Ulrich.VS Lombardo

Whos better?

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Dude, you said Lars is tied for your favorite drummer. That means you are incapable of discerning good from bad drumming. I don't fail, you fail.

Not really, I play drums. I know about drumming, and what it takes to be a good drummer, and also how to play drums in a band to enhance the songs not just to jack myself off. Lars had a completely original and unique style. If he were to play by himself with no other instruments you could easily pick out who he is. Unlike most of metal today. His grooves and style made Metallica's music fucking awesome. Note that I am talking about early Metallica. Theres nothing you can really say to back your argument up. No one seemed to think he sucked prior to them turning gay.

So I say again, you fail.
george kolias >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Not really, I play drums. I know about drumming, and what it takes to be a good drummer, and also how to play drums in a band to enhance the songs not just to jack myself off. Lars had a completely original and unique style. If he were to play by himself with no other instruments you could easily pick out who he is. Unlike most of metal today. His grooves and style made Metallica's music fucking awesome. Note that I am talking about early Metallica. Theres nothing you can really say to back your argument up. No one seemed to think he sucked prior to them turning gay.

So I say again, you fail.

Just because you "drum" doesn't mean that you know shit about drumming. For example, would you argue that Johnny Ramone knew shit about guitar playing?

Lars is a bland drummer who is almost a nonentity. His drumming exists merely to keep time and does nothing else. He has no style and no flair. He's fucking MILQUETOAST. If you think he's the best, then that means that you are clueless. Again, YOU fail.
lars drumming on AJFA is decent though, I would say it is above average

on "blackened" or "eye of the beholder", he's not bad at all

overall, a decent thrash drummer, that's about it
Not really, I play drums. I know about drumming, and what it takes to be a good drummer, and also how to play drums in a band to enhance the songs not just to jack myself off. Lars had a completely original and unique style. If he were to play by himself with no other instruments you could easily pick out who he is. Unlike most of metal today. His grooves and style made Metallica's music fucking awesome. Note that I am talking about early Metallica. Theres nothing you can really say to back your argument up. No one seemed to think he sucked prior to them turning gay.

So I say again, you fail.

Like someone already said... just because you play drums (and i say that lightly because any idiot can get a pair of sticks and bang on some drums and call themselves a drummer) does not mean you know what constitutes good drumming... 3 votes for Ulrich vs Lombardo's 17 or so... and because you probably weren't even a embryo much less a sperm cell back in the 80's during their true heyday & i did grow up back then and saw what was said about him... You wouldn't know that Lars was always the only band member whose playing was always criticized as being sub par at best on their albums... I personally always considered him a good adequate drummer... but nothing great... I did like his drumming on RTL the most...
Just because you "drum" doesn't mean that you know shit about drumming. For example, would you argue that Johnny Ramone knew shit about guitar playing?

Lars is a bland drummer who is almost a nonentity. His drumming exists merely to keep time and does nothing else. He has no style and no flair. He's fucking MILQUETOAST. If you think he's the best, then that means that you are clueless. Again, YOU fail.

I never said he was the best. I said he is my favorite. I happen to see music differently than most of the fucks around here like you. I don't care if the person playing said instrument is sub-par. I judge him on how well he contributes to the songs themselves. If he happens to be dragging the band/song down in anyway, then yeah I'd say he is shit too. But that's not what Lars did for Metallica you fucking knob. He played to James' songs perfectly. I honestly don't think half of their songs would be AS interesting to me had Lars not been the drummer and put his style into it, and his style IN METALLICA is flawless.

At least try to pay attention to what I say before you come out guns a blazin with blanks buddy.

Like someone already said... just because you play drums (and i say that lightly because any idiot can get a pair of sticks and bang on some drums and call themselves a drummer) does not mean you know what constitutes good drumming... 3 votes for Ulrich vs Lombardo's 17 or so... and because you probably weren't even a embryo much less a sperm cell back in the 80's during their true heyday & i did grow up back then and saw what was said about him... You wouldn't know that Lars was always the only band member whose playing was always criticized as being sub par at best on their albums... I personally always considered him a good adequate drummer... but nothing great... I did like his drumming on RTL the most...

Nice job at chiming in and not even reading the previous posts dumbass. I acknowledge Lombardo's ability. He happens to be one of my favorite drummers as well. But read this very carefully... I PREFER LARS OVER LOMBARDO. It's not a matter of talent, it's a matter of taste. Now fuck off.
I never said he was the best. I said he is my favorite. I happen to see music differently than most of the fucks around here like you. I don't care if the person playing said instrument is sub-par. I judge him on how well he contributes to the songs themselves. If he happens to be dragging the band/song down in anyway, then yeah I'd say he is shit too. But that's not what Lars did for Metallica you fucking knob. He played to James' songs perfectly. I honestly don't think half of their .

that's songwriting, not drumming ability

early metallica had excellent songwriting, but Lars was nothing special
A matter of bad taste you mean.

Not really, though I'm not the one being a self-righteous cunt. The only thing you've proven is that you disagree with me and like to say stupid shit.

that's songwriting, not drumming ability

early metallica had excellent songwriting, but Lars was nothing special

*smacks his forehead* You are so stupid, it drives me fucking nuts. I literally want to just punch you in the face right now. I'll educate you once again for the 5282598235th time. Lars and James were pretty much 50/50 when it came to the songwriting you stupid fucking inbred piece of shit. Which means, the arrangements, the timing and all that bullshit behind the scenes stuff that you end up hearing on the record, is halfway consisted of Lars' doing. So, not only did Lars help write the songs, he also play the drums! No shit huh!?
Uh, Amarantus, you can't act the high horse with me fuckwit. You said I fail straight away because you disagreed with me. I don't just attack people for disagreeing with me, I attack them for being pompous twits.
Uh, Amarantus, you can't act the high horse with me fuckwit. You said I fail straight away because you disagreed with me. I don't just attack people for disagreeing with me, I attack them for being pompous twits.

No your reading abilities are just shot to hell it seems. The whole "you fail" bit was intended to be a joke. You know something you go ha ha about and the make a smartass retort and we move along our merry way. You obviously didn't get the memo.
Not really, though I'm not the one being a self-righteous cunt.

- hey pot
- hi kettle
- wow kettle you are black

*smacks his forehead* You are so stupid, it drives me fucking nuts. I literally want to just punch you in the face right now. I'll educate you once again for the 5282598235th time. Lars and James were pretty much 50/50 when it came to the songwriting you stupid fucking inbred piece of shit. Which means, the arrangements, the timing and all that bullshit behind the scenes stuff that you end up hearing on the record, is halfway consisted of Lars' doing. So, not only did Lars help write the songs, he also play the drums! No shit huh!?

this is the only reason I have him as a slightly above average drummer. His pure drumming abilities (precision, speed, power, complexity, etc...) are all mediocre at best

his pure drumming abilites are what people here are arguing
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