Twilight of the Thundergod Video

haha dear old gazza, exams getting to you bro lol <3

haha yep bro.

taking a break for today, need it. only reason i'm acting like i am today is that, like i mentioned before, someone was getting attacked left right and centre, so i though, to myself 'fuck em, lets see if they like it'

and obviously they don't. can dish it out but can't take it. :lol::lol::lol:
:lol: Fucking hell Gaz.

Time of the month much?

plagiarism will get you no where son!

(i asked inflames boy that in another thread lol)

nah, just felt like being a smart arse today cause people were picking on someone for cutting school to watch the video. although i'm an advocate for education, cutting gym class doesn't mean shit, that's what gyms are do after school! lol!

I love forum wars, I used to participate in them or try to start them on this forum but got old and soft, not to mention the scars I was left with ;), keep it going Gazza ......

I've always stated that metal videos are a bit silly as they can never be properly done due to lack of budget, plus they hardly ever get played anywhere so I am not sure what the point in making them is, but given there was infinite amount of $$$ available what would you see as a good/great video to that particular song?

Too bad they went with a metaphorical approach to the video. I would have liked to seen Thor fighting the Midgaard serpent =/.
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I dunno man, Gaz is pretty hairy. He used to have like a 10 inch goatee/beard thing going on. I'm going to have to ask you for a Rasputin-esque bearded photo to beat that :Smokin:
I posted a pic of myself from last year in the Own Pictures thread. It's grown since then, although I don't try to grow it out, and trim it weekly.

I've always stated that metal videos are a bit silly as they can never be properly done due to lack of budget, plus they hardly ever get played anywhere so I am not sure what the point in making them is, but given there was infinite amount of $$$ available what would you see as a good/great video to that particular song?

Again, I dunno what I would want in a video. Maybe really really hot chicks going at it?
I haven't ever seen a video that enhanced my enjoyment of the song, with the single exception of Motley Crue's video for Smoking In The Boys Room.

However, if possible a sweet epic ship to ship battle (constant, not cutting to the band or skipping around) would be cool. Maybe cut to the band for some parts, which would be much better synced than in TotTG. The combat would be legitimately well choreographed and synced to the beat of the music.

But even then, I can't imagine that it would really do too much for me. If I want to watch something, I'll go watch a movie. I prefer to listen to the song alone.

Too bad they went with a metaphorical approach to the video. I would have liked to seen Thor fighting the Midgaard serpent =/.

I wish you fuckers would quit bitching. The vid is awesome. I don't think AA has the budget to do an epic "Lord of the Rings" quality video. (I believe the band members makes their living off their REAL jobs, not the money they make from the band) Let me see you guys make a awesome video like the one you are requesting with a mortgage, car payments, kids and living expenses. Plus band expenses like instruments, amps and the like.
iirc they quit their jobs after Fate of Norns. afaik they're all single, but I have no idea. and they've been using the same equipment for a while, and record really, really fast, minimizing studio expenses, as well as touring relentlessly.

But besides all that, I'm fairly certain the label pays for the video.
I wish you fuckers would quit bitching. The vid is awesome. I don't think AA has the budget to do an epic "Lord of the Rings" quality video. (I believe the band members makes their living off their REAL jobs, not the money they make from the band) Let me see you guys make a awesome video like the one you are requesting with a mortgage, car payments, kids and living expenses. Plus band expenses like instruments, amps and the like.

Funding. The band members don't pay for the video out of their own pockets.:lol:
I dunno man, Gaz is pretty hairy. He used to have like a 10 inch goatee/beard thing going on. I'm going to have to ask you for a Rasputin-esque bearded photo to beat that :Smokin:

haha yeh man. that goatee was massive. saw a photo of it the other day a mate had and i was like 'wtf, that thing was huge!' lol!

i may not have hair on my head but my chest is like a fucking persian rug lol! must have some wog in me...maybe i'm part greek george LOL
iirc they quit their jobs after Fate of Norns. afaik they're all single, but I have no idea. and they've been using the same equipment for a while, and record really, really fast, minimizing studio expenses, as well as touring relentlessly.

But besides all that, I'm fairly certain the label pays for the video.

actually they're all but one are in long relationships with kids, etc.

5-6 weeks in the studio in not that fast. plus mastering,mixing, etc.

yes, label pays for the videos but not that much which is probably why it was recorded in Poland during anual viking/slavic festival
actually they're all but one are in long relationships with kids, etc.

5-6 weeks in the studio in not that fast. plus mastering,mixing, etc.

yes, label pays for the videos but not that much which is probably why it was recorded in Poland during anual viking/slavic festival
Okay, good to know, I guess.

It was 3-4, tbh. Or at least, 4 episodes of the studio diary, including setting up and packing. Then maybe a week or two for mixing mastering. That's seriously quite fast.

And yeah, although the main improvement is actually the camera; this was shot with a much sexier camera than the last couple vids.

Would the owner of the longship kindly remove it? It is blocking the entrance to the giftshop.....aaaargh.
I'm sorry but the Amon Amarth music vids are really bad. I'd MUCH rather just see a video of them playing the song or what ever. All of the videos are the same and they're pretty poorly done. Not even close to on par with the actual music.