Two DT songs leaked

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
A Rite of Passage and A Nightmare to Remember have leaked from DT's new album.

Almost finished listening to A Rite of Passage now... ugh. There's like one riff which is good. Then it just goes heavy for some reason. Then there's shredding. And more shredding. And then THE MOST RETARDED KEYBOARD SOLO EVER. And then it stops. And then it goes light again for no reason.

Ughhhhhhhhhhhh. Will edit this after I listen to Nightmare to Remember. Intro is sounding alright, not great but good.

Mix is alright. Drums are better than SC but a bit weak, I don't like the guitars.

edit: hah, ye Marcus.. I don't think I can edit the title.

Finished Nightmare...
Guitars sound pretty good in the mix, only cos the bass tone slays (altho is a bit loud/boomy sometimes).
Hihats are sounding weird. I hope its the bad rip, but they're sounding really out of place, loud, distorting and are panning all over the place. The rest is alright.
ITS QUIET. Really really quiet. If I had to guess I'd say about -14 RMS.

Onto the song. REALLY good in spots. Transitions are absolutely awful. I don't know what they were thinking. Tempo changes sound bad, and then there are NO attempts at transitioning between two completely different riffs, it just switches instantly. Another 5 minute shredfest in the middle though. This is MUCH worse than SC in that regard. I hope someone goes and edits the songs to make them all 5 minutes long with just the good bits, somehow.

Oh yeah. The Portnoy rap sage continues. Kill me now.
Although the rips I got are pretty low quality, I'm listening to A Nightmare to Remember, and I'm digging a lot! great riffage... but then labrie's voice kicks in and everything goes to the sewers... seriously... I despise his voice so much... A kick ass screaming and some melody singing in this would sound awesome
Oh so we're not talking about Dark Tranquility? Cool I was getting a bit worried there. Shredding? Keyboard solo? Gonna give a niggah a heart attack, dawg!
I came in here also expecting Dark Tranquillity. Hilarious.. we're too metal here to expect Dream Theater
Here is the streaming link. ///Removed///

Hopefully won't get in trouble for that but I really want to know..

What band is playing that first song? If anyone knows it, or understands Portugese.. I'd love to know, the song is killer. Very Porcupine Tree-esque. The snare is gorgeous too.

edit: Found out it IS Steve Wilson's Insurgentes, heh.. Recognised his voice in the 2nd song.
I guess I'm the only one that immediately thought of Dream Theater... :)

Nah, I did too; I'm a big prog nut :). Since Six Degrees, I've liked each subsequent Dream Theater release less and less. The awesomeness of their earlier albums and their live shows mean I'll always give them another chance, but I do hope this one's at least a little bit more listenable than Systematic Chaos.
Nah, I did too; I'm a big prog nut :). Since Six Degrees, I've liked each subsequent Dream Theater release less and less. The awesomeness of their earlier albums and their live shows mean I'll always give them another chance, but I do hope this one's at least a little bit more listenable than Systematic Chaos.

+1, I really love train of thought tough, but octavarium and systematic chaos were really boring
I feel like the only DT fan that likes Train of Thought and Octavarium and hates Scenes From a Memory haha

listening to the tracks now. FUCKS SAKE JAMES LABRIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! and mike portnoy going HOUHH in the background, fuck sake...
drums sound good though
the first part of this solos pretty cool, atonal speed picking *yawn*, cool chromatic lick, sweet stoppy-starty part
petrucci's phrasing solo phrasing in the faster parts seems to be generally improving

i did really like jordan rudess at one point, but this solo's just fucking awfull.
what the fuck is that noise? thats fucking SWEET
a hamster through a fucking bitcrusher, fucking sweet

ew rhythm tone on its own, ew ew ew. sounds really edge of the cone-y. fuck sake..

if this dude would shut the fuck up i'd provide running commentary for the other track too, what the fuck?
BLAH BLAH PORTUGESE SHIT BLAH BLAH MORE PORTUGESE. its cool that you're portugese n all dude, but shut the fuck up because I can't hear the fucking music :zipit:
Worse than dj's at primary school discos. ffs
"DOOO YA THINK IM SEXY" "oh yeah" etcetc.