Ulrich.VS Lombardo

Whos better?

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his personality has plenty of variety

- flaming homosexual
- arrogant asshole
- twat

Alright, so that covers his ability to press the bass pedal, ability to hit the snare, and ability to add a hi-hat in the mix. Now, what about coordination between the three?

Unfortunately, there is no more. I don't Lars Ulrich could ever show positive emotion. :rolleyes:
i did grow up back then and saw what was said about him... You wouldn't know that Lars was always the only band member whose playing was always criticized as being sub par at best on their albums...

Hmm, I don't recall that at all....

Anyway, I voted Lars. He was a huge influence on my personal drumming style.
Hmm, I don't recall that at all....

Anyway, I voted Lars. He was a huge influence on my personal drumming style.

I still have magazines from the 80's that for some reason i just never threw out in a box... but i respect your decision/opinion even if i dont agree because you weren't a jerk about it... :)

It's not an opinion but fact. Lombardo is very good, but so is Lar's old drumming, they play different styles; anyone can play any of Metallica or Slayer's stuff, its not that hard but its the ideas of a drummer that make him great. Lar's drumming and ideas on justice are creative different and great; so is Lombardo's on albums South and Seasons.
I heard the double kick on Dyers Eve is overdubbed.

Wouldnt surprise me at all

Even some of the Kick work on St Anger is quick, ie on St anger itself, but Live he cannot do it at all. Lombardo plays even fasster live and pulls it off perfectly.
Not really, I play drums. I know about drumming, and what it takes to be a good drummer, and also how to play drums in a band to enhance the songs not just to jack myself off. Lars had a completely original and unique style. If he were to play by himself with no other instruments you could easily pick out who he is. Unlike most of metal today. His grooves and style made Metallica's music fucking awesome. Note that I am talking about early Metallica. Theres nothing you can really say to back your argument up. No one seemed to think he sucked prior to them turning gay.

So I say again, you fail.

Exactly, its bigdave's death drummers or whatever that all seem to be processed out of the same drumming school. Deestroying the double kick as fast as you can does not mean you are a fantastic drummer, it takes much more than that.
This is why I hate these arguements its so fucking similiar to the "best guitarist" threads, of course Technically Michael Angelo Batio is the best, but no one says hes the best because "his songwriting is blahblah no melody etc. etc." Now here we go with this thread, and its ONLY technical ability not all encompassing which is retarded.

I bet if I made a "whos the best guitarist thread" that MAB wouldn't even come top 3 when he is hands down the best guitarist based solely on technical skill in the world. These threads are retarded anyways, because it eventually turns into a flame war ala what we have now.

Now, with regards to the thread, I'm not voting because I don't listen to slayer, they are how should you say "Not my cup of tea". That and I always in my opinion found drums to not be as important as the other instruments in the band, solely because they are the background, and I can't stand drum solo's >.>. But, I differ to you people, and please if your going on only technical ability put that in the thread topic so we don't get these lame flame wars :), if you don't then you basically mean whos the best all around drummer (ability/writing/etc.).
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