Glass; however, I actually personally really like Smoke and Mirrors. It is probably one of my favorite more straight forward style SyX songs. I think I love the keyboard atmosphere in it most of all, but I also think the guitarwork has just a small hint of a proggy vibe in it even though it is for the most part a straightforward song. Orion is quite good too. Some newer fans that are used to the last couple albums may have to get over the production quality barrier before enjoying it though. Its not bad by any means, its just that newer fans are probably used to louder/heavier compressed produced albums.

What do some of you think of Damnation Game? I have always felt it was the only SyX album that could GREATLY benefit from a re-recording as it has really great and unique songs but a horribly low volume and quality of a production. The s/t is bad too but I don't think the songs have enough potential for themselves to warrant a re-recording.