Bands You Think Sounded Better Without...

An example of the opposite situation (Opeth's one) has just come to my mind: Eldritch. The first three album were made with a guitar and a keyboard, but I think that they really weren't able to combine such elements in an effective way. When the keyboardist quitted they took one more guitarist instead, and their sound has come to be much better now (in my opinion)... it is more compact and straight, much less progressive oriented and some more thrashy.

In general, I do like keyboards, though it always depends on how they are used (expecially along with the guitars).
All I know is that mellotrone (sp?) on Ghost Reveries makes me wanna kill myself. ESPECIALLY at the beginning of Baying of the Hounds.
The keys in Ghost Reveries are completely pointless because they are just filling the role that the ebow used to fill in Blackwater Park and Still Life.

OMFG they tried something different! How does this make it completely pointless? The songs on GR are fantastic. You idiots are too caught up in your 'i only listen to teh 1st schree b/c they r mor kvlt' bullshit.