Two new Katatonia CD (Album)


New Metal Member
Apr 29, 2008
Anders told us that it is hard to decide which way they want go on the next album.

Maybe you will make two Cds. A harder (more metal) and a calm (more rock) one.

One like leaders, ghost of the sun or july and the other like code against the code, omerta or unfurl.

That could be the most viewy music sensation of 2009!

Opeth did so (Deliverance & Damnation), System of a down did so (Hypnotize & Mezmerize) and
a current exemple that such things are very musical interesting (for fans and also for not-fans) is Thrice with "The Alchemy Index" Eps

If there are lot of people that also think two seperate albums are an great idea, maybe Katatonia will make it.
It's a cool idea, but what about something new?

It's been done before and isn't original. Something I see with Katatonia is they like be original in their music.
Maybe it is even easier for the band to make two sperate albums and each fan'll get a (his or her own) cd/music that he or she prefers for katatonia.

and I think there are a lot of people that would like both cds. (like me)
I want something like VE in terms of variation. That one has the Waltzy One Year from Now, the folky Omerta and the Lullaby-ish A Premonition, but at the same time it's got the heavier tracks like Sleeper, Will I Arrive, and Ghost of the Sun, which are all very different from each other.
I want something like VE in terms of variation. That one has the Waltzy One Year from Now, the folky Omerta and the Lullaby-ish A Premonition, but at the same time it's got the heavier tracks like Sleeper, Will I Arrive, and Ghost of the Sun, which are all very different from each other.

I dig this idea.
Sure, of course there must be a flow to each album. It won't become just all pure death-metal songs against all pure trip-hop-kinda songs, but I'm sure they would be able to kinda draw a line between the more heavy, natural, prog kind of oriented songs and the more laid-back, simplistic, electronic/ambient oriented songs...

A few problems here are that : -you need to write a bit more material to fill two albums
-where do you draw the line?

It's depending on the way Katatonia (Anders?) write(s), but it could either improve the inspiration and writing progress, because you don't have to really worry much about if the song will fit right in the only album and you of course have a bit more direction in writing the songs (easier to take choices during the writing proces).
But it could also turn out the other way and decrease the progress, because maybe they like to write songs naturally without aim, so it would only make things more difficult to fit them to a certain album...

So it's all about what's more comfortable for Katatonia in this case...

I personally imagine they could make something very cool of a double-album
They're having a bit of a writers block so don't you think a double album is getting a bit ahead of ourselves?
Yeah. I like Opeth better when they don't do the whole split personalities thing.