Bands You Think Sounded Better Without...

Dec 4, 2006
New Jersey, USA
Bands You Think Sounded Better Without the use of keyboards. The two that came to mind for me were Opeth and Dark Tranquility. Both of these bands were already insanely melodic prior to them adding keyboards to their music.

Name some other bands you think the same about.

I'm a firm believer that keyboards do add great melody to the music but these were two bands that just sounded better without them.
Bands You Think Sounded Better Without the use of keyboards. The two that came to mind for me were Opeth and Dark Tranquility. Both of these bands were already insanely melodic prior to them adding keyboards to their music.

Name some other bands you think the same about.

I'm a firm believer that keyboards do add great melody to the music but these were two bands that just sounded better without them.

nice font asshole.

I've never had a problem with keyboards in metal. It's hard for me to distinguish between keyboards that turn most people off and keyboards that are generally accepted as "tastefully applied".

For me, keyboards are best when they play their own melody/harmony along with the guitar riffs, but I don't mind when they play the same melody as the riffs. It adds depth either way for me, obviously the former being preferred.
Bands You Think Sounded Better Without the use of keyboards. The two that came to mind for me were Opeth and Dark Tranquility.
No way...Opeth's keys add a whole new level of atmosphere to the music & theyr used so subtle that it doesnt take away from the other instruments at all. Dark Tranquillity would not be nearly as unique without the keys. It sets them apart from the other Gothenburg bands
I find that when bands use a lot of keyboards, it's usually not the keyboard work that sucks, but the guitar work. I've listened to Kataxu - Hunger of Elements which has a huge amount of keyboards and at first I tried listening to the guitars like I normally do with metal. This was frustrating as I could barely hear anything over the all the keyboards. Eventually I gave up and didn't pay them any attention and I ended up liking it despite the mundane and inaudible guitar work.
I find that when bands use a lot of keyboards, it's usually not the keyboard work that sucks, but the guitar work. I've listened to Kataxu - Hunger of Elements which has a huge amount of keyboards and at first I tried listening to the guitars like I normally do with metal. This was frustrating as I could barely hear anything over the all the keyboards. Eventually I gave up and didn't pay them any attention and I ended up liking it despite the mundane and inaudible guitar work.

Kataxu is a band whereby the keyboards are the most important instrument. It's what carries the melody and are the primary focus. The point of the guitars is to add a wall of power to the keyboards.
I find that when bands use a lot of keyboards, it's usually not the keyboard work that sucks, but the guitar work. I've listened to Kataxu - Hunger of Elements which has a huge amount of keyboards and at first I tried listening to the guitars like I normally do with metal. This was frustrating as I could barely hear anything over the all the keyboards. Eventually I gave up and didn't pay them any attention and I ended up liking it despite the mundane and inaudible guitar work.

Try their debut, Roots Thunder. It's leagues ahead of their sophomore effort in all aspects to begin with (IE: sounds totally fucking different ;)), and it has some excellent guitar work.
Bands You Think Sounded Better Without the use of keyboards. The two that came to mind for me were Opeth and Dark Tranquility. Both of these bands were already insanely melodic prior to them adding keyboards to their music.

Name some other bands you think the same about.

I'm a firm believer that keyboards do add great melody to the music but these were two bands that just sounded better without them.

I agree 100%. The best albums of DT and Opeth were before they adopted keys. I have no problem with bands using keyboards but I find that often when they do, they neglect the riffs. Ghost Reveries is a classic example.
Someone is going to put my testes in a grinder for this, but I think a lot of Children of Bodom songs would be great w/o the keyboards. If they got rid of them now, they'd sound pretty generic, but a few years ago, when they were just taking their big steps, it would have been interesting...
I agree 100%. The best albums of DT and Opeth were before they adopted keys. I have no problem with bands using keyboards but I find that often when they do, they neglect the riffs. Ghost Reveries is a classic example.

i hardly notice the keys in ghost reveries actually, and i like the spooky atmosphere they give in some parts of songs
The keys in Ghost Reveries are completely pointless because they are just filling the role that the ebow used to fill in Blackwater Park and Still Life. Would The Drapery Falls sound better with keys instead of the ebow in the beginning? Of course not.

The ebow is underutilized in metal, when it just has a better sound than keys, especially when considering bands that do traditional keyboards rather than orchestrated synths. Agalloch used the ebow to great effect on their last album.
Bands You Think Sounded Better Without the use of keyboards. The two that came to mind for me were Opeth and Dark Tranquility. Both of these bands were already insanely melodic prior to them adding keyboards to their music.

And even without keyboards, they still blow goats.

I think I'm going to go listen to some cannibal corpse and smash my head against the wall now.