two towers a review in short


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
dudes and dudess's this movie kicked my ass all over the place.

Aragorn and Legolas are my heros

Gollum was the most amazing computer generated creature i have ever seen.

I cried again.

I fell in love with Eowyn while reading the books and now I am even more in love with her after seeing the movie.

I love Ents.

I don't know about anyone else but when they had the build-up for the Battle for Helm's Deep with the marching of the Uruk-Hai I had my fists pumping in the air like I was at a metal concert.

And Brad Dourif is one of the most amazing actors i have ever seen.

sorry i am not as intellectual as others but the movie affected me very much beyond words for the moment.

PS. seeing the previews for T3, X2, and When Harry Met Lloyd:Dumb and Dumberer was just the icing on the cake.
is it gonna be Jeff Daniels and Jim Carrey again....or is it gonna be like stupid "when they were younger" shit with Freddie Prince Jr. and Ryan Phillipe?