Twilight in Olympus

I actually personally really like Smoke and Mirrors. It is probably one of my favorite more straight forward style SyX songs. I think I love the keyboard atmosphere in it most of all, but I also think the guitarwork has just a small hint of a proggy vibe in it even though it is for the most part a straightforward song. Orion is quite good too.

I like Smoke and Mirrors and love Orion. The only flaw I have with both is that I feel the solo sections are too long. Take Of Sins and Shadows, for example - the solos are in-your-face kick ass, but they don't drag on and on like those in the two above do.

What do some of you think of Damnation Game? I have always felt it was the only SyX album that could GREATLY benefit from a re-recording as it has really great and unique songs but a horribly low volume and quality of a production. The s/t is bad too but I don't think the songs have enough potential for themselves to warrant a re-recording.

I don't know if the quality was really bad enough to warrant a re-recording of The Damnation Game, and since Russ already sings on it I don't really see a big reason to do so. However, the s/t is an album I would love to hear re-recorded. I just think that there's some hidden gems on that album that none of us view as quality songs due to the lack of the Russ factor. I'd also love to hear what Lepond would do with the bass lines, but I realize that I'm in the minority and that most people don't care as much about the bass (at least when compared to the vocals).

By the way, love the 8-bit Symphony X sound, hahaha.
However, the s/t is an album I would love to hear re-recorded. I just think that there's some hidden gems on that album that none of us view as quality songs due to the lack of the Russ factor. I'd also love to hear what Lepond would do with the bass lines, but I realize that I'm in the minority and that most people don't care as much about the bass (at least when compared to the vocals).
By the way, love the 8-bit Symphony X sound, hahaha.

I am one of those people who think re-recording old albums is not a good idea. Better leave the albums be how they are meant to be in band's history. Atleast personally, it wouldn't interest me much if the s/t was re-recorded.

Same thing about movies, its just annoys me when they are doing re-make just about every classic movie.
I am one of those people who think re-recording old albums is not a good idea. Better leave the albums be how they are meant to be in band's history. Atleast personally, it wouldn't interest me much if the s/t was re-recorded.

Same thing about movies, its just annoys me when they are doing re-make just about every classic movie.

I can certainly see your point. The Damnation Game, for example, does not really require a re-recording in my book - there's nothing bad enough about it that would need to be changed. The recording quality is a bit weak, but that's really it! However, I only would like to see a re-recording (even a partial one with just a few songs) of the s/t because I believe the quality is there but that most disregard it (or can't see it) because of the terrible vocals. This may not even fully be a reflection on Rod's voice, but moreso the lack of money at the time - they could have made the vocals sound much better in the studio with a bigger budget.

I just simply see no reason why a re-recording of a few of the s/t songs would not be beneficial. They could use them as bonus tracks on a special edition of Iconoclast, for example, or even release a cheap bonus EP. It gives newer fans a glimpse back into the band's history (if they care) and older fans a nostalgic treat with better vocals and production. This idea, of course, stems from how awesome Masquerade '98 was...

As for remakes of movies, I agree. It seems that the film industry simply has no fresh ideas left, so they cling to the hope of a classic remake making money for them. Not once has one of these remakes come even close to the originals in my mind. Leave the originals alone! I'm okay with sequels or prequels, but do something original!
As for remakes of movies, I agree. It seems that the film industry simply has no fresh ideas left, so they cling to the hope of a classic remake making money for them. Not once has one of these remakes come even close to the originals in my mind. Leave the originals alone! I'm okay with sequels or prequels, but do something original!

Straying off topic, but I agree. I think the only remakes that should be made are of BAD films. Make bad films good. Simple. Stop trying to remake movies that were good to begin with. Hollywood has no original ideas and sadly, doesn't want them. They want a proven formula and so, to executives, a movie that already came out is proven: "it works, it's been made, so clearly we can make money on it." Just like anything else, the film business is a business and very rarely cares about creativity.
Twilight in Olympus is a very good album, my favorite track is definitely Through the looking Glass.

the thing is that even if TtLG is over 13 minutes , It's not boring for a second and the beauty of music just get amplified when you reach the chorus again..
Smoke and Mirrors is the song that starts and you say : WTF.. then there is that combined Guitar/Keyboards/Drums.. in 00:31 , this is a hell of an opening track for an album.. let's not talk about Russel Allen's singing.. I'll never shut my mouth. The In The Dragons Den is a part of my top 3 of this album, it has that speedy riff and that melodic singing (and again like Inferno's song structure you gotta wait for the real chorus after a while.. and that one is real catchy followed by those crazy solos.. PERFECT.

Then the album contains those tracks I like, Chruch Of the machine being more intense than Orion and The Relic , but they're all good.

I don't know why but Lady Of The Snow is a song I really don't like, or it's just because the rest of the album is awesome.
It's always struck my that TtLG sounds like a song where they had an idea and then wrote a song to encompass the idea. I wonder if the "Dream you believe" part was written in isolation and they thought "What the hell do we do with this?" The rest of the song is awesome, of course, but that's how it feels to me.
The chorus is one of the best parts to that song! Dont know how you could write a better chorus musicly and lyricly about fricken Alice and Wonderland.

Also Kind of off topic. I hear theyre remaking Red Dawn.....really. No, REALLY!


This will not work in the 2010s