Two new Katatonia CD (Album)

This post is not about Opeth or Dream Theater (who are wankers indeed) (well, good wankers though..just not with a good feel). Good wankers don't JUST use good technique, but combines it with a gentle good feel too..
I guess this could have been taken from a random womens mag. Anyhoo..

Katatonia double cd? Good idea? Well, could work...but then again almost nobody has made a double cd that is great (I might regret saying that). Katatonia could be the first..or second.

Two separate cds? If they do that, then they shouldn't stay with the one mellow and one hard idea. One mellower and one harder though is better.
But I don't think it would be constructive to think about this yet, for them (for some reason I seem to think that I know what is good for them?!). I think they should just make whatever they feel like making and after a while maybe see how it can all fit together. If they achieve their goal of two cds, then they'll still have many other ways release it later.

I miss a banjo or ukulele in Katatonias music.
Dream Theater sucks. Images & Words and Awake do have some redeeming qualities and good songs though, but both are pretty unoriginal with tons of predictable/cheesy parts.

Can't say i enjoy a single moment off the rest of their albums.
About Dream Theater, they actually became much less cheesy and pretentious on their more recent albums like Train of Thought, Metropolis and the last one (and Six Degrees.. as well), being much more genuine and doing (much) less pointless intrumentalist showing off. I particularly like Train of Thought (gotta see that in perspective, I'm not a huge DT fan), much less cheesy than say Images and Words.
@MadTinus: yeah ToT sure has some good song ideas, unfortunately the best song on there ("Endless Sacrifice") has that overlong wank section towards the end. I still think "Images & Words" has better overall thought into the songs. The technical parts actually suit pretty well into the songs rather than being all showoff. The worst showoff albums are definitely "Scenes from A Memory" and "Six Degrees..".